Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        Etisalat  Transforms  Healthcare  in  UAE  with  Digital


                        Etisalat’s latest  solutions  are transforming  healthcare in the  UAE  with
                        advanced technologies and its new digital healthcare vertical has created value

        Etisalat   Digital’s   (business   unit   of   ease of access  to information, and   By identifying specific bottlenecks, Etisalat
        Etisalat)  unified  patient  experience  value   effective  communication  between  patient   Digital is better able to design appropriate
        proposition   transforms   patient   care   and healthcare provider.     technology-led  solutions  tailored  to  the
        through  a  combination  of  innovative                                  provider.  Inclusivity  is  also  taken  into
        technologies.                        Alongside   clinical   outcomes   and   account, recognising that not all patients
                                             interventions, Etisalat Digital’s Healthcare   are digitally-savvy.
        A positive patient experience matters more   Division sees enhancing patient experience
        than ever, according to healthcare industry   as necessary to building a patient-centric   Take  Patient  A  (we  will  call  him  Fahad).
        leaders  worldwide.  In  an  annual  survey   healthcare model.          Fahad’s  patient  journey  begins  at  home.
        by  Omnia  Health  Insights  in  partnership                             Over  breakfast  while  preparing  himself
        with GRS Research & Strategy, nearly half   Etisalat Digital aims to improve the patient   coffee, Fahad receives a reminder from his
        (45  percent)  of  respondents  in  clinics,   experience  through  its  unified  patient   hospital  mobile  app,  about  an  upcoming
        private  hospitals  and  public  hospitals   experience  solution  whilst  generating   appointment  the  same  afternoon  with
        across the globe identified understanding   operational  efficiencies  and  cost  savings   his  diabetologist.  This  mobile  app  which
        patient needs as the single most important   for the healthcare provider.  is  integrated  with  several  of  the  hospital
        aspect  in  ensuring  a  satisfactory  patient                           systems, empowers him to easily access
        experience in 2021 – a 15 percent increase   Addressing every  stage of the patient   various  hospital  services,  book  new
        from the year before.                journey                             appointments  including  telehealth,  and
                                             Digitising  the  patient  flow  begins  with   also  interact  with  the  provider.    While
        The  Voice  of  the  Healthcare  Industry   a  comprehensive  exercise  to  intimately   getting  ready  for  his  appointment,  Fahad
        Market  Outlook  2021  found  integrated   understand  the  patient  journey,  which   receives  another  notification  from  the
        health  services  (19  percent)  in  second   involves  mapping  interactions  or  “touch   hospital  app  alerting  him  to  leave  in  the
        place,  ahead  of  access  to  new  and   points” between patient and provider.  next 35 minutes if he were to make it on
        improved technologies (13 percent).

        Survey participants also saw transparency,
        convenience,  wait  times  and  clinical
        atmosphere  as  priorities  conducive  to
        creating a satisfactory patient experience.
        All  these  span  different  stages  of  the
        patient  journey  whereupon  the  patient
        interacts  with  the  healthcare  delivery

        A  satisfactory  patient  experience  will,  for
        example, result from a timely appointment,

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