Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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pressing for international harmonization of hybrid the UK’s utilities sector communication needs are
sharing of the band to enable economies of scale for growing and suggests that the biggest changes are
equipment. Comments have been invited by a deadline being driven by the electricity sector transforming to
of 15 September 2023, with Ofcom saying it expects support net zero, which is seeing fundamental shifts in
to publish a summary of responses ‘in the autumn of how power is generated and used. According to Ofcom,
2023’, ahead of following up with a further consultation although there are various options for meeting these
on specific proposals for the implementation of hybrid communication needs, a private wide area network
sharing in the upper 6GHz band in 2024. might require access to additional spectrum. At this
(July 7, 2023) stage Ofcom said it is not making any specific proposals
to change the use of any of these bands, but instead is
British telecoms regulator Ofcom has called for views seeking to improve understanding of the advantages and
on five potential candidate spectrum bands it believes disadvantages of the potential candidate bands across
could be suitable to support the future operational stakeholders. As such, it noted that if in future it needs
communications needs of the utilities sector. In its to develop specific proposals it will consult further on
consultation, Ofcom said it is considering the use of those, while it expects response received to its current
the following bands: 400MHz (Northern Ireland only); call of input – which are requested by a 7 September
450MHz; 700MHz; 800MHz/900MHz (again in Northern 2023 deadline – to help inform its development of any
Ireland only); and 1900MHz. The watchdog notes that such proposals. (June 30, 2023)
Verizon Wireless has announced that it now has technical parameters. Citing the potential of AI and
access to the total amount of 5G C-band spectrum machine learning, FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel said:
awarded at auction in March 2021 – four months “with demands on our airwaves growing with the Internet
ahead of schedule. Specifically, Verizon has access of Things, we want to better understand spectrum
United to a minimum of 140MHz of C-band spectrum in the utilization in geography, frequency, and time. This is the
kind of data that could help make our policies smarter
contiguous US and an average of 161MHz nationwide,
States meaning it has bandwidth in 406 markets. In addition, and more effective.” She noted in the future wireless
Verizon has 200MHz of C-band spectrum in 158 devices could utilize AI to manage transmissions and
mostly rural markets covering nearly 40 million people. avoid interference on their own, working with other
Verizon began deploying 5G technology using its initial devices “without a central authority dictating the best
60MHz allocation of C-band spectrum in 46 locations of use of spectrum in every environment.”
in 2022. C-band 5G has since been extended to more (August 4, 2023)
than 222 million people in 359 markets, with 40 million
households now able to access to Verizon’s Home As per Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Internet FWA service. (August 16, 2023) documentation, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks
comment from interested parties on the proposed
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) takeover of Winn Telephone Company (Winn Telecom)
began a technical investigation into spectrum usage by Peninsula Fiber Network (PFN). Both companies
data, as chair Jessica Rosenworcel cited the potential of are based in and operate in Michigan. Winn Telecom
artificial intelligence for improving management of the provides services as an incumbent local exchange carrier
resource. In a statement following its August meeting, (LEC) in the Winn Exchange, and as a competitive LEC
the FCC announced the approval of a “technical inquiry to residential and business customers in rural areas of
into spectrum usage data” which aims to explore the 67 exchanges in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. PFN
feasibility of various techniques to understand use of is a 50/50 JV between Baraga Telephone Company and
airwaves in the country. The study is limited to non- Hiawatha Communications. The proposed transaction
Federal spectrum, which excludes allocations for will be structured as a ‘reverse triangular merger’ in
agencies such as the armed forces and the FBI. From which PFN Sub, an acquisition subsidiary of PFN, will
the study the regulator aims to gain an understanding of merge into Winn Comm and then cease its existence.
the feasibility, benefit and limits of various techniques The deal was first submitted for FCC approval on 6
to understand spectrum usage, with comments sought February.
on best practices, operational considerations, and (June 19, 2023) www.fcc .gov
130 JULY-AUGUST 2023