Page 150 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 150


                         The  Chadian  government  has  officially  launched  a   optic network connecting Doba in the south to Iriba in
                         new network modernization program, through which it   the east via Koumra, Sarh, Kyabe, Am-timan, Abeche,
                         hopes to improve accessibility to ICT services for the   Amzoer  and  Guereda.  Alongside  the  national  fiber
                         population and to drive socio-economic development,   rollout,  the  government  will  also install an additional
        Chad             local news portal reports. The program   50km of fiber in N’Djamena. Finally, the project will see
                         consists of three major components, the first of which   the construction of 200 new GSM sites nationwide.
                         is the construction of a  national  data center  in the   (July 8, 2020)
                         capital. Second is the construction of 1,200km fiber-

                         The Supreme Court has issued a ruling on spectrum   these  limits, the court’s decision  featured several
                         holding  limits,  broadly in line  with proposals put   additional measures. These include the establishment
                         forward by the Antitrust Tribunal (Tribunal de Defensa   of a temporary national roaming  obligation,  under
                         de la Libre Competencia, TDLC), which had in turn been   which incumbent  cellcos  Entel, Claro and Movistar
        Chile            based on recommendations from sector watchdog the   would provide national roaming for new entrants whilst
                                                                        they  deploy their own networks. This requirement
                         Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria de
                         Telecomunicaciones, Subtel). Diario Financiero writes   would be a general stipulation, independent of specific
                         that the apex court’s ruling allows a provider to hold   spectrum auctions or a particular set of frequencies.
                         a percentage of the available spectrum within ‘macro   Similarly,  the court  mandated that  the incumbents
                         bands’ comprising groupings of spectrum bands. For   must also ensure that their networks are available to
                         the ‘Low’  macro band (sub-1GHz  frequencies),  the   MVNOs, with the requirement that they make and keep
                         court ruled that a provider could hold up to 32% of the   updated a reference offer that is approved by Subtel and
                         available  airwaves  (the  TDLC’s  recommendation  had   the  National Economic  Prosecutor (Fiscalia  Nacional
                         been for 35%), whilst for the ‘Low Middle’ (1GHz-3GHz)   Economica,  FNE).  Further, Subtel and the FNE  must
                         and ‘Middle’ (3GHz-6GHz) macro bands the limit was   monitor the incumbents and are empowered to adjust
                         set at 30%, and holdings in the ‘High’ (mmWave, over   the conditions of  offers and contracts for national
                         24GHz) macro band were capped  at  25%.  Alongside   roaming and for MVNOs. (July 14, 2020)

                         The Ministry  of Information  Technologies  and   broadband  coverage  to some  of the  country’s most
                         Communications  (Ministerio de Tecnologias  de la   remote  rural areas. The  watchdog  notes  that the
                         Informacion  y las  Comunicaciones,  MinTIC) has   measure has been designed to assist ‘the vulnerable,
                         announced  that  President  Ivan  Duque  signed  Decree   low-income  rural  population’  and  will  also  benefit
        Colombia         825 into law on 8 June, substituting certain spectrum   libraries, schools and rural health centers.
                         payment  fees  for  an  obligation  to  extend  mobile   (June 11, 2020)

                         The  Croatian  Postal  &  Electronic  Communications   to  the migration of  TV  broadcasts  from  the 700MHz
                         Agency  (HAKOM)  has  postponed  its  planned  auction   range  and  has  also  impacted  operators’  finances.
                         of 5G-capable frequencies until the first half of 2021.   The regulator has opened a new consultation into the
                         The authority was looking to allocate spectrum in the   allocation of  the above  spectrum  alongside  800MHz
        Croatia          700MHz, 3.6GHz and 26GHz bands by the end of this   and 900MHz frequencies.
                         year but says the COVID-19 outbreak caused a delay   (June 26, 2020)

                         The state-owned telecoms  operator  Empresa de   customers in October last year and the launch of 3G
                         Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (ETECSA) has announced   services in  December  2018.  ETECSA’s  LTE  network,
                         on social media that the number of customers using   which operates  in the 1800MHz  frequency  band, is
                         its  4G  LTE  network  has  exceeded  one  million.  The   available in 52 municipalities across all 15 provinces of
        Cuba             milestone  follows the opening  up of 4G for pre-paid   the island. (July 8, 2020)

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