Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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                         candidacies  were submitted  and deemed  admissible   spectrum  assignments in the country.  The winning
                         for  the  1400MHz  band,  which  is  intended  to  provide   bidders and details of their spectrum assignments will
                         additional downlink capacity. The format chosen for the   be made public after the auction.
                         tender is a simultaneous multi-stage auction with bids,   (March 22, 2022)
                         which is the same system employed for previous radio

                         Industry  watchdog  the  Bhutan  InfoComm  and  Media   proposed  frequency  plan would see the allocation
                         Authority (BICMA) has published a consultation paper   of  80MHz  for  TD-LTE,  with  10MHz  guard  bands  at
                         on the feasibility of the 2300MHz band for 4G services,   the upper and lower end of the range (i.e. 2300MHz-
                         with a view to improving capacity for mobile broadband   2310MHz  and  2390MHz-2400MHz)  to  minimize
        Bhutan           services. The paper notes that the frequency range is   interference  with Wi-Fi,  Bluetooth  and amateur radio
                         widely used for 4G in other markets and that there is   services. No deadline was stipulated for feedback on
                         a good range  of mobile  devices that are compatible   the proposals.
                         with the band already in circulation in Bhutan. BICMA’s   (March 22, 2022)

                         The government has unveiled plans to invest around   as  schools.  All  villages  with  a  population  of at  least
                         USD12.7  million  to  connect  500  villages  across  the   5,000 will receive a 4G signal as part of the SmartBots
                         country  to  the internet. The funding will  come from   project  being  run  by  the  Botswana  Communications
                         the Universal Access and Service Fund (UASF) which   Regulatory  Authority  (BOCRA),  which  manages  the
        Botswana         uses contributions from telco  revenues  to improve   UASF.
                         connectivity in rural areas and in public buildings, such   (March 24, 2022)

                         The  National Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia   the spectrum could be freed up by reducing the amount
                         Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has disclosed   of spectrum  currently used for point-to-point  radio
                         plans to stage a 45-day public consultation regarding   links and Public Security and Civil Defence (Seguranca
                         the  suitability  of  the  4.9GHz  band  to  support  5G   Publica  e  Defesa  Civil,  PPDR).  The  consultation  is
        Brazil           technology.  In presenting  his analysis  of the band,   expected to take place in the second half of 2022.
                         Anatel official Moises Queiroz Moreira suggested that
                                                                        (April 8, 2022)

                         The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications   originally proposed. As a result, Rogers will contribute
                         Commission (CRTC) has approved Rogers’ acquisition   CAD27.2 million (USD21.7 million) to various initiatives
                         of Shaw’s broadcasting services, subject to a number   and funds, including those that support the production
        Canada           of conditions and modifications. The CRTC has also set   of content  by  Indigenous  producers  and members
                                                                        of  equity-seeking  groups.  Benefits  will  be  directed
                         out several safeguards to ensure that the transaction
                         benefits  Canadians  and  the  Canadian  broadcasting   to  the  Canada  Media  Fund,  the  Independent  Local
                         system. As part of this transaction, Rogers is acquiring   News Fund,  the  Broadcasting  Accessibility  Fund  and
                         16 cable services based in Western Canada, a national   the  Broadcasting  Participation  Fund,  among  others.
                         satellite television service  and other  broadcast and   Rogers must also report annually on its commitments
                         television services. The CRTC’s approval only deals with   to  increase its  support  for local  news, while the
                         the broadcasting elements of the transaction under the   CRTC  is  imposing  safeguards  to  ensure  independent
                         Broadcasting Act. The wider Rogers-Shaw merger deal   programming services are not placed at a disadvantage
                         –  agreed  in  March  2021  –  must  still  gain  approvals   when negotiating  with  Rogers. For instance,  Rogers
                         from Innovation, Science and Economic Development   must  distribute  at  least  45  independent  English  and
                         Canada (ISED) under the Radiocommunication Act and   French-language  services  on  each  of its cable  and
                         the  Competition  Bureau  under  the  Competition  Act.   satellite services.
                         The CRTC has also required Rogers to pay five times   (March 25, 2022)
                         more in benefits to the broadcasting system than it had

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