Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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        Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) posted on its   million  until  the  end  of  the  last  quarter  2021,  the  TRC  added.
        website the statistical report on Jordan's telecom sector indicators   Mobile subscriptions as a percentage of the total adult population
        for the last  quarter of 2021, related to landline  subscriptions,   reached 102.74 per cent by the end of the fourth quarter, while
        mobile  and  broadband  internet  services.  According  to  the  TRC   mobile subscriptions as a percentage of the population hit 65.7 per
        report, the total  number  of landline  services subscribers  until   cent, the TRC figures revealed. Internet broadband subscriptions
        the end of the 2021 fourth quarter reached a total of 278, 000-   stood at 329,700 fiber subscriptions in the 4th quarter of 2021,
        185K for household purpose, and a total of 93k for commercial   the TRC data showed.
        goals. The total mobile phone subscriptions amounted to 7.275   (March 10, 2022)


        The Nepal Telecommunications  Authority (NTA) has  ordered   for public WiFi service will be subject to necessary actions. To
        ISPs  to  call  a  halt  to  their  price  war  in  the  high  speed  fixed   conduct  the  project,  Nta  has  shortlisted  5  consultant  firms.
        broadband  market.  At  a  meeting  with  representatives of the   However, this is only the first round of the selection procedure.
        Internet Service Providers’ Association of Nepal (ISPAN) held on   In the final phase, Nta will assess consultants’ proposals before
        4 April, the regulator issued a warning about what it described   selecting one for the study. The selected consultants (companies)
        as  ‘arbitrary’  tariffs  and  an  ‘unnecessary’  price  war,  reminding   are – Green Tick Nepal, Malakai Mekhi Technology and Suppliers,
        the companies of their obligation to obtain tariff approval before   Inclusive Everest, Synergy JV, and Tangent Consultant Group and
        launching  any new packages. In an effort  to address service   Suppliers. Now, NTA will seek financial and technical proposals
        providers’ concerns, meanwhile, the regulator agreed to form a   from each company.  Then  the authority will  select  one  in the
        sub-committee to resolve short and long-term issues hindering   last  phase of the selection  procedure. The  company  will  then
        the sector. Following the launch of CG Net’s aggressively priced   investigate  public  WiFi  hotspots’  performance  standards  and
        120Mbps connection in June 2021, rival ISPs responded with their   submit the report  to NTA.  NTA says  that  the consultant  will
        own price cuts and speed  upgrades,  including  the introduction   inspect  the  performance  standards of public  WiFis  as per  the
        of 1Gbps accesses in January of this year. However, customers   WiFi Hotspot Operation Regulation. In addition, those who fail to
        frequently complain their fixed broadband services do not deliver   meet the standards will be subject to necessary actions. Many
        the advertised speeds and are unstable. (April 11, 2022)  service  providers  offer  free  public  WiFi  for  people  benefitting
                                                               them with connectivity on the go. It is a generous offer for the
        Telecom authority NTA is prepared to inspect WiFi performance   public  who gets to browse social media, share posts, pictures,
        and  has  shortlisted  5  consultants.  The  project  will  assess  the   and videos where WiFi is available. But if the available network is
        quality  of  WiFi  performance  in  public  areas  as  offered  by  ISPs   poor, it rather affords a painful experience for many. the telecom
        for  free.  The  assessment  will  comply  with  the  WiFi  Hotspots   authority wants to ensure it is not the case.
        Operations Regulation. And those who fail on NTA’s parameters   (April 3, 2022)


        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority’s (TRA) survey on   the respondents agreed that the branch offices of their service
        the satisfaction of users of fixed telecommunication services has   providers are located in appropriate places. While 74.2 per cent
        revealed that 70 per cent of people in Oman are satisfied with the   of participants said that their service provider takes an active
        fixed-line telecommunications services, while 52 per cent of them   role  in  solving  users’  problems,  86  per  cent  agreed  that  their
        are  not  satisfied  with  the  prices  of  fixed-line  Internet  services.   service provider is always ready to help. As for the results of the
        The  statistics  showed  that  65.4  per  cent  of  the  participants   ‘Satisfaction of Mobile Telecommunication Services Beneficiaries
        agreed that the quality of service – in general – provided by the   survey, 73 per cent of individuals in Oman are satisfied with the
        service  provider  is  always  excellent,  and  that  84.5  per  cent  of   mobile telecommunication services, while 45 per cent of them are

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