Page 150 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         100Mbps. (July 14, 2021)       the 26GHz band. The authorizations will be valid for 15
                                                                        years  (extendable  for  another  five  years  afterwards).
                         The  Agency  for  Electronic  Communications  (AEK)   Under the license`s terms and conditions, at least one
                         has opened a public hearing on its intention to award   major city must be covered by 5G technology by 2023,
                         spectrum for 5G use, giving interested parties until 5   in order to allow 5G coverage in all major urban areas
                         July to submit their expressions of interest (EoI). The   and  terrestrial  transport  routes  by  2027.  By  the  end
                         agency  plans  to  grant  three  approvals  for  spectrum   of 2029, 100% of population must have access to 5G
                         in the 700MHz band, seven approvals for airwaves in   signal with minimum downlink of 100Mbps.
                         the 3.6GHz band  and four  approvals for spectrum  in   (June 4, 2021)

                         A public inquiry on the review of the ‘Access List’, the   broadband, and public cellular services in April 2021,
                         list  of  telecoms  services  available  to  licensees  that   the  Malaysian  Communications  and  Multimedia
                         are  subject  to  price  regulation,  has  been  launched   Commission (MCMC) has now issued a final decision.
                         by  the  Malaysian  Communications  and  Multimedia   With the regulator confirming that the new MSQoS will
        Malaysia         Commission (MCMC). A Public Inquiry Paper released   be effective from 1 August 2021, it noted: ‘Customer
                                                                        protection is a priority for MCMC in telecommunication
                         by the regulator has set out its preliminary views on
                         the  facilities  and  services  to  be  included,  removed   services. MSQoS is one of the main instruments used
                         or  amended  in  the  Access  List,  and  it  has  invited   for  monitoring  to  ensure  users  in  the  country  have
                         submissions  from  interested  parties  by  a  deadline   quality telecommunication services … The new MSQoS
                         of 18 October 2021. As part of its review, the MCMC   will enable customers to ensure that their complaints
                         has  formulated  focus  areas  for  the  inquiry,  noting   are  resolved  and  that  they  experience  satisfactory
                         that  ‘the  common  theme  underlying  all  areas  is  the   services  for  both  fixed  line  and  wireless  broadband.’
                         need  to  continuously  refine  the  Access  List  and   As  previously  reported  by  CommsUpdate,  one  of  the
                         its  implementation,  in  order  to  reflect  the  state  of   headline  amendments  to  the  MSQoS  relates  to  the
                         competition  in  the  supply  of  regulated  facilities  and   required speeds for wireless and fixed-wireless access
                         services’.  In  terms  of  the  specific  focus  areas,  the   (FWA) broadband services. As per the new standards
                         regulator said these were: ensuring access to Digital   that are being introduced, operators will be required to
                         Nasional  Berhad’s  (DNB’s)  monopoly  5G  single   provide a download speed of 2.5Mbps 90% of the time
                         wholesale  network;  enhancement  of  ‘High  Speed   for connections made via both FDD and TDD technology;
                         Broadband’  (‘HSBB’)  network  regulation;  ensuring   by  comparison,  under  the  existing  QoS  standards
                         and  improving  access  to  passive  infrastructure;   service providers only need to provide downlink rates
                         continuing development of regulation of transmission   of 650kbps 80% of the time for TDD-based subscribers
                         services; and fostering investment in access network   and 65% of the time for those using FDD technology.
                         infrastructure. (August 23, 2021)  Meanwhile, for FWA broadband services the new QoS
                                                                        standard will introduce a requirement for operators to
                         Having  previously  launched  a  consultation  on   ensure 25Mbps downlink speeds 90% of the time.
                         proposed  revisions  to  the  Mandatory  Standards  for   (July 6, 2021)
                         Quality  of  Service  (MSQoS)  for  wireless  and  fixed

                         The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has called   channels  in  the  1800MHz  band  unassigned  and
                         for expressions of interest in wireless spectrum in the   these would be offered as six separate 2×5MHz lots.
                         1800MHz  (1710MHz-1785MHz/1805MHz-1880MHz)     At  2.5GHz,  meanwhile,  there  are  five  unpaired  5MHz
                         and 2.5GHz (2500MHz-2690MHz) bands. The regulator   channels unassigned and these would be auctioned as
        Malta            says it has received a formal request from a local telco   a single 25MHz block. Malta is home to three mobile
                                                                        network operators (MNOs): GO, Epic and Melita.
                         for  the  assignment  of  radio  spectrum  in  the  2.5GHz
                         range and is looking to assess demand for frequencies   (July 30, 2021)
                         in the two bands. There are currently six paired 5MHz

                         The  telecoms  watchdog  the  Agency  for  Electronic   mobile  electronic  communications  networks.  Since
                         Communications  and  Postal  Services  (EKIP)  has   the regulator is legally required to initiate an auction to
                         opened  a  consultation  regarding  its  draft  plans  for   reallocate existing radio frequencies no later than six
                         the  upcoming  tender  of  frequencies  in  the  900MHz,   months before expiry of the user rights, it has decided
        Montenegro       1800MHz, 2GHz and 2.6GHz bands for use by public   to stage a single auction procedure to tender a total of

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