Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                         Opponents, meanwhile, have suggested that the reforms   in June 2020. Diaz’s father, Francisco Diaz, is the Chief
                         will make it easier for the state to practice ‘espionage   of the  National  Police  and  a  key  ally  of Ortega  in  his
                         and repression’. Nahima Diaz Flores – whose sister is   continued  censorship  of independent  media  outlets.
                         married to one of Ortega’s sons – was placed in charge   (June 21, 2023)
                         of running  Telcor after  Orlando Castillo  passed  away

                         Regulatory  Authority  for Electronic  Communications   to 1.33% and 2.33% of their annual turnover for 2022,
                         and  Post  (ARCEP)  has  fined  four  mobile  operators  a   respectively)  and  Niger  Telecoms  must  pay  XOF1.19
                         combined XOF4.32  billion  (USD7.3  million)  for failing   million (2.38% of its 2022 revenue). Moov Africa Niger,
                         to meet quality of service (QoS) standards. According   meanwhile, was handed a penalty of 1.17% of its 2022
        Niger            to the regulator’s decisions,  Airtel  Niger and Zamani   annual turnover, equating to XOF402.5 million.
                         Telecom have both been fined XOF1.36 billion (equating   (July 26, 2023)

                         The  Nigerian  Communications  Commission  (NCC)   Expo  is  open  to  multisectoral  participants,  including
                         is  set  to showcase  achievements  so  far recorded   indigenous  telecom  operators,  manufacturers,
                         in  the  promotion  of indigenous content  in  the   regulators,  government  agencies,  policymakers,
                         telecommunications  sector.  This  would be  at  the   innovators, industry  leaders,  startups,  other  actors in
        Nigeria          second edition  of the  Nigerian  Telecommunications   the telecom ecosystem, academia and global experts
                         Indigenous  Content  Expo  (NTICE  2023),  which  holds
                                                                        to showcase their  products and  services, innovative
                         in  Lagos  from August  22-24,  2023,  at  Landmark   solutions  and  new  technologies.  “The  Nigerian
                         Centre, Victoria Island,  Lagos.  Themed:  “Harnessing   Communications Act (NCA) 2003 empowers the NCC to
                         Indigenous Content for Economic Growth: Networking   encourage local and foreign investments in the Nigerian
                         to  Boost  Investment”,  the  Commission  said  it  is   communications industry, introduce innovative services
                         mobilizing  stakeholders  for  a remarkable outing,   and practices as well as promote the participation of
                         following  a  very  impressive  showing at  the  maiden   Nigerians  in  the  ownership, control and management
                         edition of the event last year. A statement signed by the   of communications  companies  and  development  of
                         Director, Public Affairs, NCC, Reuben Muoka noted,”The   communications manufacturing and supply sectors. He
                         NTICE  is  being  coordinated  by the  Commission’s   said the 2023 Expo is billed to project the achievements
                         Nigeria Office for Developing the Indigenous Telecom   of indigenous content by the government for the sector
                         Sector (NODITS),  which  superintends  over  efforts  for   and afford participants the platform to showcase their
                         effective implementation of the National Policy on the   products and  services, innovative solutions  and  new
                         Promotion and Implementation of Indigenous Contents   technologies.
                         in  the  Telecommunications  Sector,  (NPPIC).  “The   (August 17, 2023)

                         The  National  Communications Authority (Nkom) has   the  fixed  network  to  include  inflation  trends,  among
                         issued  a decision under which updated  price ceilings   other things, as part of its decision to implement new
                         for copper-based services are to be adopted. As per the   price ceilings. As per the Nkom’s plans, for Market 3a
                         regulator’s plans, the new price caps will apply from 1   (wholesale local access provided at a fixed location) a
        Norway           October 2023, with further  rate  updates scheduled  to   price cap of NOK94 per month for local loop unbundling
                         take effect from 1 January 2024 and 1 January 2025,   (LLU) will  apply from 1  October, with  this  rising  to
                         respectively. Nkom notes that local fixed line incumbent   NOK98 from the start of 2024 before increasing again,
                         Telenor Norge is obliged to maintain access to its copper   to NOK102,  a  year  later.  Meanwhile,  for Market  3b
                         infrastructure for wholesale customers until September   (wholesale central access provided at a fixed location
                         2025,  despite  it  having  ceased  offering  copper-based   for mass-market products), a range of price ceilings will
                         connectivity on a retail basis. Given this situation, and   be set for ADSL, VDSL and SHDSL services, with these
                         with  the  watchdog’s  previous price caps having been   dependent on service speed.
                         set for 2021, it said it now updated its cost model for   (July 27, 2023)

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