Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 21


                                                                   ITU Secretary-General  Doreen Bogdan-Martin
                                                                   Doreen  Bogdan-Martin  was  elected  Secretary-
                                                                   General of ITU in September 2022 and took office
                                                                   on 1 January 2023, becoming the first woman to
                                                                   head the 157-year-old organization. The world's
                                                                   largest technical professional organization, IEEE,
                                                                   recently  presented  the  ITU Secretary-General
                                                                   with the 2023 IEEE President's Award.  With over
                                                                   two decades of leadership experience in global
                                                                   telecommunications  policy, Bogdan-Martin  has
                                                                   emphasized the need for digital transformation
                                                                   to achieve economic prosperity, gender equality,
                                                                   and socio-economic inclusion, as well as to build
                                                                   circular economies, reduce climate impact, and
                                                                   save lives.  Prior to becoming ITU Secretary-
                                                                   General,  Bogdan-Martin  served  as  Director of
                                                                   ITU's  Telecommunication Development  Bureau
                                                                   from 2018 through 2022.

                                                                   According to the research, which uses data from ITU's Facts
                                                                   and Figures 2022, an estimated 407 million people in LDCs
                                                                   were using the Internet in 2022. The 720 million people still
                                                                   offline  in  LDCs  represent  27  per  cent  of  the  global  offline
                                                                   population, even though the LDC population accounts for only
                                                                   14 per cent of world population.

                                                                   The study highlights that only 83 per cent of the combined
                     "The  path  to prosperity for                 LDC  population  is  covered  by  a  mobile  broadband  signal

                     the world's least developed                   3G  or above, the  main way to connect to the  Internet  in
                                                                   most developing countries. This compares with 95 per cent
                     countries runs through dig-                   coverage for the overall world population.
                     ital development. The spe-                    The latest edition of Facts and Figures, ITU's annual overview

                     cial edition of  ITU's Facts                  on the state of digital connectivity, found that the cost of using
                     and      Figures      highlights              Internet services inched downward across the globe in 2022.
                                                                   The special ITU analysis produced for LDC5 highlights that
                     the  challenges  confront-                    accessing the Internet is more costly in LDCs than anywhere
                     ing  LDCs  and should help                    else in the world.
                                                                   According to ITU, the challenge of getting communities online
                     strengthen       commitments                  has also become more complex over the last decade than just

                     between  the  least  devel-                   constructing physical connections.
                     oped  countries  and their                    For LDCs, the goal of universal and meaningful connectivity –
                     development partners."                        when a safe, satisfying, enriching, productive and affordable
                                                                   online  experience  is  available  to all  – remains  a  distant
                     Doreen Bogdan-Martin                          prospect. Even many of those who can access the Internet do
                     ITU Secretary-General                         not, because of the barriers ranging from awareness, to skills,
                                                                   to costs.

                                                                   ITU, the  United  Nations  specialized  agency  for information
                                                                   and communication technologies, works around the globe to
                                                                   strengthen collaborative action on universal connectivity and
                                                                   sustainable digital transformation.

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