Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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        ITU Statement on the Closing of the 2023 AI for Good Global Summit

        For two days, governments, policy-makers,
        industry leaders,  academics, scientists,
        technology  innovators, civil  society  and
        the UN community met at ITU's AI for Good
        Global Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. As
        the  convenor of the  event,  ITU is  pleased
        to have  been  able  to bring  these  parties
        together  to  find  practical  applications
        of  artificial  intelligence  to  advance  the
        UN   Sustainable  Development  Goals.
        Recognizing  the  urgency brought  on by
        the  emergence  of generative  AI and  the
        challenges  posed  by  AI, participants  also
        discussed  the  need  for  guardrails  and
        global AI governance frameworks. A variety
        of ideas  related  to the  future  of AI were   and  long terms. Leveraging  its expertise,   our digital transformation offerings, and we
        presented at the AI for Good Global Summit.   the UN group on AI led by ITU and UNESCO   will undertake sector-focused AI readiness
        These include setting up a registry of new   is geared up to help move forward efforts   work in critical areas such as health, smart
        or anticipated  AI  applications,  a  global   on these. ITU is committed to AI standards   mobility  and  smart  cities,  and  advance
        observatory  on  AI  and  new  institutional   development  and  capacity  building,  universal health. From here on, our work on
        bodies,  as  well  as  proposals  to  empower   supporting  responsible  AI  development   AI at ITU, the UN system and society as a
        existing  organizations  that  may  already   and  deployment,  and  driving  strong   whole should only grow in intensity. While
        have the expertise and structures to tackle   collaboration with all stakeholders. We need   ITU focuses on ensuring that the 2.7 billion
        challenges brought on by AI. It is important   to show the world what an inclusive, safe   people that are offline around the world get
        to analyses what's feasible, what's already   and  responsible  AI  can  do  for humanity.   connected  to  digital  technologies,  we  are
        available and what can be done so that a   Together with  our  UN partners,  ITU will   also committed to ensuring that AI serves
        roadmap is created for the short, medium   work to integrate AI capacity support into   everyone, everywhere for the greater good.

        Bahrain’s TRA Signs MoU to Strengthen Cooperation with the US Federal

        Communications Commission

        The   Telecommunications  Regulatory  telecommunications. The TRA held bilateral   Commission  (FCC)  to formalize  bilateral
        Authority (TRA)  represented  the Kingdom   meetings  with  a number of international   relations  between  the  two  organizations.
        of Bahrain at the ITU Global Symposium for   telecommunications  regulators  and  ITU   The  agreement  was  signed  by  and  FCC’s
        Regulators (GSR-23).  Participating  in  the   officials.  On  the  side-lines  of  the  2023   Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and the
        Head of Regulators roundtable discussion   ITU GSR-23, during the Bahrain’s signed a   TRA’s General Director Philip Marnick. The
        the TRA’s  General  Director,  Philip  Marnick   Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with   MoU will  increase  coordination  between
        showcased  Bahrain’s  leading  position  in   the United States Federal Communications   the TRA and FCC, enabling discussions and
                                                                                 the  exchange of best  practices  on issues
                                                                                 such  as  fifth  generation  technologies
                                                                                 (5G),  spectrum licensing,  broadband
                                                                                 deployment,  accessible  and  inclusive
                                                                                 communications,  robocalls, and secure
                                                                                 networks. General  Director of  TRA, Philip
                                                                                 Marnick stated:  “In  our  ever increasingly
                                                                                 interconnected world it  is  important  for
                                                                                 regulators to collaborate,  to share ideas
                                                                                 and  best  practice  and  work  together  to
                                                                                 enhance  protection  for  consumers.  The
                                                                                 collaboration will also support our efforts
                                                                                 to further enhance services in Bahrain.

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