Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 127


                         The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,   be issued multi-band 5G spectrum valid up to that date,
                         IT  &  Mass  Media  (Roskomnadzor)  of Russia  has   including frequencies within the 694MHz-790MHz band
                         indicated  that  approximately  9.5  million  mobile  SIM   previously issued to broadcasters, the 4.8GHz-4.99GHz
                         cards in the country are currently liable to have services   range (already prioritized by the Ministry as a key 5G
        Russia           blocked  unless  their  owners update  their  personal   resource) and the  thus-far withheld  3.4GHz-3.8GHz
                         registry  information this  month.  Mobile  network   band ‘in intelligence compatibility mode’. The sole 5G
                         operators  (MNOs)  are  mandated  to  block  all  SIMs   licensee would be required to implement a ‘frequency
                         of  incorrectly  registered/unidentified  users  under   sharing  system’ allowing  law enforcement agencies
                         tightened-up legal measures effective from the start of   to shut  down network signals  in  any given  location.
                         August, or else  face liability  under the  Administrative   Kommersant’s report indicated the ‘single’ 5G operator
                         Code  (Article  13.29).  Within  three  days  of  receiving   is  likely  to be  a consortium of market  participants
                         a  list  of offending  mobile  phone  numbers from   involving  state-owned  Rostelecom.  National  fixed
                         Roskomnadzor, MNOs  must notify the  SIM user who   operator Rostelecom  – the  parent  of cellco  Tele2
                         has 15 days to update personal information via either   Russia – is part of 5G development joint venture New
                         the State Services online portal, the MNO’s app, or in   Digital Solutions, also including MegaFon, Beeline and
                         person at a service/sales outlet, otherwise the number   Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), the quartet having finalized
                         will  be  blocked  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of   their 25% stakes in July 2022, with an initial focus on
                         the Law on Communications. The Law No. 533 of 30   R&D and measures to release spectrum from existing
                         December 2020 – which entered force on 1 June 2021   usage,  prioritizing  the  694MHz-790MHz,  3.4GHz-
                         – made amendments to the Law on Communications   3.8GHz,  4.4GHz-4.99GHz  and  24.25GHz-29.5GHz
                         introducing more  stringent  procedures  for telecoms   ranges. The key 3.4GHz-3.8GHz range is partly utilized
                         service subscriptions  and  consequently  in  late  2022   by Roscosmos and others for satellite communications
                         the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications &   for government/military/intelligence agencies and has
                         Mass Media stated that in 18 months since Law No. 533   been repeatedly blocked for commercial mobile usage
                         entered force a total of ‘over 3.5 million’ SIMs ‘mainly in   by state bodies including the Ministry of Defence and
                         the corporate segment’ had been blocked.       the Federal Security Service, whilst remaining Russian
                         (August 9, 2023) Kommersant                    fixed  wireless  access  (FWA)  3.5GHz  licenses  were
                                                                        extended  for  a period which expired  in  July 2022.
                         The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications   Regarding the 694MHz-790MHz band, MTS, MegaFon,
                         & Mass Media has aired a proposal to issue 5G mobile   Tele2  Russia/Rostelecom  and  Beeline  currently  hold
                         frequencies in the coveted 3.4GHz-3.8GHz range free-  in-principle rights to this spectrum via their federal LTE
                         of-charge to a ‘single operator with state participation’   licenses  but in  practice can only utilize this  resource
                         in  a  ‘compatibility  mode with  special  services’  by   once relinquished  by the  broadcasting  sector;  most
                         enabling  security  forces  to  directly  access  networks   recently, on 23 December 2022 the State Commission
                         and switch off base stations if deemed necessary. The   for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) stated simply that the four
                         proposal was put forward on 20 June at a session held   licensees would retain their existing rights to 694MHz-
                         by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on draft strategy for   790MHz  spectrum with  a  view  to  being  permitted  to
                         development of the communications industry up to 2035.   utilize it ‘in the future’.
                         Under the Ministry’s scheme, a single recipient would   (June 29, 2023) Kommersant

                         The Regulation Authority for Telecommunications and   Sall explained the main objective of the call for tenders
                         Posts (L’Autorite de Regulation des Telecommunications   was to select an operator capable of providing reliable
                         et  des  Postes, ARTP)  announced that  it  had   and efficient 5G infrastructure as soon as possible, in
                         ‘provisionally’ awarded Sonatel (Orange Senegal) a 5G   order to meet  growing demand for connectivity  and
        Senegal          license, following the conclusion of a call for tenders   communication in Senegal. ‘Following the examination
                         to extend the scope of existing operating concessions.   of the  submitted  offers, the  committee for  the
                         The  regulator revealed  at  a  press  conference  that   evaluation of technical and financial offers proposed to
                         Sonatel  had  bid  XOF34.5  billion  (USD59.1  million)  for   the Selection Committee to retain Sonatel, which was
                         the authorization, while its rivals Free and Expresso had   the only candidate to have fulfilled the conditions set
                         submitted significantly lower bids of XAF3 billion and   by  the  regulations,’  he  confirmed.  The  amendment  to
                         XAF2 billion respectively – far below the reserve price of   Sonatel’s  concession  agreement  and  specifications,
                         XAF19.5 billion established by the ARTP. Speaking at a   including new 5G coverage obligations, will be signed in
                         press conference, ARTP Director General Abdou Karim   the coming days. (July 18, 2023)

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