Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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        sessions, our champions will showcase successful uses and best   jobs. As a key pillar of the UAE’s National Strategy for Industry
        practices of 4IR and also advise on the optimum strategies for   and Advanced Technology, which aims to transform the industrial
        deployment, and will accelerate the technological transformation   sector into a long-term engine of economic growth, UAE Industry
        of  the  national  industrial  sector.  "The  success  of  our  partner-  4.0 aims to increase industrial productivity by 30 percent and add
        based approach  has  seen two  champions  of industry  sign up   AED25 billion to the national GDP. (March 30, 2022)
        for our network during World Government Summit, adding to an
        esteemed panel of Emirati entities including Abu Dhabi National Oil   The  UAE, represented  by the Telecommunications  and Digital
        Company (ADNOC), EDGE and Emirates Global Aluminium. "These   Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), participated in the 2022
        4IR-focused initiatives are laying the groundwork for an enabling   Session  of  the  ITU  Council  at  the  ITU  headquarters  in  Geneva.
        industrial ecosystem that can boost  the capabilities critical to   Majed Sultan al-Mesmar, Director-General of the TDRA, headed
        the  sustainable  socio-economic  development  of  our  country."   the TDRA’s delegation while Saif bin Ghelaita, Executive Director
        Jassem Mohamed Bu Ataba Al Zaabi, Chairman, e&, said, "We are   of the Technology Development Affairs Department at the TDRA,
        constantly identifying new collaborative opportunities and seeking   chaired the council’s meeting, in its session this year. Bin Ghelaita
        strategic partnerships in line with our commitment  to enhance   won the council’s presidency in the elections held during the ITU
        value for all our stakeholders and make a positive difference in the   Plenipotentiary Conference in Dubai in 2018. The ITU Council acts
        community. We are proud to be active contributors to ‘Operation   as  the  union’s  governing  body  in  the  interval  between
        300bn’,  a  significant  strategic  project  that  will  accelerate  the   plenipotentiary conferences.  Its  role  is to consider  broad
        UAE’s reputation as a digital transformation hub and boost the   telecommunication  policy issues to ensure that  the union's
        country’s socio-economic growth. Through our collaboration with   activities, policies and strategies fully respond to today's dynamic,
        the Ministry  of Industry  and Advanced  Technology, businesses   rapidly-changing  telecommunications  environment.  The
        will benefit from the value we are delivering through an engaging   significance of this session comes from it being the first to be held
        business  environment  that  thrives  on  innovation.  "I  would  like   in person after two years of virtual consultative meetings chaired
        to  thank  the UAE  leadership  for their continuous  support  in   by  the  UAE.  Participants  discussed  issues  related  to  the
        encouraging  the adoption  of advanced  technology  in industrial   functioning of the ITU Council and topics related to the budget,
        ecosystems,  progressing  next-generation  connectivity  and   human resources  and  action teams,  where  the results of
        introducing cutting-edge technologies. By joining the Industry 4.0   discussions have been incorporated in the reports submitted to
        Champions Network and leveraging our advanced capabilities in   the presidency  of  the council  by  the team  leaders. The UAE
        5G and IoT, we are collectively accelerating digital transformation   delegation expressed its wish to be renominated for membership
        in the industrial sector and creating a rich SME ecosystem that   in the ITU Council at its forthcoming session in 2023-2026. In that
        will drive continued growth and success for businesses. In signing   context,  al-Mesmar  said,  "The  UAE  officially  joined  the  ITU  in
        up for the Champions 4.0 Network, e& will be joining the likes of   1972, only a few months after its founding. Such early joining was
        ADNOC  (Abu  Dhabi  National  Oil  Company),  EDGE,  Honeywell,   a realistic translation of the wise leaders’ vision of the importance
        Unilever, Ericsson, Schneider Electric, Emirates Global Aluminium,   of  the UAE  as  an  active  member of  key  and  leading global
        Microsoft,  CISCO,  SAP,  AVEVA  and  Siemens.  Launched  as  part   platforms, at the forefront of which is the ITU, for the UAE to affirm
        of Projects of the 50 last year, "UAE Industry 4.0" is designed to   its humanitarian mission and its quest to help the peoples of the
        accelerate the integration of 4IR solutions and applications across   world achieve Sustainable Development Goals. My country has
        the UAE’s industrial sector, enhancing the UAE’s overall industrial   not wavered for once in its noble mission... and to that end has put
        competitiveness, driving down costs, increasing productivity and   words into action."
        efficiency, enhancing quality, improving safety and creating new   (March 29, 2022)

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