Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 104


        EC Targets Tougher GDPR Enforcement

        The  European  Commission (EC)  outlined   companies. Reuters reported the EC’s move   promote a consensus  among authorities.
        new  rules  to help  domestic  regulators   came in response to criticism about fines   Companies  under  investigation  will  have
        ensure  stronger enforcement  of  General   being too low and investigations taking too   the right to be heard at key stages of the
        Data  Protection  Regulation  (GDPR),  long to deter the likes of Google, Amazon   investigation process, as will complainants.
        following reported criticism of the handling   and  Meta  Platforms from breaching   “The  harmonization  of these  procedural
        of privacy breaches  by technology   GDPR  laws.  To  address  the  situation,  the   aspects will support the timely completion
                                             EC published  new guidelines  it  stated   of investigations”  and, in  turn “delivery of
                                             will  streamline  cooperation  between  a  swift  remedies  for individuals,”  the  EC
                                             Data  Protection  Authorities  (DPA) when   stated.  Despite  the  changes,  the  EC was
                                             enforcing  GDPR  across  borders, while   keen  to  point  out  GDPR  is  working, citing
                                             harmonizing  the  process  in  numerous   711  final  decisions  made  with  “fines  of
                                             areas.  The  changes  will  require the  lead   hundreds  of millions  of euros” imposed
                                             DPA to send  a  summary of key  issues to   in  some cases.  Meta  Platforms was
                                             its peers to allow for feedback at an early   recently hit with a €1.2 billion fine over data
                                             stage  in  any  investigation,  contribute to   protection  breaches,  reportedly  the  bloc’s
                                             reducing  last-minute  disagreements  and   highest such penalty to-date.

        India Targets 6G Lead with New Alliance

        India’s Department of Telecommunications   collaboration  and  knowledge  exchange”.   late to the 5G party, with operators in the
        (DoT)  launched  a  6G  alliance  designed   India’s  push  follows the  creation  of   country launching services in October 2022.
        to drive the  country’s  next-generation   initiatives including the Next G Alliance in   However, Minister  for  Communications,
        ambitions,  a  project  which will  include   the US, the EU 6G alliance and state-backed   Railways,  Electronics  and  IT  Ashwini
        involvement  from the  private sector,   initiatives  in  China,  as  governments  and   Vaishnaw  pointed  to a  series  of reforms
        academics, research institutions  and   corporations  target  a  lead  on  developing   over the last  nine years, which he  claims
        standards  organizations.  The  DoT  stated   a  technology  heavily  touted  to  launch  in   left India well placed to take a key role in
        the Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA) will involve   2030.  Notably,  India  was  comparatively   the development of 6G.
        75  companies  and  is  backed  by  two
        government  grants  to create  technology
        testbeds,  as  part  of the  state’s  vision
        boost  the  country’s  telecoms  sector.
        B6GA will primarily work to understand the
        business and societal needs of 6G beyond
        technology requirements,  promote open
        R&D  initiatives  and  accelerate  standards-
        related  patent  creation.  It  is  also  pledged
        to bring  together  start-ups,  corporations
        and  the  manufacturing sector  “to drive
        the  design,  development  and  deployment
        of 6G”  in  India.  The  DoT  wants  B6GA
        to “forge  coalitions  and  synergies  with
        other 6G  alliances,  fostering  international

        Colombia Updates MNP Regulations

        Colombia’s  Communications  Regulatory   rejection and strengthens the mechanisms   three days down to one. That rule took ef-
        Commission  (Comision  de  Regulacion  de   that  are  in  place  to  reduce  identity  theft   fect on 1 July 2020. As of 31 March 2023,
        Comunicaciones, CRC) has updated its mo-  fraud. Previously, in  2020  the  watchdog   a total of 43.2 million mobile numbers had
        bile  number portability  (MNP)  regulations   introduced Resolution  CRC  5929  of 2020,   been ported in Colombia.
        with  Resolution  CRC  7151  of  2023.  The   cutting  the  timeframe  in  which  domestic
        new  resolution  amends  the  grounds  for   cellcos must process MNP requests from
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