Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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of Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA). Despite the radio communication frequencies and radio navigation is
current challenging circumstances, the Committee has continued ensured through provisions in the Radio Regulations (RR) of
to meet and work towards streamlining frequency spectrum- the International Telecommunication Union. Accordingly, it is
related services, developing policies for planning and distributing necessary for governments to issue regulations on the use and
resources to better serve the Government Action Plan. Al Qaed interoperability of marine equipment. The two documents will
welcomed the committee members and advised to make use of offer a clear and transparent guide for radio communication sector
the current challenges to be able to turn them into opportunities. manufacturers and investors, with guidelines aimed at regulating
Organized frequency distributions allow for greater flexibility in the sector and supporting the national economy. The committee
assignment of frequencies, keeping pace with rapid development also discussed national telecommunications services regulatory
within the sector and meeting current and future needs. The frameworks and related legislation, in addition to machine-to-
Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the first Arab countries to adopt a machine applications and Internet of Things – IoT within the
four-year plan in line with global and local requirements. National frequency bands used for terrestrial and satellite services, noting
plans such as these contain essential spectrum management the importance of studying emerging technologies and working on
guidelines required for the sector to thrive. The committee a national strategy that contributes to the creation of a regulatory
also approved new maritime radio service regulations better framework that meets the requirements of all stakeholders.
aligned with recent global radio communications and maritime (June 15, 2020)
radio navigation developments. The protection of maritime
The telecoms regulator stepped up a campaign against BTRC set a higher minimum price on calls for Grameenphone
what it believes to be a dominant position held by operator customers and raised the interconnection charge above the level
Grameenphone, imposing fresh restrictions requiring it to seek set for other operators. But The Daily Star stated the regulator held
approval before introducing new voice and data plans. The off enforcing this due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Last month, Grameenphone paid the balance of BDT20 billion
must approve any new tariff packages and wants to validate ($235.5 million) in alleged unpaid taxes after an appeals court
all existing plans by 31 August, the newspaper wrote. The new upheld audit claim by BTRC. In February it paid BDT10 billion. The
requirements come more than a year after BTRC classified operator disputes the validity of the audit and claim, and plans
Grameenphone as a significant market power. Grameenphone to continue to fight the penalty in court. In November 2019, the
had a 46 per cent market share at end-March with 75.3 million country’s Supreme Court ordered Grameenphone to make the
mobile connections, GSMA Intelligence data showed. In 2019, first payment in the case. (June 23, 2020) The Daily Star
The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) is considering ICT sector in Egypt, by virtue of the Law No. (10) of 2003. Its
issuing a new regulatory framework for licensing the mobile mandate is to create an enabling environment for competition
towers construction and lease. The new framework aims to among telecommunication operators, and ensure providing
stimulate investment in the field of establishing and leasing quality and effective telecommunication services, nationwide,
mobile towers, and operating in the Egyptian ICT market where according to innovative and fair regulations.
four mobile operators compete to provide mobile services, (June 17, 2020)
including 3G and 4G mobile networks, to around 90 million users.
The Egyptian ICT market is one of the largest ICT markets in the Egypt has appointed a prominent telecoms industry executive
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, representing 4% of as its Assistant Minister for Global Information Infrastructure
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It has a number of potentials, – charged with implementing a policy outlined at a Capacity
including human capital, infrastructure and assets that qualify it conference last year. Mohamed Nasr Eldin Mohamed Ali was
for moving deeper into the digital age. It is, also, a very dynamic Head of Subsea Cable Infrastructure at PCCW Global until last
market; it achieves sustainable and rapid growth rates, in terms of month, and will now work for Egypt’s Ministry of Communications
the demand for different ICT services, in general, and broadband and Information Technology (MCIT). He will work on maximizing
services in particular. It is worth mentioning that NTRA is the Egypt’s returns from global infrastructure and investments in the
national authority responsible for managing and regulating the telecoms companies operating in the country, said the MCIT. Nasr
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