Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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        while residential customers are still waiting for the feature. Bhatta   speed was  measured at  17.80  mbps compared to  the global
        said  that  70  percent of the problems occur  between  the router   average speed of 41.09 mbps. Since the government imposed a
        and connected  device due  to several factors such  as  incorrect   nationwide lockdown, internet utilization across the country has
        placement  of the router,  resetting  the device time and again,   jumped 25 percent. With more people staying and working from
        quality of router and connecting more devices. In case of issues,   home, ISPs ran out of bandwidth quickly, resulting in slow internet
        internet service providers can provide the information of service   and a spike in complaints. According to the association, internet
        used,  he  said.  Though  information on real-time bandwidth  can   companies  have started bolstering  their networks by  adding
        be obtained, internet utilization is another thing, with no system   additional international bandwidth capacity.  Internet utilization
        in  place  to  access  it.  Except  for  a  few  apps,  customers  do  not   after the lockdown has reached 500 gigabytes, an increase of 30-
        have the option  to check  the speed  and information  regarding   40 percent. Internet service providers who used to manage their
        their  internet  connection.  If  customers  find  that  their  internet   network load by dividing it during peak hours and working hours
        speed is not according to the agreement, they can complain to   are struggling to provide stable internet during the lockdown as
        their service provider. Meanwhile, the global speed test report of   users are using the internet 24 hours, with greater usage during
        Ookla in May ranked Nepal 119th, down one position compared to   the daytime.
        March in fixed broadband, with a download speed of 18.58 mbps   (June 20, 2020)
        against the global average speed of 76.94 mbps. Nepal’s upload


        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) confirmed   at 6,801, whereas ISDN channels rose by 3.8% to 50,364. The total
        that  it  studied all  the observations  it  had received from  the   number of mobile subscriptions fell by 5.5% to 6.23 million until
        governors  and  members  of  Majlis  Ash’shura  and  citizens  with   the end of April 2020, compared to 6.59 million subscriptions in
        regard to the initial list of rural villages in complementation of the   April 2019.  Out of this, postpaid  mobile  increased  by 11.7% to
        efforts aimed at connecting the internet and telecom services as   816,585 from 731,265 subscribers in April 2019. Pre-paid mobile
        part of the 500 villages initiative. The first vice-chairman of the   connections fell by 7.6% to 5.41 million, compared to 5.86 million
        TRA and head of the team overseeing the project stated that a   in April 2019.  Also, the number  of resellers  rose 45.9% to 1.08
        new list has been prepared which includes 598 villages with an   million until the end of April 2020.
        increase to the previously announced figure. He added that the   (June 27, 2020)
        TRA is  currently working with the Ministry  of Technology  and
        Communications and the Ministry of Finance to put the finishing   In the  course  of its efforts to build  a collaboration  with
        touches  to an agreement  that will  be  signed  with the Oman   large IT companies  to further enhance  the information  and
        Broadband Company which is executing the project.      communications  technology  field  in  the  Sultanate,  the  Ministry
        (June 27, 2020)                        of Technology  and Communications (MTC) has  signed  a
                                                               Memorandum  of Cooperation  with Cisco  International  Limited.
        The  Sultanate’s  total  internet  subscriptions,  excluding  active   The MoC was signed digitally by Dr. Salim bin Sultan Al Ruzaiqi,
        mobile subscriptions rose by 11.2% to touch 491,985 until the end   CEO of MTC and Ali bin Mohsen Al Lawati, GM Oman and Yaman,
        of April 2020, compared to 442,572 in April 2019. Fixed broadband   Cisco. As  stated  by  the MoC, MTC  and Cisco will  implement
        internet subscriptions, which have more than 256 kilobytes speed   capacity building  and training workshops,  hackathons and
        increased  by 11.3% to stood  at  489,961 until the  end  of April   improve camps in ICT latest trends and solutions developed by
        2020, according to the latest data released by National Centre for   Cisco. Cisco will also help MTC to inspire potential startup ideas
        Statistics and Information (NCSI). The number of active mobile   and successful  solutions to improve and increase through  the
        broadband subscriptions inclined by 27.1% to 5.25 million until the   Cisco platform and featuring them in Cisco innovation centers. In
        end of April 2020, compared to 4.13 million subscriptions in April   addition, Cisco will offer access to its sandbox environment (Cisco
        2019. Total fixed telephone lines subscriptions rose by 2.7% to   DevNet)  for  testing  and  creating  new  solutions.  Both  MTC  and
        588,925 until the end of April 2020, against 573,188 subscriptions   Cisco will control design thinking framework sessions on artificial
        in April 2019. According to the NCSI report, the number of voice-  intelligence and the internet of things projects to ease solutions
        over-internet protocol (VoIP) lines surged by 13.6% to 215,873,   development.  This MoC will  also promote  further  collaboration
        compared to 190,019 subscriptions in April 2019. Further, analogue   between MTC and Cisco to enable knowledge sharing and best
        fixed connections fell 3.6% to 314,314 from 326,184 subscriptions   practices adoption by government entities and SMEs.
        in April 2019. Public payphone connections remained unchanged   (June 15, 2020)

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