Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 40


                                             New Huawei Chair Puts Focus on Digital Strategy

                                                                                 in this new digital era, she suggested. “The
                                                                                 time  is  right  to thrive  with  digital.  Digital
                                                                                 technology  is  redefining  productivity  and
                                                                                 driving a shift from quantity to quality, grad-
                                                                                 ually becoming the key for social economic
                                                                                 development.”  Huawei  estimated  that  by
                                                                                 2025, around 55 per cent of global econom-
                                                                                 ic growth will be driven by the digital sector.
                                                                                 Meng cautioned the digital shift is an op-
                                                                                 portunity and a challenge for the industry,
                                                                                 insisting  any  successful  transformation
                                                                                 must be driven by strategy, not technology.
                                                                                 Since data creates value only when it flows
                                                                                 across  an  organization,  she  said  method-
                                                                                 ical  governance  is  vital.  Meng  explained
                                                                                 Huawei  aims  to  provide  customers with
                                                                                 digital  infrastructure  with  “the simplest
                                                                                 possible architecture, the highest possible
                                                                                 quality  that  delivers  the  best  possible  ex-
        Huawei CFO and deputy chair Sabrina Meng   the  reorganization  of resources,  the  re-  perience at the lowest possible costs”. She
        used her first presentation as rotating chair   structuring of the global economy and the   closed by noting Huawei is  strengthening
        to highlight the huge upside of digital trans-  changing competitive landscape. “The prin-  cooperation  with  industry  organizations,
        formation and called for continued cooper-  ciples we have come to know and trust are   opening  up hardware  for integration  and
        ation across value chains, but warned dis-  being disrupted or revised, which will have   making software open source, which brings
        ruptions to resource supplies could impact   a direct impact on industrial innovation and   more partners and developers into the fold
        innovation and economic growth. In a key-  economic  development.”  Industries  are   and drives joint innovation.
        note, Meng explained the digital economy   working to redefine productivity, supported
        is growing into a key driving force behind   by data analytics, and bringing fresh vitality

        Huawei  and  Cloud  Security  Alliance  UAE  Chapter  to  Jointly  Promote
        Industry Standards in Cloud Security and Accelerate UAE Cybersecurity
        Capability and Ecosystem

        The  Cloud Security Alliance  (CSA)  UAE   Alliance UAE Chapter president, said, “It is   celerates its digital transformation journey.”
        Chapter,  a  non-profit  professional  organi-  recognized that collaboration among cloud   H.E. Dr.  Mohamed  Al  Kuwaiti,  said,  “This
        zation  dedicated  to  defining  and  raising   industry stakeholders  to promote cloud   MoU  signing  marks strategic  cooperation
        awareness  of best  practices  to  help  en-  security awareness is key to a safer UAE’s   between both sides to promote UAE cloud
        sure  a  secure  cloud computing environ-  cyberspace. As the world’s leading organi-  security knowledge transfer and education
        ment, and Huawei,  have  signed an  MoU   zation  involved  in  promoting cloud secu-  and nurture a strong cloud security talent
        to promote cloud security awareness, pro-  rity  awareness,  professional  training  and   pool. This will support national cybersecu-
        fessional  training  and  certification.  The   certification, CSA supports this mission by   rity capacity building and proactively align
        MoU was  signed  during  Gulf  Information   continuously providing innovative research   with  the UAE government’s  efforts  in  po-
        Security Expo & Conference (GISEC) Glob-  results and excellent best practices for the   sitioning  UAE as  a  globally  trusted  digital
        al  2023  by  Shivani  Jariwala,  President  of   industry. Our partnership with Huawei will   hub.”  The  world faces an  acute cyberse-
        Cloud Security Alliance  UAE Chapter, and   significantly  expand  our  capabilities  and   curity talent shortage, with 56% of security
        Frank Dai, President of Huawei Cloud Mid-  contribute to the industry’s ability to foster   professionals globally saying that cyberse-
        dle East & Central Asia, on behalf of Hua-  a safer cyberspace for all.” Frank Dai, Presi-  curity staff shortages are putting their or-
        wei and witnessed by H.E Dr. Mohamed Al   dent of Huawei Cloud Middle East & Central   ganizations at risk. It is, therefore, impera-
        Kuwaiti, Head of Cyber Security, UAE Gov-  Asia, said, “Huawei remains committed to   tive that all stakeholders work together to
        ernment.  Shivani  Jariwala,  Cloud Security   supporting UAE’s efforts as the country ac-  enhance  capacity  and  skills  development

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