Page 159 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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the Philippines needed another 50,000 cell towers on capacity equivalent to “category A” contractors.
top of the roughly 18,000 sites that telco incumbents Companies with previous agreements signed with the
PLDT Inc. and Globe Telecom had already built or DICT will be deemed registered under the rules provided
acquired over the past two decades. More towers will they file completed documentary requirements such
decongest their mobile networks, translating to better as business permits and certification that they are not
signal quality and faster internet speeds. Under the a related party to a mobile network operator. Beyond
guidelines, the DICT allowed qualified independent spurring the construction of new infrastructure, a
tower companies to build cell sites to be leased to the tower sharing regime will also aid the rollout of telco
telco companies on the “same or reasonably equivalent startup DITO Telecommunity, which is backed by China
terms, conditions, fees and charges.” The telcos Telecom and Davao-based businessman Dennis A. Uy.
themselves will no longer be barred from building Layers of requirements from local government units
new towers—a contentious proposal that was earlier (LGU) have been a constant drag on the construction of
made by presidential adviser and now Information and new towers. But the DICT reminded the LGUs that they
Communications Technology Undersecretary Ramon should adhere to the timelines indicated by the Ease
Jacinto. However, all passive telecommunications of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service
tower infrastructure that they build after the affectivity Delivery Act of 2018. It said the maximum time for
of guidelines must provide ample space for sharing with processing and approving permits and clearances for
other telcos. All new installations of equipment such as tower construction should be a total of seven working
transmitters and radio systems must also be located days for village governments, seven working days for
in shared towers, although the DICT said it will provide LGUs and seven working days for national government
exceptions for cases with clear “meritorious grounds.” agencies. Still, the telcos say it takes anywhere from
The DICT said independent tower companies must be six to eight months and dozens of permits to build a
registered with the department. The companies should single tower.
also show relevant construction expertise and financial (June 9, 2010)
Juan Carlos Duarte, the Head of Paraguay’s National comments were made after residents in the town of
Telecommunications Commission (Consejo Nacional Villarrica set fire to a cell tower with the intention of
de Telecomunicaciones, Conatel), has clarified that he destroying it, mirroring scenes elsewhere in the world.
will not initiate a tender for 5G mobile licenses until The baseless conspiracy theories linking 5G rollouts
Paraguay at least 2024. The official told: ‘As for 5G technology, to COVID-19 continue to circulate on social media
in the short term there is no possibility that it will be
and have led to widespread vandalism of cell sites in
tendered or awarded to any operator before 2024.’ The Europe and beyond. (June 15, 2020)
The National Communications Authority ( ANACOM) that its unfinished 5G consultation process has
has confirmed that its 5G auction consultation process resumed, as the country’s ‘state of emergency’ is no
has now concluded, generating around 500 responses longer in force. The new consultation deadline has
from industry stakeholders, government agencies and been set at 3 July, after which date the watchdog
Portugal manufacturers. As such, the watchdog has released an hopes to proceed with its delayed sale of 5G-suitable
spectrum. As previously reported by TeleGeography’s
‘indicative calendar’, which foresees the spectrum sale
commencing in October, and the frequencies being CommsUpdate, on 30 December 2019 ANACOM issued
distributed in January or February 2021. As previously its final approval regarding the frequencies it intends
reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, on 30 to distribute for 5G use. As a result, the regulator will
December 2019 ANACOM issued its final approval auction spectrum in the following bands: 700MHz,
regarding the frequencies it intends to distribute for 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2600MHz and 3.6GHz.
5G use. As a result, the regulator will auction spectrum The spectrum sale was originally expected to take
in the following bands: 700MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, place this summer but has been delayed due to the
2100MHz, 2600MHz and 3.6GHz. The spectrum sale COVID-19 pandemic. In other regulatory news, the
was originally expected to take place this summer but mobile termination rate (MTR) in Portugal will drop to
was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. EUR0.0036 per minute from 1 July 2020, down from the
(July 14, 2020) EUR0.0040 per minute rate which has been in effect
since July 2019. Going forward, the fixed termination
The National Communications Authority (Autoridade rate (FTR) will decrease to EUR0.00046 per minute
Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) has confirmed from 1 October 2020. (June 21, 2020)
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