Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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                          Cyber Safety and the Arts, said: ‘[The] Government has   it is seeking declarations, penalties and costs.
                          a  clear reform pathway  to modernize our spectrum   (June 23, 2020)
                          management framework, which will deliver benefits to
                          the telecommunications industry  by  cutting  red tape   A  consultation  has  been  launched  by  the Australian
                          …  A  more  flexible  framework  that  provides  a  longer-  Competition  and Consumer  Commission (ACCC)
                          term investment horizon will  allow  industry  to better   related  to the Telecommunications  Legislation
                          adapt to future innovations and changing demand for   Amendment  (Competition  and Consumer)  Act 2020
                          spectrum,  including  the rollout  of future generation   (the ‘TLA Act’),  which  received  Royal Assent  on  25
                          mobile technology.’ (June 24, 2020)  May 2020. In a statement, the ACCC noted that among
                                                                        other provisions,  the new legislation amends the
                          Federal  Court proceedings  have been  instituted   Telecommunications  Act 1997  to enable  superfast
                          against broadband providers Dodo and iPrimus, both   fixed  line  broadband  networks  serving  residential
                          part  of Vocus Group,  by  the Australian Competition   customers  to operate  on a  functionally  separated
                          and Consumer  Commission  (ACCC), with  the agency   basis,  rather than a  structurally separated basis.
                          contending  that the pair made ‘false’ or ‘misleading’   Specifically,  the  TLA  Act  inserts  a  process  in  to  the
                          claims  about the broadband  speeds  their customers   1997 law under which network operators will be able to
                          could  achieve during  busy evening  hours  over the   voluntarily submit functional separation undertakings
                          National  Broadband  Network.  In  a  press  release   to the regulator for approval, with the intention that this
                          regarding the matter, ACCC alleges that between March   will provide greater commercial flexibility for superfast
                          2018 and April 2019 Dodo and iPrimus made false or   network operators  and promote  infrastructure-based
                          misleading claims on their websites about the speeds   competition.  In  addition,  the ACCC is  empowered
                          consumers  could  expect  if  they  signed  up  to  their   to determine  a  standard functional  separation
                          NBN-based  broadband  services.  Commenting,  ACCC   undertaking – known as a ‘deemed’ undertaking – that
                          chairman Rod Sims said: ‘We believe many of Dodo   an eligible  corporation  can choose  to be  bound  by,
                          and iPrimus’ NBN customers would have been unable   instead of submitting its  own customized voluntary
                          to regularly receive the advertised speeds during the   undertaking.  With  the new laws  scheduled  to come
                          busy evening period of between 7pm–11pm … ACCC   into effect on 26 August 2020, the ACCC is now seeking
                          will argue that Dodo and iPrimus used a fundamentally   views from stakeholders on: a draft instrument for the
                          flawed  testing methodology,  developed  by  Vocus,   exemption  for  small  networks,  including  the  class
                          which was not a reasonable basis for their advertising   of persons  to  whom it  should  apply  and any  other
                          claims  about certain  typical  evening  speeds.’ With   conditions  and  limitations;  the  nature  and  extent  of
                          the regulator  saying that  since  February  2019, its   potential functional separation provisions for deemed
                          Measuring  Broadband  Australia  (MBA)  program  has   undertakings; and the classes of corporations to which
                          shown that Dodo and iPrimus’ broadband speeds have   deemed undertakings should apply. A deadline of 17
                          ‘consistently performed towards the lower end of the   July 2020 has been set for submissions.
                          nine NBN providers measured and reported on’, it said   (June 5, 2020)

                          Following  a  public  consultation,  Belgian  telecoms   responses,  many  relating  to  the  perceived  health  risks
                          regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal  Services  and   posed  by  5G  radiation.  It  stressed,  however,  that  the
                          Telecommunications  (BIPT)  has  granted  temporary   protection of public health is not within its remit and that
                          user  rights  to  spectrum  in  the  3.6GHz-3.8GHz  band   operators will need to comply with all existing regional
        Belgium           to  five  operators,  namely  Telenet,  Proximus,  Orange   regulations  governing  radiation  standards  and  antenna
                          Belgium,  Cegeka  and  Entropia.  The  rights  will  enable   installation. (July 16, 2020)
                          the operators to proceed with 5G deployments using
                          the band and will remain valid until a traditional auction   Belgian  telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for
                          procedure  can  be  organised  for  the  3.4GHz-3.8GHz   Postal  Services  and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  has
                          band. The BIPT has allocated the frequencies as follows:   extended  Citymesh’s  user  rights  in  the  3.5GHz  band  to
                          Telenet,  3600MHz-3640MHz;  Entropia,  3640MHz-  the municipalities of Kortrijk and Zaventem. The BIPT had
                          3680MHz; Orange Belgium, 3680MHz-3720MHz; Cegeka,   initially refused the company’s application in 2019, as it
                          3720MHz-3760MHz; and Proximus, 3760MHz-3800MHz.   was preparing to award spectrum in the 3.4GHz-3.5GHz
                          As part of the European rollout of 5G technology, member   band for 5G. However, the regulator has since decided to
                          states are required to provide frequencies in the 3.4GHz-  issue preliminary 5G licenses using frequencies in the
                          3.8GHz band by 31 December 2020. With the federal and   3.6GHz-3.8GHz band. Citymesh, which is mainly active in
                          regional governments unable to agree how to distribute   the B2B sector, has user rights for 2×20MHz in the 3.5GHz
                          the  sale  proceeds,  the  BIPT  decided  to  proceed  with   band (3430MHz-3450MHz/3530MHz-3550MHz).
                          a provisional arrangement. The regulator noted that a   (June 26, 2020)
                          public consultation held in April elicited several thousand
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