Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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        TRA Bahrain Holds Its Second Open Forum to Review 2022-2023 Work Plan

        The   Telecommunications  Regulatory  TRA  remains  committed to supporting   our stakeholders,  we continue  to make
        Authority  (TRA)  invited  local  operators   and encouraging  innovation, developing   progress  towards  our strategic  goals.  We
        and  licensees  to its  second  Open  Forum   a vibrant and healthy  digital  ecosystem,   look forward to holding more Open Forums
        to discuss  updates  to its  2022-2023   and  ensuring  transparency in  everything   so that we can continue to engage with all
        work plan  with  the  progress  made  to   we do.” He added: “Working alongside   stakeholders.”
        date.  In  attendance  were  representatives
        from the  telecommunications  industry
        and  consumer advocacy  organizations.
        Through this  work  plan, the  TRA aims
        to create  an  environment that  supports
        innovation, make Bahrain one of the worlds
        most   advanced   telecommunications
        markets  with  secure  and  resilient
        network, reliable  broadband  service for
        all,  as  well  as  ensuring  consumers are
        empowered and protection. TRA’s General
        Director, Philip  Marnick  stated: “These
        forums  bring together  stakeholders  to
        share their  expertise  and discuss  the
        telecommunications  industry’s  most
        pressing  issues  and  opportunities.  The

        RRT Opens Consultation on 1452MHz-1492MHz 5G Auction Plans

        Lithuania’s  Communications  Regulatory   spectrum auction procedure. Under current   plan  to  announce  an  auction,’  said  Darius
        Authority  (RRT)  has  launched a public   auction plans, each winning bidder will be   Kuliesius,  deputy  chairman of  the  RRT
        consultation on plans for the development   granted  the  right to use spectrum in  only   Council, adding:  ‘Mobile  operators will  be
        of mobile communications services in the   one of the  following ranges:  1452MHz-  able to participate in it and, on the basis of
        1452MHz-1492MHz  frequency band.  The   1472MHz  or  1472MH-1492MHz.  ‘Radio   acquired frequencies, further increase the
        regulator  notes  that  the  band is  suitable   frequencies are a resource of our country   development of electronic communication
        for  data transmission  services, including   –  we  strive  to  use  them  efficiently  and   networks and services. The more spectrum
        5G communication. Interested parties have   create  value  for  Lithuanian  users. Having   operators  have,  the  higher  the  quality  of
        until 18 September to submit comments on   assessed  that  the  1452MHz-1492MHz   connection they can provide to users.’
        the plans, following which the RRT said it will   radio frequency band can be used for the
        seek to allocate the frequencies through a   development of mobile communication, we

        Germany Sets $1B AI Research Budget

        Germany reportedly outlined plans to spend   expand  data  centers  and  make  public   more private investment. “We have AI that
        almost  €1  billion  on AI research over the   data  sets  more  accessible  to generate   is explainable, trustworthy and transparent,”
        next two years through public funding in an   new  insights.  Stark-Watzinger  apparently   she said. “That’s a competitive advantage.”
        attempt to step up competition with the US,   believes  Europe  could hold  the  edge  over   The  country, however, has  a long  way to
        which has established a lead in the sector.   nations  like the  US and  China  due to the   go  to  match  the  outlay  by  the  US. Citing
        Reuters reported Minister of Education and   continent’s  regulatory framework  and  the   a  Stanford  University  report,  Reuters
        Research Bettina  Stark-Watzinger  set  the   potential  to work with  other  countries  in   placed  US government  spending  on  AI  at
        target, which is almost double what it spent   the  European  Union.  She  further  claimed   $3.3 billion in 2022, when the sector also
        on research in the field previously. As part   Europe has  more  of a  focus on privacy   attracted $47.4 billion in private spending.
        of the plan, the country aims to create 150   and  personal  safety  when  it  comes  to AI
        new university laboratories for AI research,   development  and  could  therefore attract

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