Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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                         emerging online  consumer  harms  and encouraging   consumer  protection,  online  safety,  communications
                         innovation  while  balancing  protections.  ACMA  chair   and data  issues intersect. Falk  added the group is  a
                         Nerida O’Loughlin stated the forum is another step in   “targeted and flexible regulatory response” to address
                         “ensuring Australia is at the forefront in the regulation   the  opportunities  and  risks  posed  by  the  expansion
                         of the digital environment”  and will  assist  regulators   of  the  digital  economy.  ACCC  chair  Rod  Sims  noted
                         in working more closely together to ensure platforms   it  observed harm to competition,  consumers  and
                         are up to scratch. In a separate statement, Australian   business  users  in a range  of areas since  it began
                         Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner   examining digital services in 2017.
                         Angelene  Falk  noted  the forum  aims to “build  a ring   (March 11, 2022)
                         of regulatory defence” where privacy, competition,

                         Barbados  has  issued a  third  telecoms license,  as  it   are on course to be introduced this year, he clarified,
                         seeks to break up  the  long-standing  Digicel-Flow   noting: ‘We are learning from the errors and mistakes
                         duopoly. Clifford Bostic, Director of Digital Infrastructure   from all  those  countries  who have implemented
                         at  the Minister of Industry, Innovation, Science  and   number portability, and when we come to the market
        Barbados         Technology (MIST). ‘We have a third service provider   in mid-2022, you will see both mobile as well as fixed
                         in Barbados that  has been  licensed,  and that is  KW   services with number portability.’ While little is known
                         Telecommunications Ltd, and they are also preparing   about KW Telecommunications – or its backers – the
                         for number portability, as well as preparing to launch   newcomer appears set to fill the void left when debt-
                         their  services  in  Barbados.’  Both  mobile  number   wracked  Ozone  Wireless  shut  down  in  August  2019,
                         portability  (MNP)  and  fixed  number  portability  (FNP)   barely two years after its launch. (March 8, 2022) Barbados Today

                         The  Belarusian  Communications  and  Informatization   Belarusian  Cloud  Technologies  (beCloud)  announced
                         Minister,  Konstantin Shulgan,  as  saying that  his   the ramping up of its 5G test zones in the country, as
                         country is ‘ready’ to deploy 5G technology. ‘We’ve been   it entered the second stage of widescale testing ahead
                         making preparations by arranging  test areas where   of the commercial launch of the technology. In a press
        Belarus          every  mobile  carrier  had  a  go  at  5G  technology.  We   release at the time, the company noted that since 2020 it
                         saw  how it  erases boundaries  between  the city  and   has been carrying out trials to explore the possibilities of
                         the village in service provision,’ he is quoted as saying,   5G technology and determine the optimal scenarios for
                         noting that national PTO Beltelecom, MTS Belarus and   its implementation in Belarus. With the tests organized
                         Huawei  have  ‘arranged  a  test  site’  in  Kopyl  District,   into frequencies in the 2500MHz-2570MHz/2620MHz-
                         Minsk Oblast. Shulgan went on to say: ‘This technology   2690MHz  and  3400MHz-3800MHz  bands,  between
                         already allows starting practical work in this direction   May and December 2020 beCloud began verification of
                         because the effect of the 5G technology is dozens of   fifth-generation technologies in Minsk and Gomel.
                         times higher than that of the 4G technology’. In June   (April 13, 2022) News portal BelTA
                         last  year,  Belarus’  national  infrastructure  operator

                         Telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal   Services   and   Telecommunications   (BIPT)   has
                         Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) has allocated   announced  that  five  operators  have  qualified  to
                         exclusive  spectrum  in  the  70GHz/80GHz  frequency   participate in the long-awaited auction of new 5G and
                         bands  to  mobile  network  operators  (MNOs)  Telenet,   existing 2G and 3G spectrum in the 700MHz, 900MHz,
        Belgium          Proximus and Orange Belgium for the use of radio relay   1400MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz  and  the  3600MHz
                         links. Following its decision of 30 March 2021 to grant   frequency bands scheduled for June 2022. The names
                         each of the three MNOs provisional user rights to 1GHz   of the candidates were not disclosed,  and they  will
                         of spectrum in the band, the regulator has now extended   take  part  in  the  auction  anonymously.  The  BIPT  has
                         the  allocation  for  a  further  twelve  months,  until  30   confirmed five candidates have been deemed eligible
                         March 2023. The BIPT notes the 70GHz/80GHz band   to  bid  for  900MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz  frequencies
                         could be essential for future 5G backhaul requirements.   (mostly  used  for  2G,  3G  and  4G  applications),  the
                         (March 31, 2022)               700MHz,  1400MHz  and  3600MHz  bands  (the  first  to
                                                                        be  used  for  5G  services),  the  3600MHz  5G  ‘capacity
                         Telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal   band’ and the 700MHz 5G ‘coverage band’. Only three

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