Page 149 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 149


                         The  Communications  Regulatory  Agency  of  Bosnia   indicators,  the application  measures 84  unique  tests
                         and Herzegovina has launched  the RAK "NetTest"   based on which it assesses the quality and satisfaction
                         application,  which enables  end  users to examine the   with the internet access service. The results from the
        Bosnia and       quality of their broadband internet access service. In   measurements will serve as evidence when complaints
                         addition to the basic speed, ping download and upload
                                                                        come in about a service. (July 12, 2020)

                         Leonardo  Euler,  the  President  of  Brazil’s  National   700MHz spectrum, and Euler reiterated the possibility
                         Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia  Nacional  de   of refarming 4G frequencies to launch first-phase 5G
                         Telecomunicacoes, Anatel), has stated that the country   networks under  new protocols  established  by  Anatel
                         will not hold a 5G mobile license auction until sometime   for multi-technology usage of pre-existing spectrum,
        Brazil           in the first half of next year. In a conference call, Euler   although  he also  acknowledged  that  the 5G device
                         said: ‘We are working [to carry out the auction] in the   ecosystem  remains underdeveloped  in the country.
                         first semester, at best, in the first quarter [of 2021].’ He   He stated: ‘So the beginning of 5G in Brazil does not
                         noted that a crucial 3.5GHz testing program focused on   depend only on the [upcoming 5G auction], companies
                         the coexistence of mobile broadband and TV services   already have the  necessary [spectrum  resources],
                         in the band has been  delayed due  to the COVID-19   whether in the 700MHz, 1800MHz or 2.1GHz [bands].
                         pandemic,  ruling out any  possibility of meeting  an   Evidently, there is still a lack in the ecosystem in terms
                         original target of holding  the auction  in 2020.  The   of [user]  terminals in the range. And  the network’s
                         5G  auction  is  expected  to  include  frequencies  in   development  itself  depends  on  the  existence  of  this
                         the 700MHz,  2.3GHz,  3.5GHz  and  26GHz  mmWave   equipment.’
                         bands.  Brazilian  operators  already  possess  some   (June 26, 2020) Tele Time

                         The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC)   could  reallocate it  through  a  competitive  bidding
                         has withdrawn the operating license and spectrum of   process  in the future. According  to TeleGeography’s
                         Cambodia  Advance  Communications  (CadComms),   GlobalComms Database, CadComms was licensed by
                         which  provided  services under the brand  name qb.   the MPTC in 2006 and launched a  W-CDMA/HSDPA
        Cambodia         Khmer Times cites Im Vutha, a senior official from the   network in March 2008  using 2×10MHz  of spectrum
                         Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC), as   in the 2100MHz band. In order to expand its coverage,
                         saying that the license was revoked because the firm no   the operator went on to sign a network infrastructure
                         longer had any ‘business activities’, despite indications   sharing agreement with CamGSM (Cellcard).
                         that it planned to deploy a 4G network. He added that   (June 24, 2020)
                         the government  has taken back the spectrum  and

                         Innovation, Science & Economic Development Canada   for spectrum auctions  if  necessary.’  In  a  parallel
                         (ISED) has announced a six-month postponement to   process,  a  deadline of 6 October 2020 has been  set
                         the country’s 3500MHz  5G spectrum  auction,  which   for  applications  to  transfer  existing  fixed-wireless
                         will  now start on 15 June  2021, with a  deadline  for   licenses in the 3500MHz band to flexible licenses, or
        Canada           receipt  of  applications  and  pre-auction  financial   to return licenses to ISED for inclusion in the upcoming

                         deposits set for 6 April. Minister Navdeep Bains said   auction.  The  final  lists  of  3500MHz  licenses  being
                         in a statement on Friday that the delay will ‘allow the   auctioned/retained will be published by mid-February
                         telecommunications  industry  to  maintain  its  focus   2021. New 3500MHz licenses will be valid for 20 years
                         on providing  essential services to Canadians during   (see link below for full 3500MHz licensing conditions).
                         the COVID-19 pandemic’ while ISED ‘will continue  to   In  addition,  Bains  announced  that  a  consultation  on
                         monitor COVID-19’s  impact on the telecom  industry   prospects for 5G licensing in the 3800MHz band would
                         and remains open to further changes to the timelines   be launched in August 2020. (June 8, 2020)

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