Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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        not happy with the prices of mobile Internet services in general.   Eng.  Omar  Hamdan  al-Ismaili,  CEO  of  Telecommunications
        The results showed that 50 per cent Omanis and 90 per cent of   Regulatory Authority (TRA) visited Al-Mazunah Free Zone (MFZ) to
        expatriates agree that the service quality in general is excellent.   explore challenges of telecom services facing the investors in the
        The governorates of North Sharqiyah had the highest percentage   free zone. During the visit, al-Ismaili was accompanied by officials
        of dissatisfaction with the prices of mobile Internet services at   from TRA and representatives of telecom service providers in the
        62 per cent, followed by 50 per cent each in the governorates of   Sultanate. The delegation was briefed on the MFZ, the ongoing
        Dhofar and Dhahirah. TRA stated that the two surveys aimed to   and upcoming projects and the status of telecom services in the
        provide statistical  indicators  about the satisfaction of users of   free zone, which are provided by the service providers including
        fixed and mobile telecommunication services which contributes   Omantel, Ooredoo, and Oman Broadband.
        to the formulation of legislative and regulatory frameworks.  (March 14, 2022)
        (April 10, 2022)


        In pursuance to the Policy Directive issued by Federal Government,   Suhaimi Abdul  Malek;  both sides discussed  the challenges
        Pakistan  Mobile  Communications  Limited  (Jazz)  has  signed   associated with regulation of the  Over-the-top (OTT) platforms
        renewed  license  with  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority   in their respective countries. Moreover, a cooperation agreement
        (PTA). The license is renewed for a fee of USD 486.2 Million for   was signed by Chairman PTA and Executive Director, A4AI Ms.
        15 years, out of which 50% of the amount i.e.  Rs. 44.54 Billion   Sonia  Jorge.  Under  this  collaboration,  PTA  will  be  working
        (equivalent to USD 243.1 million) has been deposited by Jazz and   towards bridging the digital divide in Pakistan by making use of
        the remaining amount will be paid in 5 equal annual installments   A4AI’s policy and regulatory good practices and resources. PTA
        along with  applicable markup.  Renewed  license  has  enhanced   and A4AI will conduct a series of gender-responsive workshops
        terms and conditions for coverage and Quality  of Service. The   in Pakistan to promote awareness around gender mainstreaming
        license  renewal  ceremony,  held  at  PTA  today,  was  attended  by   in  ICTs  and  enhance  the  understanding  of  key  stakeholders  to
        Federal Secretary  for IT  &  Telecommunication,  Dr.  Muhammad   tackle the digital gender divide in Pakistan. This agreement will
        Sohail Rajput; Chairman PTA, Maj. General Amir Azeem Bajwa (R);   further strengthen PTA’s commitment to make women an integral
        Member Compliance & Enforcement (PTA), Dr. Khawar Siddique   part of the digital transformation process in Pakistan.
        Khokhar and senior management of PMCL (Jazz), PTA, MOIT &   (March 4, 2022)
        FAB. (April 12, 2022)
                                                               According  to  the  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority,  the
        To curb pornographic/indecent content as defined in Prevention   number of 3G and 4G user in Pakistan increased by 1.52 million
        of  Electronic  Crimes  Act  (PECA  2016)  Section  37,  Pakistan   from  107.68  million  in  December  2021  to  109.72  million  in
        Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has  implemented  Central   January  2022.  (PTA).  Pakistan’s  3G  and  4G  user  base  climbed
        Domain Name System (C-DNS) policy enforcement mechanism   by 1.8 million to 190.51 million at the end of January 2022, up
        to ensure the automated  effective and seamless blocking  of   from 188.71 million at the end of December 2021. The cellular
        unlawful content  in  real-time.  The Authority inaugurated  the   mobile teledensity grew from 85.94 percent in December 2021 to
        mechanism  at  PTA  Headquarters,  Islamabad.  The  C-DNS   86.71 percent in January 2022. By the end of January, the overall
        mechanism was developed with months of joint efforts and close   teledensity had risen from 87.08 percent to 87.85 percent. By the
        coordination with the telecom industry and other stakeholders.   end of January, the monthly penetration of Next Generation Mobile
        (April 12, 2022)                            Services (NGMS) was 49.94 percent, up from 49.04 percent at the
                                                               end of December. Jazz’s overall count for 3G customers remained
        Chairman PTA, Maj. Gen. (R) Amir Azeem Bajwa held meetings   at 6.712 million by end January compared to 6.809 million by end
        with  Director of  ITU  Telecommunication  Development  Bureau   December, marking a fall of 0.097 million. The number of Jazz
        (BDT)  and  Chairman  of  the  Malaysian  Communications  and   4G users increased from 34.750 million at the end of December
        Multimedia  Commission  (MCMC)  at  the  GSMA  Mobile  World   to  35.324  million  at  the  end  of  January.  Zong’s  3G  customers
        Congress  2022  in  Barcelona.  The  Chairman  also  signed  a   fell from 3.650 million at the end of December to 3.561 million at
        cooperation  agreement  with Alliance  for Affordable Internet   the end of January, while 4G users increased from 26.389 million
        (A4AI), World Wide Web Foundation to address digital gender gap   at the end of December to 26.953 million at the end of January.
        in Pakistan. The Chairman briefed the ITU Director, Ms. Doreen   Telenor’s 3G users fell from 4.090 million at the end of December
        Bogdan-Martin  and  Chairman  (MCMC)  about  PTA’s  efforts  on   to 3.994 million at the end of January. By the end of January, the
        digital  inclusion  of  women  and  girls  in  ICTs  through  series  of   number of 4G customers had risen from 19.824 million to 20.385
        agreements with national and international stakeholders. During   million. By the end of January, there were 3.877 million Ufone 3G
        Chairman PTA’s discussion with Chairman (MCMC) Dr. Fadhlullah   users, up from 3.871 million at the end of December. Ufone’s 4G

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