Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        TDRA Supports FedNet with AI Services

        Conforming  to the  rapid  technological
        transformation  in  today's  world, the
        Telecommunications    and    Digital
        Government  Regulatory Authority  (TDRA)
        has  launched an  initiative  to support  the
        Federal  Digital  Network (FedNet)  with
        artificial  intelligence  (AI)  services,  in  a
        major  development  that  enhances  the
        digital  transformation  journey in  the  UAE.
        This development is considered a paradigm
        shift  in  the  main  services  provided  by
        FedNet  to  government  entities,  based
        on  leveraging  the  enormous potential  of
        AI. Commenting on this  development,
        H.E. Eng. Majed  Sultan  Al  Mesmar,
        TDRA  Director General,  said: “Digital
        transformations  today  are  characterized
        by rapid  acceleration,  and  what  we are
        witnessing in 2023 indicates that keeping
        pace  with  the  current  era  requires  an
        unprecedented  pace and a high  ability
        to adapt  and  absorb new technologies.
        AI  services  on  AI-supported  FedNet  are
        a great  step  in  the  digital  transformation
        process,  and  an  important  element  in
        enhancing  the  ability  of government
        entities  to provide  easy  and  fast  services
        to all customers, which reflects TDRA’s role
        as  an  enabler  of digital  transformation.”
        Through cooperation  with  Microsoft  and
        Kagool,”  a  Microsoft  advanced  solutions   analyzing big data, extracting results from   addition  to the  infrastructure  supported
        partner in Data and AI”, FedNet, in its new   it  and  converting  it  into value.  FedNet  is   by high-speed  Graphics  Processing  Units
        version, will provide a set of services that   one of the key digital government enablers   (GPUs), FedNet has become an advanced
        fall  under three  pillars:  Applied  AIthat   in the UAE, and it receives special attention   AI platform, providing government entities
        contributes  to enhancing  productivity  and   due to its strategic importance and role in   with agility to build and deploy high-quality
        efficiency  by  reducing  the  time  needed   the digital transformation process. FedNet   AI solutions and models in the visual, audio
        by developers  to update  procedures  and   supports  more  than  35  federal  entities   and  linguistic  fields.  It  allows  big  data
        processes,  analyzing  conversations  to   and  more  than  5,000  virtual  servers.  In   analysis  and  machine  learning  to  enable
        improve  customer  experiences,  as  well   2023, FedNet achieved the VMware Cloud   administrators to make  proper decisions,
        as  automating  document processing  to   Verified certificate for the sovereign cloud   all  through application  programming
        speed up work mechanisms. Cognitive AI,   category. The importance of this certificate   interfaces (APIs). Kagool is a leading global
        which refers to simulating human behavior   stems  from the  fact that  FedNet  takes   Data and AI System Integrator specializing
        and thinking to solve complex problems; It   into account the  highest  standards  of   in advanced Data and AI solutions, helping
        intelligently deals with complex problems,   cybersecurity and  national  privacy, and   customers embrace cloud adoption at pace
        leading  to more accurate  results.  And   that  all  the  data  is  stored  and  processed   and  scale  leveraging  proprietary Cloud
        machine learning, which uses  algorithms   in  accordance  with  the  relevant  UAE   accelerator products.
        that  allow computers  to  self-learn  by   laws.  Thanks  to these  developments,  in

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