Page 151 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 151


                         The Danish  Energy  Agency  (DEA, or Energistyrelsen)   the country, suitable for the provision of IoT/M2M
                         has approved  the  award of a 16-year nationwide   and wireless broadband  services. TeleGeography’s
                         450MHz spectrum license to Net 1 Denmark (registered   GlobalComms  Database shows that  Net 1  Denmark
                         as Ice Danmark), the current holder of the frequencies.   operates a 4G LTE 450MHz cellular network covering
        Denmark          Last  month the DEA announced an auction  for the   98%  of  the population  and  has  repositioned  itself  as
                         single national license  –  effective from  24  January
                                                                        an  M2M/IoT  provider.  The operator specializes  in
                         2022 to 31 December 2037 – which would have taken   critical communications services  for companies  and
                         place on  23  June 2020,  but as  Net 1  was  the sole   organizations,  providing  M2M  connectivity  on the
                         applicant,  the regulator  offered it  the frequencies  for   national  LTE  network  alongside  LoRaWAN  and  fiber
                         the minimum bid price of just DKK50,000 (USD7,600).   connections. Net 1 Denmark has just been acquired by
                         Terms and conditions of the concession aim to ensure   Cibicom.
                         that the spectrum is used  effectively throughout   (June 17, 2020)

                         The IT  Minister  has  moved to  get the country’s  5G   included a fourth license to allow for the entry of a new
                         spectrum auction back on track after it was cancelled   player. IT minister Raul Siem has now proposed that
                         due  to legal action. In February  2019 telecoms   the auction be expanded to include a fourth permit. A
                         watchdog  the Consumer  Protection  and Technical   statement from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
        Estonia          Regulatory  Authority  (Tarbijakaitse  ja  Tehnilise   Communications  (Majandus  ja  Kommunikatsiooni
                         Jarelevalve Amet, TTJA) announced an auction for three   Ministeerium,  MKM)  cites the Minister as  saying
                         licenses in the 3.6GHz (3410MHz-3800MHz) band for   that this move would  encourage  competition  while
                         future 5G services. A reserve price of EUR1.597 million   also  helping  to  ensure  the  efficient  use  of  frequency
                         (USD1.8 million) was set per license, with 130MHz of   resources. ‘We need  to keep  the market open  to as
                         TDD frequencies  available  under each concession.   many  new developments  and providers as  possible.
                         The  country’s trio of cellcos  – Telia, Elisa  and Tele2   This helps to ensure a sustainable and diverse choice
                         – signaled their intent to take part in the auction, but   of  services  even  in  today’s  significantly  changed
                         the sale was derailed a month later following a legal   economic environment,’ Siem said. Applications for the
                         challenge  by  wireless ISP  Levicom, which said  the   revised auction are open until 18 June.
                         auction  favored the incumbents  and should  have   (June 4, 2020)

                         Ethiopia  said  12  foreign companies  have  submitted   comprising  Vodafone,  Vodacom,  and Safaricom.
                         bids for a  partial  stake in the country’s  giant   The two  non-telecom  companies  are Kandu Global
                         telecommunications monopoly. In a press release, the   Telecommunications  and Electromecha  International
                         Ethiopian Telecommunications Authority (ECA) said it   Projects.  One  company's  bid  submission  was
        Ethiopia         has received complete information and expression of   incomplete, the ECA said. It is not yet clear when the
                         interest from nine international telecom operators and   winners will be announced. As part of a multifarious
                         two  non-telecom  companies.  According to the ECA,   reform program launched  after  Prime  Minister  Abiy
                         the bidders from the telecom sector are Etisalat, Axian,   Ahmed assumed power in 2018, Ethiopia rolled out a
                         MTN, Orange,  Saudi  Telecom  Company, Telkom SA,   privatization drive that amounts to 40% of the country's
                         Liquid Telecom,  Snail Mobile, and Global Partnership   telecom sector.
                         for Ethiopia,  a consortium of telecom  operators   (June 27, 2020)

                         Finland’s Ministry of Transport and Communications   duration of fixed-period mobile subscriptions, from 24
                         (Liikenne-ja   viestintaministerio,   MoTC)   has   months to twelve; the raising of the minimum speed
                         outlined  proposed reforms to  the Act on Electronic   of the universal  service broadband from  2Mbps  to
                         Communications Services, with a view to implementing   5Mbps; and a capping of the rate for calling universal
        Finland          the  requirements  of  the  EU  Directive  on  Audiovisual   access  numbers at  no more than the cost of calling
                                                                        mobile or local fixed line numbers. Further, the MoTC
                         Media Services (the so-called ‘AVMS Directive’) and the
                         European Electronic Communications Code (the EECC,   has also proposed a requirement for operators to notify
                         or the Telecoms Package Directive). In a press release   the Finnish Transport and Communications  Agency
                         regarding the matter, the MoTC noted that among the key   (Liikenne-  ja  viestintavirasto,  Traficom)  six  months
                         proposals being made are: a reduction of the maximum   before they intend to remove or replace legacy networks,

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