Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        time  given  the  anticipated  traffic  on  his
        route. Just as he is about to set out, a ride
        share option pops-up on his hospital app.
        Instead,  Fahad  chooses  to  drive  himself.
        Navigation through maps, helps him take
        the fastest route.

        Upon  arrival  at  the  hospital,  he  finds  a
        parking  space  with  ease  thanks  to  the
        smart  parking  feature  that  has  identified
        and  reserved  an  available  slot  near  the
        out-patient  clinic,,  saving  him  time  and
        effort,  especially  in  the  searing  heat.  He
        opts to go without a digital valet service,
        available  for  certain  cases  such  as  a
        physical disability that would send a porter
        to the door ready to receive the patient.

        As  Fahad  enters  the  building,  grateful  to
        be in the cool environment, a self-service
        kiosk allows him to automatically check in   UAE.                        placing  laboratory  and  pharmacy  orders,
        through facial recognition and an Emirates                               billing,  and  electronic  claims.  Necessary
        ID reader (similar to checking in for a flight   Improving outcomes with cloud-based   regulatory  and  security  compliances,
        at  the  airport),  meaning  he  doesn’t  have   solutions               such  as  two-layer  authentication,  role
        to  queue.  While  at  the  kiosk  he  quickly   Effectiveness,  Patient  Safety  and  People   and privilege-based access, and localised
        updates  his  profile  with  his  new  email   Centricity  are  key  elements  of  Quality  of   code catalogues specific to each Emirate
        address and makes a quick payment.   Care. Globally, Health Systems have been   are also built-in.
                                             trying  to  meet  quality  expectations  by
        While  at  the  diabetes  clinic  he  receives   introducing  transformation  that  makes   The capabilities to support modern inter-
        an estimated wait time on his mobile app   care  more  integrated,  participatory,  and   operability  standards  such  as  HL7,  FHIR
        since  the  queue  management  process  is   personalised.  Some  of  the  challenges  in   and  CDA  allows  the  EMR  platform  to
        also  handled  digitally.  Upon  seeing  the   rapid transformation were made apparent   integrate with Health Information Exchange
        consultant he is advised for a blood test,   by  COVID-19,  where  Etisalat  saw  digital   systems  of  different  Emirates  and
        an ultrasound and given a prescription.  technologies come to the rescue. However,   communicate data in real-time to improve
                                             significant  work  still  lies  ahead,  and  are   patient outcomes. It is not about providing
        Fahad  turns  to  his  mobile  app  again  for   glad  that  this  conversation  has  taken   a  software  system  but  build  necessary
        guidance.  Using  indoor  navigation,  the   centre stage like never before.  services around it making adoption easier
        app  directs  him  to  the  precise  location,                           so that healthcare providers don’t have to
        first to the ultrasound, since there is little   Etisalat  Digital  is  playing  an  increasingly   think about maintenance and can focus on
        wait time as determined by the intelligent   important  role  in  realising  health  sector   managing their practice and providing best
        system,  before  taking  him  to  the  lab.   transformation using technology enablers   possible care to their patients.
        Meanwhile,  he is notified by the app that   creating  value  in  both  public  and  private
        his prescription is ready for collection from   sector.  Most  recently,  the  roll  out  of  the   Etisalat Digital’s vision behind the Cloud-
        the pharmacy, saving him more time.  new  cloud  based  digital  platform,  an   EMR platform is twofold: firstly, to support
                                             Electronic  Medical  Record  (EMR)  system,   government  initiatives  like  Malaffi  (Abu
        A day later, Fahad receives his test results   addresses  critical barriers  faced  by   Dhabi  Health  Information  Exchange)
        through  the  hospital  app  and  is  able  to   medical  practitioners  and  clinics  in  the   and  NABIDH  (Network  and  Analysis
        discuss results with his doctor via video-  private  sector  to  transition  from  paper   Backbone  for  Integrated  Dubai  Health  )
        consultation feature.                based to electronic record keeping.  with  connecting  healthcare  providers
                                                                                 and  creating  a  truly  unified  database  of
        He  is  furthermore  reassured  that  his   Etisalat  Digital’s  Cloud-EMR,  a  part  of  a   patient records; secondly to enable digital
        medical data is safe: Etisalat Digital takes   suite of solutions called Business Edge for   transformation  of  medical  practices,
        security  very  seriously.  All  data  through   Healthcare, provides essential digital tools   helping them find cost efficiencies in day-
        the  application  is  end-to-end  encrypted,   for  health  practitioners  to  manage  their   to-day operations and elevating the quality
        including in transit, while Etisalat Digital’s   day-to-day workflow. In addition to patient   of care to their patients.
        solutions  are  hosted  securely  on  its  own   record keeping, it includes tools for patient
        cloud  platforms  and  data  centers  within   scheduling and appointment management,

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