Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         Having already sent a first warning on 1 May 2021 over   notification of ‘temporary cessation’ of operations on
                         total  arrears  amounting  to  IDR442  billion  (USD31.1   the use of radio frequency spectrum. STI was awarded
                         million) – with a due date of 1 June – in the face of   a  Cellular  Mobile  Network  Operation  License  in  the
                         continued  non-payment  KemKominfo  has  now  sent   450MHz frequency band under ‘Decree of the Minister
                         a  second,  informing  Net1  it  must  make  good  on  the   of  Communication  and  Information  Number  1660  of
                         settlement of BHP IPFR obligations on or before 31 July   2016’, dated 20 September 2016. It is licensed to use
                         or risk the suspension of its license. The ministry notes   spectrum in the 450MHz-457.5MHz range paired with
                         that if Net1 fails to comply with regulation PP5 of 2021,   460MHz-467.5MHz.
                         it will issue a third warning on 1 August along with the   (June 15, 2021)

                         Ireland’s Department of the Environment, Climate and   the pandemic and challenges around program ramp up
                         Communications (DECC) has issued an update on the   and network rollout, and the updated contracted target
                         progress of the National Broadband Plan (NBP), noting   under this plan is for almost 60,000 premises passed
                         that  despite  the  ongoing  challenges  associated  with   by the end of 2021.
        Ireland          COVID-19, ‘significant progress has been made in the   (August 13, 2021)
                         first  half  of  2021,  with  a  number  of  key  milestones
                         achieved  and  momentum  building  on  the  project’.  In   Irish  telecoms  regulator  the  Commission  for
                         terms of the rollout progress, the DECC reported that   Communications Regulation (ComReg) has published
                         as  of  23  July  2021  a  total  of  239,361  premises  had   an  Information  Notice  aimed  at  providing  an  update
                         been surveyed, with deployments covering over 92,000   on  its  COVID-19  temporary  licensing  framework  –
                         premises under construction and 19,378 premises able   under which licenses are currently due to expire on 1
                         to  either  pre-order  or  order  a  connection.  Main  build   October  2021.  The  Information  Notice  also  seeks  to
                         works have been completed in two ‘Deployment Areas’   provide  ‘information  relevant  to  the  consideration  of
                         (‘DAs’), in Counties Galway and Cavan, while main build   any  further  COVID-19  temporary  spectrum  licensing
                         works are said to be progressing with the first premises   framework  beyond  1  October  2021,  including  next
                         expected  to  be  made  available  for  connection  to  the   steps and envisaged consultation timelines regarding
                         NBP network in 2021 in the following DAs: Ballinasloe,   same’.  According  to  the  regulator,  having  initially
                         Carrigaline,  Dundalk,  Limerick,  Monaghan,  Kilcoole,   introducing  the  temporary  licensing  framework  in
                         Roscommon,  Tipperary  and  Tralee.  Dates  for  first   March 2021, it has now outlined the process by which
                         available connections in early 2022 are also estimated   it envisages determining whether its extension may be
                         for  the  following  DAs:  Carlow,  Castlebar,  Killarney,   warranted beyond the current expiry date, ‘in light of
                         Mullingar, Sligo, Waterford and Wexford. With a total of   the  prospect  of  continued  Government  measures  to
                         45 retail service providers (RSPs) ultimately expected   address  COVID-19  and  the  impact  this  may  have  on
                         to offer services to consumers over the NBP network,   relevant network operators’. As a next formal step, the
                         the  DECC  noted  that  at  present  19  such  providers   regulator has called for the county’s mobile operators
                         are  ‘actively’  selling  services  via  the  in-deployment   to submit a joint or common request which would: set
                         infrastructure  across  Cavan,  Clare,  Cork,  Galway,   out  the  specific  details  of  the  joint/common  request
                         Limerick,  Monaghan  and  Roscommon.  Meanwhile,   indicating  any  elements  of  the  existing  Temporary
                         in addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,   ECS  Licensing  framework  that  ought  to  be  changed
                         and  acknowledging  its  impact  on  the  delivery  of  the   (if  any)  and  the  reasons  for  same;  and  provide
                         NBP, the DECC noted that in May 2021 it had approved   sufficiently detailed information based on the updated
                         a  Remedial  Plan  for  2021  put  forward  by  National   and  prevailing  COVID-19  considerations  at  that  time
                         Broadband Ireland (NBI), the company rolling out the   to  support  a  request  for  any  further  Temporary  ECS
                         new  high  speed  fiber  broadband  network  under  the   Licensing framework. ComeReg has set a deadline of 6
                         NBP.  This  Remedial  Plan  reflects  revised  targets  for   August for the joint/common request to be made.
                         the year taking into account delays encountered due to   (July 12, 2021)

                         An  administrative  court  in  Rome  has  annulled  fines   from Reuters, the court found that the AGCM had not
                         totaling  EUR228  million  (USD271  million)  levied   shown that the companies were not acting within their
                         against Italian  telcos  Telecom  Italia,  Vodafone,   rights. Italian consumer rights groups reacted angrily
                         WINDTRE and Fastweb. The telcos were fined last year   at the court decision. Massimiliano Dona, president of
        Italy            by Italy’s Competition Authority (Autorita Garante della   consumer association Unione Nazionale Consumatori,
                                                                        was quoted as saying: ‘It’s a disgrace! That the legal
                         Concorrenza  e  del  Mercato,  AGCM)  for  collectively
                         raising tariffs when ordered to switch from a 28-day   system in this country doesn’t work is well known, but
                         billing cycle to monthly billing. According to a report   we’ve now touched the bottom.’(July 14, 2021)
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