Page 158 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 158


                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal   Telenor the obligation to give other companies access
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet, Nkom) has sent two new   to its fixed-wireless broadband infrastructure. The ESA
                         draft decisions related to the regulation  of Telenor   now has one month to comment on the Nkom’s draft
                         Norge to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA). As per   decisions,  following  which  the Norwegian  regulator
        Norway           these proposed decisions, Telenor will be required to   has said it will consider any comments made by that
                                                                        body and take these into account before publishing its
                         maintain wholesale access to its copper network for a
                         further five years from the date of any final ruling, while   final decisions. (July 6, 2020)
                         it will also be compelled to offer wholesale customers
                         access to its fixed-wireless broadband infrastructure.   Norway’s  National  Communications  Authority
                         According to the Nkom, such measures will strengthen   (Nasjonal  kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom)  has
                         competition  with  predictable  framework conditions   launched  a  consultation  on its  plans for allocating
                         for wholesale customers and give end users a greater   frequencies  in the 5G-suitable 2.6GHz  and 3.6GHz
                         choice  of service providers to  choose  from.  With   (3400MHz-3800MHz)  bands,  the  former  of which  is
                         Telenor  having previously announced  its intention  to   currently used by cellcos to offer 4G connectivity. The
                         shutter its copper network by the end of 2022, the Nkom   regulator has set a deadline of 8 September 2020 for
                         has argued that this timeframe is too short. It has also   submissions to its consultation, ahead of which it noted
                         suggested that the telco’s wholesale customers have   that, having already presented  its recommendations
                         not been given sufficient information or the opportunity   to the relevant government  bodies,  the Ministry  of
                         to  safeguard  their interests.  However,  the regulator   Local Government and Modernization (Kommunal- og
                         could allow for a faster shutdown of Telenor’s copper   moderniseringsdepartementet,  KMD) has evaluated
                         network; to that end, the Nkom noted that, should it offer   the suggestions and offered its feedback on the matter.
                         its wholesale customers relevant replacement products   In terms of the  Nkom’s proposals, it is envisaging
                         for copper-based access, it could then draw up a plan   auctioning off spectrum in the 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz in
                         for migration for copper to fiber/mobile infrastructure.   a single auction in 2021. A total of 120MHz is to be
                         It did though stipulate that any such plan would need to   offered in the lower band, broken down as 14 2×5MHz
                         accept input from wholesale customers, while it would   blocks (FDD) and single block of 50MHz (TDD). Further,
                         also require final approval from the Nkom. Meanwhile,   the watchdog  is setting  a starting price  of NOK25
                         with  regards  to  fixed-wireless  broadband,  the  Nkom   million (USD2.6 million) per block and a frequency cap
                         has said that it considers wholesale access as being   of 80MHz. Meanwhile, in the 3.6GHz band the regulator
                         important for competition  in parts of the broadband   has proposed offering a total of 400MHz, broken down
                         market, being  that  such services are increasingly   as 40 blocks of 10MHz, with a frequency cap of 120MHz
                         being  used by customers  in areas where copper-  to be set in this band, and the starting price again set at
                         based services have been  discontinued.  As a  result,   NOK25 million per block.
                         the regulator has confirmed its intention to impose on   (June 23, 2020)

                         The Department of Information and Communications   and Necessity,  granted to  DITO  on 8th  July 2019]
                         Technology (DICT) issued the guidelines for sharing by   provisions.”  “Under  the  current  extension,  DITO  is
                         telcos of cell towers, marking the beginning of a new   given within six months to deliver the commitments for
                         era in the telecommunications sector.  Years in the   the technical audit requirements – that is to provide a
        Philippines      making, the rules on the sharing of tower infrastructure   speed of 27Mbps to cover 37% of the population.”
                         will  res Filipino  newcomer  DITO  has  been  granted
                                                                        (July 5, 2020)
                         an  additional  six  months  to  complete  an  obligatory
                         technical  audit. Earlier this week, the Philippines’   hape the prevailing business models of telcos, which
                         incoming third operator stated that due to the current   build  and use  their  own cell  sites for their  mobile
                         pandemic it expected to miss the 8th July deadline for   networks.  The guidelines  will  also  strengthen  the
                         the audit, which is stipulated by the government under   government’s overall goal to improve service quality by
                         the terms of DITO’s operating  license.  Subsequently,   encouraging the construction of tens of thousands of
                         the Department of Information and Communications   new towers across the Philippines, where vast areas
                         Technology  (DICT) instructed  the  country’s  regulator   remain underserved or unserved. The Inquirer has
                         the National Telecommunications  Commission  (NTC)   seen a copy of the rules, which were issued last May
                         to  extend  DITO’s  timeframe  for  carrying  out  the   29 and signed  by Information  and Communications
                         inspection.  A  statement from  DICT  read: “In  relation   Technology Secretary Gregorio Honasan II. It coincided
                         to the delay caused by the COVID-19 crisis, the NTC   with  the  relaxing  of  strict  lockdown  rules,  which
                         issued a resolution extending the July 2020 technical   confined  millions  of  people  inside  their  homes  and
                         audit under the CPCN [Certificate of Public Convenience   caused internet demand to surge. The DICT had said

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