Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                         According  to the  latest  data  from the  Philippines’   nationwide  by the  end  of the 90-day extension  on
                         National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), the   25  July  2023.  Broken  down, PLDT  (including  Smart
                         total number of registered mobile SIMs reached almost   Communications)  had  registered  approximately  47
                         100 million – or 59% of the country total – as of 15 June   million  SIMs  (or  71%  of its  total  base)  by  that  date,
        Philippines      2023,  broadly  within  the  Department  of Information   followed  by  Globe  Telecom with  45.6  million  (52.6%)
                         and Communications  Technology’s (DICT)  target  of   and DITO Telecommunity with 6.8 million (45.7%).
                         registering between 100 million and 110 million SIMs   (June 19, 2023)

                         All four of Poland’s mobile network operators (MNOs)   applications to take part in the sale process by 8 August.
                         have applied  to take part  in  the  forthcoming auction   The  entire  process  is  expected  to  take  around  150
                         of  3.5GHz  5G  licenses.  Although  official  confirmation   days, which should see winning bidders announced in
                         of qualified bidders is still awaited from the regulator,   November. Authorities do not expect bids to rise much
        Poland           Orange, Play and Plus (Polkomtel) applied well before   above  the  reserve  price  of PLN450  million  (USD111
                         the 8 August deadline, while T-Mobile has also confirmed   million) per 100MHz block, with four blocks available
                         that  it  has  submitted  its  application.  Authorities  are   and  the  country being  home to four  mobile  network
                         hoping to complete the auction of four 15-year licenses   operators (MNOs).  The  main point  of contention  will
                         in the fourth quarter of 2023. (August 9, 2023) Parkiet   be that one of the four blocks has a number of local
                                                                        exclusions  due to reservations  for civil  and  military
                         The government has finally kicked off its long-awaited   purposes, so bidders will favor one of the other licenses.
                         auction of 5G-capable  3.5GHz  spectrum,  calling  for   (June 23, 2023)

                         The  telecoms  watchdog the  National  Authority  for   regarding  the  current  frequency allocations  for  each
                         Management  &  Regulation  in  Communications   of their  base  stations,  as  well  as  the  technical  and
                         (ANCOM) has reached an agreement with the telecoms   operational parameters. (August 22, 2023)
                         industry to modify the procedure for granting spectrum
        Romania          usage rights. The main changes agreed at the Advisory   Fixed  broadband  connections  recorded  average
                         Council meeting on 18 August concern certain aspects   download speeds of 331Mbps in Romania in 2022, an
                         relating to the regulation of the shared use of licensed   increase  of approximate  27%  compared to 2021,  and
                         frequency resources, the possibility to lease and transfer   average upload speeds  jumped by 56%  to 280Mbps,
                         spectrum  usage  rights,  and  the  simplification  of  the   according  to speed  tests  performed  on the  Netograf
                         authorization procedure for base stations forming part   website  developed  by the  National  Authority  for
                         of public mobile and fixed electronic communications   Management  and  Regulation  in  Communications
                         networks.  Shared  use  of spectrum will  only  be   (ANCOM).  Over the  same  period, average  mobile
                         authorized  in  bands  where  no  additional  frequencies   internet  downlink  speeds  rose  to  38Mbps,  a  26%
                         are  available  at  the  time  of the  request,  on condition   increase on the previous year, while uplinks were 46%
                         that competition is not restricted, impeded or distorted,   higher year-on-year, at 15Mbps. Based on 133,641 tests
                         ANCOM  explained  in  a  press  release.  Licensees  will   performed during the year, the country’s leading mobile
                         need to secure permission from ANCOM to share the   network operators (MNOs) were shown to provide the
                         spectrum, based on a written agreement between the   following average download speeds: Orange Romania
                         two  parties,  with  each  licensee  required  to  fulfil  the   57Mbps (an increase from 48Mbps in 2021), Vodafone
                         individual coverage and/or rollout obligations included   Romania 32Mbps (up from 29Mbps), Telekom Romania
                         in  their permits, while  taking  all necessary measures   Mobile Communications 24Mbps (previously 18Mbps)
                         to avoid  harmful interference  to legally  authorized   and  RCS&RDS  (DIGI)  15Mbps  (unchanged  year-on-
                         electronic communications  networks. In the  case of   year). Average fixed broadband speeds were as follows:
                         leasing  or assigning  spectrum user rights  secured   Orange  Romania  803Mbps  (down from  854Mbps
                         following  payment  of a  license  fee,  the  regulator can   in  2021), RCS&RDS 434Mbps  (398Mbps),  Orange
                         only  approve  the  transfer request  after  determining  it   Romania Communications (formerly Telekom Romania
                         will not impede competition or prevent the market from   Communications)  379Mbps  (324Mbps),  Nextgen
                         functioning normally. In order to simplify authorization   Communications 322Mbps (306Mbps), and Vodafone
                         procedures,  licensed  operators of public mobile and   Romania 307Mbps (243Mbps).
                         fixed  electronic  communications  networks  will  be   (July 7, 2023)
                         required  to provide  ANCOM  with  a  monthly  update

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