Page 152 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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                         such  as  copper  infrastructure.  With regards to plans   proposed revisions to the Act are scheduled to enter
                         designed  to bolster  network investment,  the revised   into force on 21 December 2020.
                         Act  will reportedly  provide  for ‘new  network  license   (June 16, 2020)
                         procedures that are applicable to certain frequencies’,
                         although ‘the possibility to continue the validity of the   Finland’s auction of spectrum in the 26GHz band was
                         network licences granted would be added into the Act’.   completed  on the same day  with three companies
                         Additionally, the MoTC has proposed that the updated   walking away with new frequencies. In a press release
                         legislation enable  the renewing  of a  network license   the Ministry  of Transport  and Communications
                         without an open application procedure, and a proposal   (Liikenne-ja viestintaministerio, MoTC) confirmed that
                         designed  to facilitate the  construction  of 5G base   the  sale  process  generated  a  total  of  EUR21  million
                         stations – as  per the updated  Act. Here it  suggests   (USD23.7  million)  for  the  state,  with  all  three  of  the
                         that no administrative license granted by an authority   available blocks – which each comprised 800MHz of
                         would be needed  for the construction  or deployment   spectrum – selling at their starting price (EUR7 million).
                         of a 5G base station in a subregion, ‘unless otherwise   According to the MoTC, the winning bidders were as
                         required by reasons related to either  general  safety   follows: Elisa  Corporation,  which won the 25.1GHz-
                         or the protection  of buildings  or areas with  valuable   25.9GHz block; Telia Finland (25.9GHz-26.7GHz); and
                         architecture, history or nature’. The MoTC’s proposals   DNA  (26.7GHz-27.5GHz).  With  the ministry  saying
                         were presented to Parliament last week (on 11 June),   it  will  now grant these  companies their licenses  ‘in
                         and will now be considered in a preliminary debate in   accordance with  the end results of the auction’,  it
                         a plenary session at a date yet to be announced. After   confirmed  that  26GHz  spectrum  can  be  used  for  the
                         the preliminary debate, the proposal will be referred to   construction of 5G networks from 1 July 2020. All three
                         a committee, which in turn will draft a report to then   concessions are valid until 31 December 2033.
                         be discussed in  a  plenary  session.  As  it  stands, the   (June 9, 2020)

                         French  telecoms  regulator  Arcep moved to get a  5G
                         spectrum  auction delayed by  Covid-19  (coronavirus)   France is aiming to commence a 5G spectrum auction
                         back on track, setting out a  schedule  to begin  the   in September, Junior Economy Minister Agnes Pannier-
                         process in  September.  In  a  statement, the regulator   Runacher  told.  The  official  was  cited  as  saying:  ‘Our
        France           said it plans to run a sale of spectrum in the 3.4GHz   objective,  and  I  have  communicated  it  to  Arcep,  is
                                                                        that the auctions be launched quickly. September is a
                         to 3.8GHz bands between 20 September and the end
                         of the month. This will  be followed  by  a  positioning   reasonable objective… for a launch of 5G before the end
                         auction in October to determine bidder positions in the   of the year.’ As previously reported by TeleGeography’s
                         bands, with licenses due to be issued later that month   CommsUpdate,  Arcep  revealed  in  February  2020
                         or November. The auction was originally scheduled for   that  four companies  submitted applications for the
                         April, but Arcep postponed the process due to Covid-19   allocation of frequencies in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band
                         containment measures. Due to the delay Arcep, lifted   in  mainland  France,  namely  Bouygues  Telecom,  Free
                         obligations  for operators  to launch  5G services in a   Mobile, Orange France and Altice France (previously
                         minimum of  two  cities by  the year-end. In  February,   SFR). In March 2020 however Arcep postponed the 5G
                         Bouygues Telecom, Free Mobile, Orange and SFR took   spectrum  auction  to  an  unspecified  date  due  to  the
                         up  a  fixed-price  offer  covering  50MHz  of  compatible   COVID-19 outbreak. A spokeswoman for the authority
                         spectrum  priced at  €350 million. They are all  due  to   was  quoted as saying that Arcep  ‘won’t be  able to
                         participate in the rescheduled  auction,  with Arcep   maintain the auction planned for mid-April’, and plans
                         aiming to raise €2.2 billion from 11x10MHz blocks.  to ‘organize the frequency  sale for a  later date once
                         (June 12, 2020)            more information is available.’ (June 9, 2020) Le Figaro

                         The Federal Network Agency (FNA, known locally as the   Telefonica  attributed the delay  to  the effects of the
                         Bundesnetzagentur)  has  announced  that  Telefonica   COVID-19  pandemic,  which has  led to  restrictions
                         Deutschland  failed  to  meet  the  first  interim  deadline   in  the supply chain.  According to  TeleGeography’s
                         to fulfil the coverage requirements of the 2015 multi-  GlobalComms  Database, earlier this year the FNA
        Germany          band  spectrum  auction.  Telefonica  failed to cover   completed the review of reports submitted by mobile
                                                                        network operators (MNOs) to determine whether they
                         at least 40% of 7,600 unserved locations by 30 June
                         2020 and faces a penalty of EUR600,000 (USD679,000)   met the coverage requirements of the 2015 spectrum
                         if they are still not covered by the end of this month.   auction. These included an obligation to provide mobile

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