Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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Mrs. Jinane Karam, Spectrum Expert at the TRA and Vice- duties. Employee representatives also highlighted the need to
Rapporteur for ITU-D SG1 Q2/1, participated in the ITU Webinar establish a communication channel between the Authority and
on “Broadcasting services for COVID-19 response”, where she the Ministry while respecting the institutional existence of the
exposed a presentation detailing the role of radio and television TRA and its scope of work. The Minister ended the meeting by
during the COVID 19 pandemic. The webinar focused on the expressing his willingness to cooperate with the TRA and stressed
role of broadcasting services and applications in response to on the fact that he has an open door policy. (June 26, 2020)
the global COVID-19 pandemic. Broadcasting is undergoing
countless and rapid transformations and numerous new services The Telecoms Minister Talal Hawat declared in a televised news
and applications are being implemented in this changing conference that tender documents for international companies
environment. (July 7, 2020) seeking to bid for the management of Lebanon’s two state-
owned mobile networks will be complete within three months.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Employees Hawat added: ‘After completing the tender [documentation], I
Syndicate met with the Minister of Telecommunications HE will present it to Cabinet and the tender department to take the
Eng. Talal Hawat at the MoT premises on 24/6/2020. The main necessary measures in order to launch the tender.’ In early May
objectives and discussion points on the meeting’s agenda related the Cabinet authorized the Ministry of Telecommunications
to the activation of Telecom Law 431 and the TRA prerogatives (MoT) to temporarily take responsibility for the two cellular
and responsibilities particularly with regard to the spectrum network operators – Touch and Alfa, currently managed by
management and licensing. During the meeting, Minister Hawat Kuwait’s Zain Group and Egypt’s Orascom Investment Holding
stressed on his intention to enact and implement Law 431 soon (OIH), respectively – at which point Hawat indicated that the
after its revision and amendment. Minister Hawat is convinced contract tender would be ready by August, although the minister’s
that the TRA should practice its prerogatives and relies on latest statement suggests this initial declaration was a month
the Authority to help him enact the Law through constructive premature. Zain and OIH had been informed at the end of 2019
cooperation. It was suggested to hold a joint workshop between that that their rolling short-term contract extensions would not
both institutions to discuss Law 431 and the amendments to be continue, although both companies are expected to be permitted
included. The syndicate expressed the willingness of the TRA to to bid for new contracts.
cooperate with the Ministry and help the Minister succeed in his (June 8, 2020) The Daily Star
The World Bank announced a $500 million funding to help Morocco firms. “Access to finance through digital financial services, credit,
speed up its digital transformation and enhance its economic and social protection programs, and insurance will allow individuals
social inclusion. The WB financial support will serve to improve and households to start and expand businesses, invest in
financial inclusion and access to more competitive digital education or health, manage risks, and improve the overall quality
infrastructure and services for businesses and individuals. It also of their lives,” said Djibrilla Issa, Lead Financial sector specialist
aims to spur private sector growth through access to finance and Task team leader. In addition to promoting microfinance,
for startups and youth-led enterprises. “The Covid-19 outbreak the DPF will support access to foreign currency for startups.
demonstrated the paramount importance of digitalization as a “This is a critical measure for innovative Moroccan startups that
means to ensure business continuity and promote innovation”, said are striving to compete locally and globally. It will allow them
Jesko Hentschel, World Bank Maghreb Country Director. During to import digital services that are not available in Morocco in
this global health crisis, “Morocco’s digital transition accelerated order to enhance their product and service offerings and boost
rapidly, showing the country’s capacity for a greater scale up. their competitiveness,” said Dalia Al Kadi, Senior Economist
Today, more than ever, digitalization opens new opportunities and co-Task team leader. Digital connectivity, the backbone
for Morocco, ranging from more fluid economic transactions to of the current reform momentum, requires the availability of
better services to citizens and businesses,” added Mr. Hentschel. a reliable, safe, and competitive digital infrastructure. The WB
The WB funding, released within the frame of its Digital Inclusion program will support key policy reforms to promote competition
Development Policy Financing (DPF) program, will support and universal access in the telecommunication and broadband
Moroccan Govt’s efforts to digitalize key services for individuals sector, providing opportunities for the digital transformation
and businesses and strengthen the resilience of households and of enterprises and administrations. It also backs the “Intelaka”
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