Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        Romania Opens Consultation on Multi-Band Spectrum Auction

        Romania’s   National   Authority   for   lots  of  2×5MHz  FDD  in  the  2600MHz   fees are to be paid within 15 days from the
        Management    and    Regulation   in   band   (2530MHz-2570MHz/2650MHz-  announcement  of  the  final  results  of  the
        Communications  (ANCOM)  has  opened  a   2690MHz), for a period between 1 January   auction. In a press release setting out the
        consultation  regarding  plans  to  auction   2022 and 5 April 2029; one block of 15MHz   plan, ANCOM vice-president Bogdan Iana
        short-term  spectrum  licenses  for  unused   TDD  in  the  band  2600MHz  (2600MHz-  commented:  ‘Expanding  the  capacity  of
        frequencies in the 800MHz, 2600MHz and   2615MHz), for a period between 1 January   radio electronic communications networks
        3.5GHz  bands  later  this  year.  The  sale,   2022 and 5 April 2029; and 18 5MHz TDD   has become a necessity in the context of
        which  is  likely  to  precede  the  delayed   blocks in the 3.5GHz (3400MHz-3490MHz)   the  rapid  growth  of  data  traffic  and  the
        sale  of  5G-suitable  spectrum,  could   band, for a period between 1 January 2022   economic, industrial and social importance
        raise  more  than  EUR70  million  (USD83   and 31 December 2025. The regulator has   of the digital economy. This is the reason
        million).  ANCOM  intends  to  auction   proposed  the  following  starting  price  for   why we intend to organize a tender for the
        195MHz  of  frequencies,  with  license   user rights in the bands: EUR22 million per   allocation of the rights to use the spectrum
        expiry aligned with existing permits in the   paired block in the 800MHz band; EUR4.3   remaining available following the selection
        bands,  as  follows:  one  block  of  2×5MHz   million per paired block and EUR3.5 million   procedures carried out by the Authority in
        FDD  in  the  800MHz  band  (791MHz-  for  the  unpaired  block  in  the  2600MHz   2012 and 2015.’
        796MHz/832MHz-837MHz), valid between   band;  and  EUR700,000  for  an  unpaired
        1  January  2022  and  5  April  2029;  eight   block  in  the  3.5GHz  band.  The  license

        Agreement Signed Between UN Tech Agency and Host Country Romania for

        ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022

        The  International  Telecommunication  Union  (ITU)  signed  an
        agreement with the Government of Romania for the hosting of the
        ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22) in Bucharest. ITU's
        supreme  governing  body  is  set  to  convene  from  26  September
        to  14  October  2022  at  the  Palace  of  the  Parliament  in  the
        Romanian capital. “I am very pleased that the ITU Plenipotentiary
        Conference  2022  will  be  held  in  Romania,"  said  ITU  Secretary-
        General  Houlin  Zhao.  “The  COVID-19  pandemic  has  shown  the
        importance of digital technologies and services like never before.
        Yet challenges remain everywhere. ITU Member States will use
        PP-22 to set out a roadmap for 2024-2027, at a time when digital
        transformation  is  accelerating  around  the  world."   Vlad  Stefan   communication  technology  (ICT)  networks  and  services,  and
        Stoica, President of the National Authority for Management and   efforts to promote digital inclusion in under-served communities.
        Regulation  in  Communications  (ANCOM),  who  signed  the  host   PP-22  is  also  to  set  ITU's  general  policies,  adopt  four-year
        country  agreement  on  behalf  of  the  Government  of  Romania,   strategic  and  financial  plans,  and  address  key  ICT  issues  as
        added: “By organizing the Plenipotentiary Conference, we are fully   requested  by  ITU  Members.  Furthermore,  the  conference  will
        committed to bringing together all countries to work closely for   elect  ITU's  next  Secretary-General,  Deputy  Secretary-General,
        the  development  of  global  communications  and  to  strengthen   and  Directors  of  the  Bureaux of  the  Radiocommunication
        the telecommunication sector. I can assure you that we will spare   Sector,  the  Telecommunication  Standardization  Sector,  and  the
        no effort to successfully organize this landmark event, providing   Telecommunication Development Sector, along with the members
        the highest standards in terms of resource allocation, the venue   of the Radio Regulations Board. The Plenipotentiary Conference
        and the well-being of all participants, while also conducting this   also  elects  the  Member  States  that  constitute  the  next ITU
        event  in  an  environmentally  and  socially  responsible  manner,   Council,  which  acts  as  ITU's  governing  body  in  the  interval
        making  it  as  eco-friendly,  sustainable,  gender-responsive  and   between  plenipotentiary  conferences.  ITU  Member  States  will
        inclusive  as  possible."  ITU's  Plenipotentiary  Conference  is  held   be invited to officially submit candidatures about one year prior
        every four years, convening representatives of the organization's   to the conference. Candidatures must reach the ITU Secretary-
        193 Member States to oversee global radio spectrum allocation,   General not later than 23:59 hours (Geneva time) on the 28th day
        the  creation  of global  technical  standards for information  and   prior to the Conference, i.e., Monday, 29 August 2022.

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