Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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                         on its own social media channel: “These agreements,   and for the success of the digital transformation and
                         in addition to our investment and network installation,   digital inclusion plan for Ethiopia.” Safaricom beat rival
                         will be a strong foundation for the services that start   MTN to Ethiopia’s first private telecoms license in 2021,
                         this year, for the development  of the telecom  sector,   which is valid for 15 years. (April 17, 2022)

                         France moved to open up more spectrum frequencies   frequencies in the 2.6GHz and 26GHz bands in France.
                         to vertical sectors as part of efforts to accelerate the   Arcep  also  plans  to  simplify  access  to  the  2.6GHz
                         deployment of industrial 5G use cases in the country.   TDD band by creating a new portal for applicants. The
                         The government  and regulator Arcep announced   move to open up more spectrum comes after France
        France           industrial  players can apply to access  frequencies   unveiled a series of measures to boost industrial 5G
                                                                        in the nation. A report published by Philippe Herbert,
                         in the 3.8GHz to 4.0GHz band until the end  of 2022.
                         Businesses in  sectors including  manufacturing,   president of Mission 5G Industrielle, identified a total of
                         logistics, energy, health, smart city and more will each   seven reasons why industrial use is dragging its heels
                         be able to make use of a 100MHz block in this band   in France compared with  other European  countries.
                         for three years to trial different use cases. Arcep stated   These  include  poor  access  to relevant spectrum
                         businesses will have access to a “mature and varied   frequencies,  the  insufficient  availability  of  suitable
                         ecosystem  of terminals and equipment”  because  of   equipment and services, difficulty in finding the right
                         the band’s proximity to the core 5G band (3.4GHz to   skills, and the lack of maturity of French and European
                         3.8GHz). Vertical sectors are already permitted to use   industrial 5G ecosystems. (March 16, 2022)

                         The Federal Network  Agency  (FNA, known locally   with a view to achieving widespread fiber-optic networks
                         as Bundesnetzagentur)  has published  its draft   and the latest mobile  communications standard for
                         Telecommunications   Minimum     Requirements  wherever  people  live,  work  and  travel  by  2030.  The
                         Ordinance  (TKMV-E)  for  public  consultation  with  the   strategy outlines a number of key goals, including the
        Germany          federal states and market participants. The formulation   supply of at least half of all German households and
                         of the regulations follows the entry  into force of the
                                                                        businesses with fiber-to-the-home/building (FTTH/B)
                         amended  Telecommunications  Act on 1  December   networks by the end of 2025 and better mobile phone
                         2021 which outlines the rights of citizens to be supplied   coverage on railway  lines.  It  proposes  that  building
                         with telecoms  services,  taking into account  the   and site permits are simplified, with the possibility of
                         European requirements. In addition to voice services,   an early start of construction (for the erection of mobile
                         this right also includes an internet access service. The   phone  masts) before the building permit  is granted,
                         internet  access  service to be guaranteed  within this   the reduction of  the separation distances  provided
                         framework must meet certain technical requirements,   for cell towers and a permit waiver for mobile towers
                         and the essential parameters are required to be defined   and  modifications  to  existing  cell  towers.  It  aims  to
                         in the form of a statutory order by 1 June 2022. The   increase acceptance  of micro trenching  and above-
                         TKMV-E  contains  stipulations  that  shape  the  right   ground laying techniques, which lay fiber-optic cables
                         to  the provision  of telecoms  services, including  the   faster  and with  less  capacity,  among municipalities
                         parameters  for the minimum download  and upload   and companies  in the construction  industry.  The
                         bandwidths to  be made available, as  well  as  the   Ministry states it is also adapting its funding process
                         maximum  permissible  latency.  The  FNA  has  invited   and making the subsidy approval process faster and
                         suggestions from all market participants to be included   more digital. In order  to track the  implementation  of
                         in the further considerations with a view to drawing up   the gigabit strategy,  the Ministry  is  creating a  new
                         and finalizing the statutory ordinance. The right to be   federal state secretary committee, which will meet at
                         provided with telecoms services also means that the   least four times a year to review the implementation
                         products offered are available at affordable prices, and   of the gigabit strategy and,  where necessary, make
                         the FNA has to publish principles for the affordability of   adjustments and provide assistance. In addition, it is
                         universal services six months after the law comes into   establishing  an institutionalized industry dialogue  in
                         force and after hearing the parties concerned.  order to  improve cooperation  between  the state and
                         (March 29, 2022)               the market in accelerating the expansion. The strategy
                                                                        is currently being formulated and is set to be presented
                         The Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport has   to the Cabinet for final approval before the end of the
                         presented its Gigabit Strategy to industry stakeholders,   summer. (March 21, 2022)

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