Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 87



        All Set for Growth: Fintech on Brink of Rapid Expansion

                                      The  fintech  industry  in  the  Gulf  Cooperation   to  introduce  regulations  to  facilitate  market
                                      Council  (GCC)  region  looks  well  placed  to   development.  Saudi  Arabia,  for  example,
                                      enjoy a period of substantial growth. Despite   aims to reach an e-payment target of 70% by
                                      widespread  smartphone  penetration,  the   2030. The government has brought in several
                                      unbanked  population  is  still  relatively  high.   measures to make this target achievable, most
                                      Regional  governments  have  spotted  the   notably a national QR code for payments in the
                                      opportunity  and  have  introduced  regulation   country. In 2019, Saudi Payments (representing
                                      to  advance  the  fintech  market.  International   the   regulator,   Saudi   Arabia   Monetary
                                      companies have also taken note, as the recent   Authority (SAMA)), signed a memorandum of
                                      minority stake purchase in stc pay by Western   understanding to this effect with twelve parties
                                      Union  demonstrates.  This  news  is  likely  to   (nine banks and three fintech firms).
                                      stimulate  further  investment  and  accelerate
                                      the development of the market. However, what   The  conditions  for  fintech
        Jorge Camarate                that market will look like exactly is still open to
        Partner                       debate.                                    growth in the GCC region are
                                                                                 ripe. Smartphone penetration
                                      The conditions for fintech growth in the GCC   is at 96%, well above the global
                                      region are ripe. Smartphone penetration is at
                                      96%,  well  above  the  global  average  of  58%.   average  of  58%.  However,
                                      However, fintech has not developed at a similar   fintech has not developed at a
                                      pace. The global share of mobile payments in   similar pace. The global share
                                      the GCC is growing, but still far behind other
                                      regions (such as Asia Pacific).            of  mobile  payments  in  the
                                      Even  though  the  GCC  is  catching  up  with   GCC  is  growing,  but  still  far
                                      developed  markets  in  terms  of  financial
                                      inclusion (around 22% of the population in the   behind other regions (such as
                                      GCC is unbanked, compared to around 60% in   Asia Pacific).
        Jad El Mir                    North Africa), many have now started to turn to   In   January   2021,   another   significant
                                      smartphone transactions. This was particularly
        Partner                       evident during the COVID-19 crisis, where cash   development   came   to   light   with   the
                                      transactions  were  not  always  convenient  or   announcement  that  SAMA  is  planning  to  go
                                      possible. In a recent PwC survey of more than   live  with  its  open  banking  initiative  during
                                      1,000 respondents in the United Arab Emirates,   the  first  half  of  2022.  This  move  is  expected
                                      Saudi Arabia and Egypt, 53% said they had used   to  see  the  rise  of  various  fintech  services,
                                      smartphone  payments  for  online  deliveries   creating increased competition and choice for
                                      during the pandemic. Moreover, more than 90%   consumers.
                                      of those that did so reported that they would
                                      continue  using  smartphone  payments  even   Bahrain has also been very active in this regard,
                                      after the crisis had subsided.          putting in place regulations to cover regulatory
                                                                              sandboxes, open banking, crypto-assets, and
                                      Regional  governments  have  understood  the   robo-advisory and payment services.
                                      scope for rapid fintech growth and have sought
        Dr. Antoine Khadige

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