Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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        EU Progresses Device Security Regulation

        A committee of Members of the European   consumer devices will be categorized into   in  cybersecurity to combat  cyber  threats.
        Parliament (MEPs) approved a draft of new   different lists based on “criticality” and level   “Impact of cyber-attacks  through  digital
        regulation designed to bolster the security of   of cybersecurity risks. MEPs suggested an   products has  increased  dramatically  in
        consumer devices, while outlining the next   expansion  of the list  to include software   recent  years,”  the  parliament  claimed,
        steps to develop standard requirements for   products such as  password managers,   with  many  consumers  falling  victim to
        connected products sold in the bloc. In a   biometric readers,  identity  management   vulnerabilities  in  smart  home  products
        statement, the parliament noted the Cyber   software  and  smart  assistants,  smart   including  robot-vacuum  cleaners  and
        Resilience  Act will  establish  a uniform   watches and security cameras. MEPs also   alarm systems. The draft is backed by the
        set  of requirements  for  products with   require  devices  to have  security updates   majority  of MEPs  and  they  will  now open
        digital features and manufacturers will be   installed  automatically  and  separately   negotiations  about  the  proposal  with  the
        required to provide details on their security   from functional  ones,  while  stressing  the   European Council.
        properties.  Under the  new regulation,   importance  of talent  and  skills  training

        World Mobile Secures US Spectrum; Awaiting FCC Approval to Become the
        Country’s 52nd MNO

        Decentralized  network  infrastructure  pro-  website, World Mobile has been testing its
        vider World Mobile has announced that it   network technologies ‘across quaint towns
        has secured up to 20MHz of spectrum in   and open spaces in New Hampshire’. The
        markets within California, New Mexico, Ne-  website  explains:  ‘World Mobile  utilizes
        vada and  Utah. The  frequencies  will  pave   both  aerial  and  terrestrial  infrastructure,
        the way for World Mobile to deploy decen-  blockchain technology, and hybrid connec-
        tralized network infrastructure (AirNodes)   tivity to create an unstoppable people-run
        within  these  states,  with  a focus on un-  mobile network. Offering affordable  ubiq-
        derserved communities. Going forward,   uitous coverage in  extremely expensive
        World Mobile says it is poised to become   coverage areas.’ World Mobile utilizes aero-  module that  enables  backhaul  over unli-
        a full member of the GSMA and be official-  stats – unpowered balloons – that can pro-  censed spectrum and Sigfox and LoRaWAN
        ly recognized as the 52nd mobile network   vide connectivity over a 75km radius. The   modules. Last-mile connectivity is provided
        operator (MNO) in the United States, pend-  typical payload on each aerostat includes   via AirNodes, which are hybrid mesh devic-
        ing  approval  by  the  Federal  Communica-  an LTE module that delivers 4G cellular con-  es that are owned by communities or local
        tions Commission (FCC). According to its   nectivity over licensed spectrum, an LTE-U   entrepreneurs.

        U.S. is 32nd Worldwide on Broadband Affordability

        The United States ranks thirty-second in the   North America overall, high speed Internet   pensating  for the  high  cost  of  internet.”
        world on internet  affordability, according   consumes 3.04% of users’ salaries. Cana-  The  five  countries  with  the  most  afford-
        to new research from Broadband Genie, a   da  is  41st  on  Broadband  Genie’s  internet   able  broadband  were  Hong Kong, Singa-
        provider of data about broadband services.   affordability  rankings.  Regionally, Europe   pore, Denmark, and Finland. In all of those
        Broadband  affordability  is  defined  by  the   had  the  most affordable  broadband.  The   countries, broadband costs less than 1% of
        percentage  of a country’s  average  salary   Americas were  third. Africa  had  the  least   the average salary. The countries with the
        that would need to be spent to cover the av-  affordable  broadband.  “The  United  States   least affordable internet are Turkmenistan,
        erage cost of internet connectivity. Broad-  and Canada both have one of the highest   Equatorial Guinea, Papua New Guinea.
        band  Genie  estimates  that  the  average   internet  costs,”  Alex Tofts,  the  Broadband   Broadband costs more than 80% of the av-
        monthly U.S. broadband bill is $72.20 and   Expert for Broadband Genie, said in a sum-  erage monthly salary in all three countries.
        the  average  monthly  salary is  $4,083.26.   mary. “It’s driven by a lack of competition   A study conducted by NTIA last year found
        That means U.S. residents spend just un-  and bigger distances to connect, with lower   that three in four U.S. households that do
        der 1.8% of their monthly salaries on broad-  population  density  than  other  developed   not have home internet would use it only if
        band.  Worldwide, subscribers  spend  3.8%   countries.  However, both  have  average   the service were free.
        of their  monthly salary on broadband. In   wages in the top fifteen in the world, com-

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