Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 124


                         In a briefing to parliament, the Netherlands’ Ministry of   operational by that date the satellite company will retain
                         Economic Affairs & Climate Policy has warned that the   access to an 80MHz block in the 3.5GHz range.
                         planned national 5G 3.5GHz mobile frequency license   (July 12, 2023Telecompaper
                         auction could see further delays into 2024. The govern-
        The              ment intends to make the spectrum available for 5G mo-  A Dutch industry consortium has been awarded an ini-
        Netherland       bile services from December, but a court hearing of mul-  tial  subsidy  of EUR61  million  (USD66  million)  for 6G
                         tiple appeals against the proposed licensing framework
                                                                        research and  development.  The  6G  Future Network
                         is scheduled for mid-October, while the government is   Services  (FNS)  Project,  supported  by  the  Ministry  of
                         yet to finalize an agreement with satellite operator In-  Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, has been selected
                         marsat necessary to vacate the 3.5GHz band. In April   as one of 18 projects to receive backing under the third
                         2023  Amsterdam’s  Schiphol  Airport  and  the  Port  of   round of the Dutch National Growth Fund. The six-year
                         Rotterdam Authority filed legal actions against the gov-  government  funding  consists  of a  conditional  award
                         ernment’s 5G 3.5GHz spectrum policy. Furthermore, the   of EUR61 million plus a reserve of EUR142 million. The
                         national licensing plan involves relocation of Inmarsat’s   6G FNS consortium is led by Netherlands Organization
                         international emergency/safety shipping/aviation com-  for Applied Scientific Research and has 60 members,
                         munication operations from the Netherlands to Greece,   including academic institutions, telcos, ICT companies
                         which the Dutch government hopes will occur by 1 Jan-  and semiconductor manufacturers.
                         uary 2024, but if Inmarsat’s new Greek facilities are not   (July 6, 2023)

                         Following  a  consultation  in  2021,  New  Zealand’s   services;  and  the  28.35GHz-29.5GHz  range  will  be
                         government has made a broad decision regarding the   primarily allocated for satellite services, with the option
                         long-term  allocation  of the  24GHz-30GHz  spectrum   to include some mobile use under technical conditions.
                         range. The move is intended to provide the mobile and   A work  program including  technical  work,  industry
        New              satellite  industries  with  certainty  as  the  authorities   consultation,  engagement  with  the  Interim  Maori
                                                                        Spectrum  Commission, and  assignment  processes,
                         work towards making the spectrum available for long-
        Zealand          term use in 2026. In the 26GHz band, the government   regulatory  design  and  further  decision  making,  will
                         has allocated the 24.25GHz–27.5GHz spectrum range   occur between now and 2026, the Ministry of Business,
                         primarily for mobile use,  with  the  option  to include   Innovation  and  Employment  (MBIE)  explained  in  a
                         some satellite services in certain areas under technical   statement. Satellite service providers who hold current
                         conditions.  The  28GHz  band,  meanwhile,  will  be  split   licenses  will  be  allowed  to  apply  for extensions  until
                         into two portions:  the  27.5GHz-38.35GHz  range  will   May 2026. (August 10, 2023)
                         follow a sharing model between  mobile and  satellite

                         The Nicaraguan Institute for Telecommunications and   December 2021. FM broadcasters were originally given
                         Posts (Instituto Nicaraguense de Telecomunicaciones   twelve  months  to comply with  the  decision,  but  the
                         y Correos, Telcor) has issued Administrative Agreement   process seemingly overran.
                         001-2023, confirming that its clearance of the 900MHz   (August 8, 2023)
        Nicaragua        band (894MHz-960MHz) drew to a close on 31 July 2023.
                         Going forward, the vacated frequencies will be used to   The  National  Assembly  (Asamblea  Nacional),  which
                         support mobile broadband services. Telcor says it will   is  controlled  by President  Daniel  Ortega’s Sandinista
                         now determine the economic conditions and allocation   National  Liberation  Front  (Frente  Sandinista  de
                         mechanisms  for  the  spectrum;  this  will  be based  on   Liberacion Nacional, FSLN), has approved an overhaul
                         market  demand, relevance of the  services and  the   of the Nicaraguan Institute for Telecommunications and
                         current regulatory framework. Of the 900MHz band, the   Posts (Instituto Nicaraguense de Telecomunicaciones
                         915MHz-928MHz range has been ratified for dynamic   y Correos,  Telcor) with  the  aim of expanding  the
                         channel  allocation  (DCA)  and  low-power  wide-area   regulatory power of the  telecoms  watchdog. As per
                         network (LPWAN) devices, as long as they do not cause   local press reports, the initiative was presented to the
                         interference with other authorized telecommunications   National Assembly on 2 June and ratified on 13 June.
                         services. In May 2022 Telcor confirmed that work was   The Ortega-Murillo regime has stated that the reform
                         underway to vacate  the  900MHz  band  airwaves  that   of Organic Law No. 1053 ‘is intended to provide clarity
                         were being used by the country’s FM radio operators.   and  explicitness  in  relation  to  Telcor’s  powers and
                         The  decision  was  rubber-stamped  by Administrative   attributions in terms of regulation, control of the sector,
                         Agreement  No.  005-2021,  which  was  published  on  1   as well as the promotion of innovation and investments.

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