Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        ITU’s Digital Transformation Centers Train Over 80 000 People – 65 Percent

        are Women

        Women     from    underserved   and
        marginalized  communities  made  up  65
        percent of 80 000 trainees in the first phase
        of  ITU's  Digital  Transformation  Centres
        (DTC) Initiative. The Initiative, launched in
        September 2019, saw the ITU partner with
        technology  conglomerate  Cisco in nine
        countries  to  help  strengthen  the  digital
        capacities  of  their  citizens,  particularly
        in  underserved  communities.  ITU  has
        opened applications for the second phase
        of  its  DTC  Initiative,  aiming  to  close  the
        persistent  gap  in  digital  skills  worldwide.
        Interested eligible institutions can submit
        their applications by 31 August 2021. “We   gap and ensuring that no one is left offline.   materials developed by ITU, Cisco, HP, and
        want to leverage the momentum we gained   That is why we are expanding the network   other partners at the global, regional and
        in  phase  one,  during  which  over  80  000   to  increase  the  number  of  DTCs  globally.   national levels; access to train-the-trainer
        people from underserved and marginalized   We  are  continuously  engaging  with  new   programmes  under  the  DTC  Initiative;
        communities received digital skills training   potential partners to collaborate with us in   networking   opportunities   through
        through  nine  DTCs.  The  popularity  of   this Initiative."            DTCs  worldwide;  use  of  ITU  and  Cisco
        this  training  has  far  exceeded  what  we   Application criteria      branding  for  promotion  and  marketing
        anticipated,  and  greatly  encourages  us.   The second phase is open to applications   of  DTC  courses;  authorization  to  award
        Clearly, the pandemic has made everyone   from  any  eligible  national  institution  that   internationally recognized certifications to
        more  aware  of  the  need  to  be  equipped   commits  to  being  an  active  partner  in   local citizens; and the chance get access
        with  digital  skills.  ITU  wants  to  expand   the  network.  Applying  institutions  must   to resources that will allow them to scale
        the  DTC  network,  but  at  a  pace  which   have the mandate, or the support of their   their  national  activities.  The  first  phase
        will  ensure  that  the  quality  of  training  is   national  government,  to  foster  digital   of  the  Initiative  runs  from  January  2020
        maintained,"  said  ITU  Secretary-General,   capacity  in  their  respective  countries,  as   to  August  2021,  with  nine  DTCs:  four  in
        Houlin Zhao. In the first phase, DTCs were   well as a proven track record in delivering   Africa  (Côte  d'Ivoire,  Ghana,  Rwanda,
        established  in  nine  countries  in  Africa,   digital  skills  training  at  basic  and   Zambia),  two  in  the  Americas  (Brazil,
        Americas and Asia Pacific. The individuals   intermediate  levels  to  local  communities.   Dominican  Republic),  and  three  in  Asia-
        who  signed  up  for  DTC  courses  received   Selected  DTCs  become  part  of  a  global   Pacific  (Indonesia,  Papua  New  Guinea,
        training  in basic and intermediate  digital   network  that  aims  to  accelerate  digital   and the Philippines). The courses offered
        skills.  “Closing  the  global  digital  divide   uptake  among  citizens  and  boost  the   are  designed  both  for  people  who  have
        is  consistent  with  empowering  people   capacity  of  young  entrepreneurs  and   never  used  a  computer,  as  well  as  those
        and  communities,  improving  lives  and   small  and  medium-sized  enterprises   with basic digital skills and those looking
        livelihoods,  and  promoting  sustainable   (SMEs) to succeed in the digital economy.   to  enhance  their  entrepreneurial  skills
        development," emphasized the Secretary-  Any  proposed  DTC  requires  a  network  of   through  information  and  communication
        General.   “Empowering   people   with   fully  equipped  physical  training  centers,   technologies  (ICTs).  ITU  has  promoted
        essential digital skills is a key part of this –   along  with  sufficient  resources  to  deliver   wider partnerships to support the Initiative
        a challenge we are proud to tackle together   digital skills training. Detailed criteria are   with both financial and material resources.
        with  partners  from  the  private  sector."   available  here.  The  second  phase  of  the   In  November  2020,  the  Government  of
        Doreen  Bogdan-Martin,  Director  of  ITU's   DTC  Initiative  will  commence  operations   Norway  joined  the  Initiative  financially
        Telecommunication  Development  Bureau,   from  January  2022.  Going  forward,  more   supporting the implementation of training
        said: “The pandemic underlined that digital   DTCs will be able to join the global network   through  the  DTC  network.  Going  forward,
        skills are key to inclusion and leaving no   in order to reach a critical mass of people   ITU aims to mobilize more partnerships in
        one  behind  in  today's  digital  world.  The   with digital skills training in countries and   the  second  phase  of  the  Initiative,  widen
        lack of these skills is becoming the main   thus allow them to meaningfully participate   the network of DTCs and scale the number
        barrier to digital participation, particularly   in the digital economy.  of  training  activities  through  a  systemic
        in  developing  countries.  ITU's  network   Benefits of participation   engagement with partners both at national
        of  Digital  Transformation  Centers  plays   Institutions  that  become  part  of  the  DTC   and international levels.
        a crucial role in bridging the digital skills   network will receive free access to training

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