Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 98


        Mob Telecom Returns 2.5GHz Licenses

        Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Agencia Nacional   This spectrum was divided into roughly 9,000 regional parcels and
        de  Telecomunicacoes,  Anatel)  has  rubberstamped  the  return   distributed  on a municipality-by-municipality  basis.  TeleSintese
        of a pair of 2.5GHz spectrum licenses held by regional ISP Mob   notes that a  number  of Mob Telecom’s fellow  participants have
        Telecom. Mob acquired the concessions in December 2015, during   already returned spectrum acquired in the same auction, including
        a multi-band auction of ‘leftover’ spectrum. The spectrum blocks   the likes of XP Servicos de Comunicacao, Heptanet Consultoria
        in  question  comprise  a  1×35MHz  block at  2585MHz-2620MHz   e Internet, Interpira Telecom, Infoby, Horizons Telecomunicacoes,
        and a 1×15MHz block in the 2570MHz-2585MHz range. As part   Infoway, Unifique, Adyl Net Acesso a Internet, MKM Internet and
        of the December 2015 auction Anatel received a total of 5,479 ‘Lot   MHNet Telecomunicacoes.
        C’  bids  from  324  different  companies,  totaling  BRL89.9  million.

        CST Launches 4G, Covers 90% of Sao Tome and Principe

        Companhia  Santomense  de  Telecomunicacoes (CST),  the
        incumbent provider of fixed, mobile and data services in Sao Tome
        and Principe, has announced the commercial launch of 4G services
        nationwide. According to a press release from the operator, LTE
        coverage is available in all districts via a network of 102 antennas
        in 34 different locations, covering more than 90% of the population.
        Around  USD2.3  million  has  been  invested  in  the  new  network,
        which supports maximum  download speeds  of 150Mbps  and
        offers improved service quality and stability for end users with a
        4G  compatible  smartphone  and  SIM card.  Following  the  launch
        of its LTE service, CST has lowered the cost of its ‘Netfone Daily’
        100MB mobile  data package  from STN27.5 (USD1.2) to  STN10,
        while the price of its monthly data tariff has fallen from STN110
        to STN80 and has seen the allowance rise from 900MB to 1GB.
        CST also revealed that by the end of this month a 1.5Gbps link will
        be installed between the two islands of Sao Tome and Principe,
        tripling the current bandwidth capacity.

        Ericsson Sued for Withholding Iraq Report

        Ericsson shareholders sued the vendor seeking $175 million to $300   including a report outlining the results. In February 2022, the group
        million in damages over an investigation into its business practices   of shareholders claim, Ericsson was forced to admit and provide
        in Iraq, claiming certain actions taken by the company depressed   brief information on the existence and contents of the report, after
        its share price. A statement revealed a total of 37 shareholders had   key elements  were leaked to the media.  The  admission  of the
        filed a claim against the vendor and more were expected to follow.   report’s existence and contents, which came more than two years
        The shareholders state they are seeking damages over pecuniary   after the completion of an internal investigation, caused its share
        losses linked to the company’s decision to withhold information   price to tank more than 25 per cent. At the crux of the complaint,
        about an internal investigation into its business practices in Iraq,   shareholders argue Ericsson failed to comply with the European
                                                               Union’s Market  Abuse Regulations, which obligates  companies
                                                               to release inside information as soon as  possible.  Instead,  the
                                                               complainants argue Ericsson had kept it “secret” for more than two
                                                               years. Ericsson has already been forced to pay the US Securities
                                                               and Exchange  Commission (SEC) $1.1  billion,  after reaching  a
                                                               settlement in 2019 following a corruption probe. It then faced a
                                                               fine of $207 million in March 2023 for failing to properly disclose
                                                               information relating to the SEC probe. However, the shareholders
                                                               stated  the  fine  issued  earlier  this  year  did  not  cover  Ericsson’s
                                                               actions in Iraq.

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