Page 155 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 155


                         by  regulator  Agcom  and the Ministry  of Economic   the extension itself but solely the financial aspect of the
                         Development (MiSE), with the expiry date pushed back   renewal. GO internet, which uses its 3.5GHz spectrum
                         six years to end-2029. Cellcos TIM, Vodafone and Iliad,   to provide wireless broadband services in the Marche,
                         which paid large sums for 5G licenses in an October   Emilia-Romagna and Umbria regions of Italy, says its
                         2018 auction, protested against the planned extension,   case is due to be heard by the CdS in March 2021. A
                         arguing that  companies such as  GO  were  getting   report from Mondo  Mobile  Web sites GO as saying
                         spectrum for free when they had spent billions of euros   that it ‘considers the criterion established  for the
                         on their own licenses. In November 2019 the regional   contributions fair and correct’ and that it is ‘confident
                         administrative  court  (Tribunale  Amministrativo  of the positive outcome of the degree of judgment’.
                         Regionale, TAR) in Lazio found in favor of the cellcos,   (June 3, 2020)
                         although it added that its finding did not rule against

                         Latvian  multi-sector  watchdog  the  Public  Utilities   our daily work. At the same time, it will be a common
                         Commission  (Sabiedrisko  Pakalpojumu  Regulesanas   platform to jointly discuss issues that are relevant to
                         Komisija,  SPRK)  has  approved  regulations  for  the   the SPRK  in the regulated  sectors. This is  especially
                         establishment of an advisory council that will provide   important  at  times  when  significant  changes  in  the
        Latvia           recommendations on the SPRK’s operational strategy   regulation  of sectors  are planned,  which  affect  the
                         and suggest improvements  for sectoral regulation.
                                                                        activities  of  merchants and the  interests  of service
                         The  council  will feature representatives from the   users.’ Separately, meanwhile, the SPRK has extended
                         ministries of the regulated  sectors as  well  from   mobile  provider  Bite  Latvia’s  rights  to  use  a  5MHz
                         non-governmental organizations to  advocate the   block of spectrum at 1900MHz-1905MHz until 28 June
                         interests of consumers  and industry  stakeholders.   2030. The extension is conditional on Bite’s continued
                         According to the regulator, the formation of the body   usage of the frequencies, however. Under the terms of
                         aims  to  foster closer cooperation  and improve  the   the extension, on 1 February every year the cellco must
                         exchange of information and views between the SPRK,   have at least one valid usage permit from the Electronic
                         other supervisory  authorities and  social  partners.   Communications  Office  (Elektroniskie  Sakari,  ESD)  in
                         Commenting  on the move, SPRK  Chairman Rolands   each  Latvian  city with more than 20,000 permanent
                         Irklis was quoted as saying: ‘In our opinion, the idea   residents,  i.e.  the provider must  have at  least one
                         of establishing an advisory council is to be welcomed.   site either active or under construction in each of the
                         We also look forward to the active involvement of our   country’s major towns and cities.
                         partners in receiving suggestions for improvements in   (June 10, 2020)

                          Sector  watchdog  the  Luxembourg  Institute  of   reserve price of EUR300,000 per 10MHz block. Usage
                          Regulation  (Institut  Luxembourgeois  de  Regulation,   rights will be granted for an initial period of 15 years
                          ILR) has announced  that the auction  to allocate   and the  licenses  will  be  renewable at least once  for
                          5G-suitable frequencies in the 700MHz and 3600MHz   a  period  of  five  years.  The  five  qualified  bidders  are
        Luxembourg        bands began on 13 July. The ILR is auctioning 2×30MHz   Eltrona, Luxembourg Online, Orange Luxembourg, Post
                          in the 700MHz  band (703MHz-733MHz/758MHz-
                                                                        Luxembourg and Proximus Luxembourg. The ILR notes
                          788MHz)  with  a  reserve  price  set  at  EUR5.62  million   the auction could take ‘several days’.
                          (USD6.4 million) for each 2×10MHz block, and 330MHz   (June 14, 2020)
                          in the 3600MHz  band (3420MHz-3750MHz)  with  a

                         The Malaysian  Communications  and Multimedia   in Sarawak, especially in 4G connectivity. “There will be
                         Commission (MCMC)  will  work  closely with  the   further discussions after this on how to speed things
                         Sarawak  Multimedia Authority (SMA) to improve 4G   up as well as collaborations between the MCMC and
                         broadband connectivity in the state. Communications   SMA,”  he  told  reporters  after  visiting  and  officiating
        Malaysia         and Multimedia Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said   the  Sarawak  MCMC  office  here.  Also  present  were
                                                                        secretary-general of the Ministry of Communications
                         the MCMC was targeting achieving at least 90 per cent
                         broadband connectivity compared to 71 per cent now.   and  Multimedia, Datuk  Suriani  Ahmad, SMA  board
                         “This was discussed today in a brief meeting with the   member Tan Sri Morshidi Ghani, and MCMC chairman
                         SMA, looking at how to improve MCMC’s achievements   Dr Fadlullah Abdul Malek. (July 12, 2010)

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