Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 95


        TRAI to Use AI to Monitor, Measure Network Quality

        The  Telecom Regulatory  Authority  of India  (TRAI)  proposes  to   on the induction of new technologies like 4G. TRAI said it has been
        use  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  to  measure  and  monitor  network   receiving a number of complaints from subscribers regarding call
        quality in its new draft regulation for Quality of Service Standards.   drops and other network-related issues, especially after the rollout
        TRAI proposes utilizing AI technology for QoS management and   of 5G  services. “To simplify  regulatory framework  for  QoS, it  is
        monitoring. , “Near real-time, rather than monthly QoS performance   proposed to have single regulation dealing with QoS standards for
        monitoring  may  be  achieved  by  collection,  processing,  and   all voice and data services irrespective of their access medium i.e.,
        correlation  of performance data.  AI  can  play  an  important  role   for both wireline and wireless services. Accordingly, present three
        in  effectively  managing  end-to-end  QoS  in  network,”  TRAI  said.   regulations are proposed to be merged into single regulation,” it
        TRAI released  a consultation  paper reviewing Quality  of Service   said.
        Standards  for access  service  providers  on  Friday.  In  the  paper,
        TRAI proposes  to measure Quality  of Service Standards  across
        all segments of the telecommunications network. Segments of a
        telecommunication network include  access, backhaul, core and
        transport components.  The  segmented  approach to Quality  of
        Service management could lead to unpredictable user experience,
        as each and every segment of a network is integral in delivering
        seamless telecommunications to the end user, TRAI said. In the
        draft regulation, TRAI has proposed to merge three regulations to
        measure network quality  for  wireless  and  wireline  services into
        one. According to TRAI Act, 1997, it is mandated to ensure the QoS
        to  protect  the  interest  of the  consumers of telecommunication
        services. Accordingly, it notified three QoS standards for telecom
        services  —  The standards  of QoS of Basic  Telephone  Service
        (Wireline)  and  Cellular  Mobile  Telephone  Service  Regulations,
        2009;  QoS of Broadband Service Regulations  2006  and;  The
        Standards  of QoS for  Wireless  Data  Services Regulations  2012.
        These regulations have been amended from time to time based

        Ofcom Explores Hybrid Sharing Approach in 6GHz Spectrum Band

        Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, is considering a new   exploring  an  alternative approach called  “hybrid  sharing.”  This
        approach to meet the growing demand for data by exploring the   approach aims to enable simultaneous use of the spectrum band
        possibility  of making  additional  capacity available  in  the  upper   for both Wi-Fi and mobile services. Ofcom is actively investigating
        6 GHz spectrum band. The move aims to alleviate the pressure   two potential  methods  for achieving  this:  Indoor-outdoor  split:
        on radio spectrum.  driven  by the  increasing  use  of both Wi-Fi   As Wi-Fi routers primarily operate  indoors, catering  to localized
        and  mobile  networks. Currently, there  is  considerable  industry   broadband traffic, and mobile transmitters predominantly function
        interest  in  utilizing  the  upper 6 GHz spectrum  band to support   outdoors,  providing  wider coverage, Ofcom  is  exploring  the
        the  continuous  growth  in  data  traffic.  This  is  divided  between   feasibility of allowing indoor Wi-Fi use while permitting licensed
        dedicating the band exclusively for licensed mobile use or utilizing   mobile  use  outdoors. Geographical  sharing:  Recognizing  that
        it for low-power license-exempt applications like Wi-Fi. However,   data  traffic  across  mobile  networks  is  concentrated  in  specific
        instead  of choosing one exclusive  use  over the  other, Ofcom  is   high-traffic areas, Ofcom is considering the possibility of enabling
                                                               licensed  mobile  use  in  those  locations  while  allowing  Wi-Fi
                                                               use in other areas. Additionally, they are exploring the option of
                                                               prioritizing  Wi-Fi  use  in  high-demand  regions  while  permitting
                                                               mobile  use  elsewhere.  Ofcom  aims  to identify  suitable  hybrid
                                                               sharing  mechanisms  that  foster coexistence  between  licensed
                                                               mobile and Wi-Fi services in  the upper 6  GHz spectrum  band.
                                                               They are also advocating for international harmonization of hybrid
                                                               sharing in this band to facilitate economies of scale for equipment.
                                                               Stakeholders and industry participants are invited to provide their
                                                               comments on this approach by September 15, 2023.

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