Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                         existing USO VFL end-users, while it has recommended   be subject to a specific qualification, that being that ‘in
                         that Pure Telecom be designated as the USP for new   the event that Pure Telecom is no longer party to a con-
                         USO VFL services end-users. Meanwhile, ComReg has   tract enabling it to provide VFL services, its designation
                         proposed  that  the  maximum period  of the  proposed   as USP will immediately cease and it will no longer be
                         USP designations should be until 30 June 2027, though   subject to the universal service obligations’.
                         in Pure Telecom’s case it noted that the provider would   (June 22, 2023)

                         The  government  has  confirmed  a  preliminary  agree-  of the offer, from the point of view of the relations be-
                         ment with US investment company KKR under which it   tween the parties, foresee a decisive role of the govern-
                         will take a stake of up to 20% in Telecom Italia’s (TIM’s)   ment in defining the strategic choices.’ KKR has until 30
                         fixed networks business NetCo as part of KKR’s planned   September to submit a binding offer, which it is thought
        Italy            binding offer. The Italian state-backed infrastructure in-  will be valued at around EUR23 billion (USD25.3 billion).
                         vestment fund F2i could also become part of the deal,   One potential hurdle could be the opposition of TIM’s
                         giving the government a combined interest in NetCo of   largest shareholder, Vivendi, which has previously said
                         up to 30%, with KKR holding the remainder. In a state-  that the NetCo assets are worth closer to EUR30 billion.
                         ment, Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance (Ministe-  (August 11, 2023)
                         ro dell’Economia e delle Finanze, MEF) said: ‘The terms

                         An auction for 100% of shares in state-owned Kyrgyz   price is  required  to enter, while  the  winning  bidder
                         mobile operator MEGA has been scheduled for October   must transfer a 7% fee to the Fund for State Property
                         this year by the Fund for State Property Management,   Management.  2G/3G/4G  network operator MEGA
                         reports Akipress. The starting price for the share auction   (formerly  branded  MegaCom, and  registered  as  Alfa
        Kyrgyzstan       is set at KGS14.60 billion (USD167 million), with bidding   Telecom) currently competes closely for first place in
                         increments  of KGS200  million.  Auction applications
                                                                        Kyrgyzstan’s mobile market with rival Nur Telecom (O!)
                         are being accepted from today, with a closing date of   in terms of subscriptions, while according to the latest
                         2  October 2023,  and  the  electronic auction itself  will   announcement the cellco’s assets include 5,500 base
                         begin later that day. A ‘guarantee’ of 10% of the starting   stations. (July 4, 2023)

                         The government working in partnership with the telecoms   as saying the digital transformation project will center
                         industry  regulator,  the  Liberia  Telecommunications   on improving citizens’ technical skills in key technology
                         Authority (LTA), is  readying  the  launch of a national   areas,  while  simultaneously  looking  to  provide  seed
                         digital  transformation  project aimed at increasing   funds to ‘support sustainable technology solutions that
        Liberia          investments  in  digital  infrastructure  to  make  it  easier   address  local challenges’.  This  initiative  forms a  key
                                                                        part of the Liberian government’s vision to make digital
                         for the  population  to  access  and  use  services  such
                         e-commerce solutions  and  smart  technologies.  LTA   technology  one  of  the  pillars  of  the  country’s  socio-
                         President Edwina Crump Zackpah is cited by local press   economic development. (July 17, 2023)

                         The  Communications  Regulatory  Authority  (RRT)  has   100Mbps  within  the  next  three  years.  Furthermore,
                         revealed  that  it  is  conducting a survey to assess  the   the  information will  be used  by state  and  municipal
                         geographic scope of fixed broadband networks in the   institutions when making decisions on allocating funds
                         country. Data  collection  has  already  begun, following   for the  deployment  of  telecoms  networks,  and  in  the
        Lithuania        the approval of the research methodology after a public   preparation  of national  plans  for  the  development  of
                                                                        broadband infrastructure. The data will also be used by
                         market  consultation.  The  study  is  scheduled  to  be
                         completed in  December;  the  aggregated  assessment   the RRT when it is necessary to carry out other studies
                         of network coverage  will  be  available  to the  public,   or  analyses,  determining  the  coverage requirements
                         businesses and decision makers, and network coverage   associated  with  the  allocation  of radio  frequencies
                         maps will be accessible on the RRT website. The regulator   and  the  conditions  of their  use, and  the  obligations
                         added  that  the  study  will  determine areas  currently   of universal  electronic communication  services. ‘RRT
                         unserved  by  high  speed  fixed  broadband  services,  in   constantly  conducts  market  research  and  network
                         order  to supply  these  locations  with  speeds  of up to   coverage  assessments,  and  measures  connection

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