Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 96


        BEREC Publishes Opinion on ComReg’s Fixed Line Regulation Plans

        After  the  EC  announced  last  month  that  it  was  launching  an   that the EC’s serious doubts regarding the Irish regulator’s draft
        in-depth  investigation  into  Commission  for  Communications   decision were only ‘partially justified’. Among the conclusions set
        Regulation  (ComReg)’s  analysis  of  the  retail  markets  for  fixed   out in the BEREC opinion were that the latter believed the EC’s
        telephony  services  and  the  corresponding  wholesale  markets   serious doubts regarding the finding of a market for Retail Fixed
        in  Ireland,  the  Body  of  European  Regulators  for  Electronic   Telephony Service (‘RFTS’) and wholesale Fixed Access and Call
        Communications (BEREC) has now adopted, published and sent   Origination  (‘FACO’)  markets  were  not  justified.  Further,  BEREC
        its opinion on the matter to the EC. With ComReg confirming the   also argued that doubts raised regarding three criteria test and
        development, it was noted that BEREC’s overall conclusion was   most of the SMP assessment were also not justified. However,
                                                               BEREC did say that it believed the EC’s concerns related to ‘the
                                                               substantiation of the geographic market analysis and the lack of a
                                                               forward-looking perspective’ were warranted. Following BEREC’s
                                                               publication of its opinion, by 20 September 2021 the EC is now
                                                               required to either take a decision requiring ComReg to withdraw
                                                               the  draft  measure,  or  take  a  decision  ‘to  lift  it  serious  doubts’.
                                                               For its part, ComReg has said that in the period to that date it
                                                               will engage with the EC ‘as appropriate’, while noting that in the
                                                               absence of adopting a final decision with respect to its analysis
                                                               of the RFTS and FACO markets, both its 2014 RFTS Decision and
                                                               2015 FACO Decision remain in full effect.

        PTA Publishes Details For AJ&K/GB Spectrum Auction

        Sector  watchdog  the  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority   of 1800MHz or 2100MHz frequencies and USD1.04 million for a
        (PTA) has published an Information Memorandum (IM) detailing   2×1.2MHz tranche in the 1800MHz band. The concessions will be
        its  plans  for  the  auction  of  1800MHz  and  2100MHz  spectrum   valid for 15 years.
        for  the  provision  of  next  generation  mobile  services  (NGMS)  in
        the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB)
        regions.  The  sale  will  feature  2×16MHz  in  the  1800MHz  range
        – consisting of two lots of 2×5MHz and five lots of 2×1.2MHz –
        and  2×30MHz  in  the  2100MHz  range,  divided  into  six  2×5MHz
        blocks. Due to the fractured nature of the 1800MHz allocation, the
        regulator noted that it would complete a rationalization process
        after the auction, through which it would endeavor to ensure that
        the  spectrum  holdings  of  licensees  is  contiguous.  The  reserve
        price for airwaves in both ranges was set at USD870,000 per MHz,
        equating to a base price of USD4.35 million for a 2×5MHz block

        ARCEP Invites Applications For 5G Spectrum in Reunion, Mayotte

        ARCEP has launched calls for applications for the allocation of   an auction is to be held after the award of the 700MHz spectrum
        5G spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.4GHz-3.8GHz frequency bands   – and 2.6MHz in the 900MHz band in Mayotte. The concessions
        in  Reunion  and  700MHz  and  900MHz  bands  in  Mayotte.  Any   will be valid for 15 years. ARCEP expects the procedures to be
        requests for information on the procedure must be sent to ARCEP   concluded in early 2022, while the authorizations will be awarded
        no later than 14 September 2021, with potential bidders given until   during the first quarter of 2022. Further, ARCEP highlighted that it
        12 October to submit their applications. Regarding the 700MHz   will also hold public consultations shortly with the aim of defining
        band, ARCEP disclosed that it will award 30MHz in the band in   the terms and conditions for the allocation of 5G spectrum in the
        both Reunion and Mayotte, while 380MHz in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz   territories of Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy,
        band (38 blocks of 10MHz each) will be awarded in Reunion –   Saint-Martin and Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

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