Page 147 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        communication  networks taking into account  the continuous   liability, apart from the fact that all data is vulnerable to hacking
        increase in the use of mobile broadband services.      and misuse of the service for fraud and hacking. TRA clarified that,
        Role of the authority: The authority will review the reports submitted   however, the safety of using the devices has not been confirmed.
        by the licensee, audit its records and systems, and the authority   Meanwhile, many Internet subscribers reacted to the warning by
        may seek the assistance of a consultant or auditor to review the   saying that one of the main reasons is the high price involved with
        details submitted by the licensee at t the expense of the licensee.   the subscription of services.” “People resort to sharing services to
        The  authority measures the  quality of telecommunications   reduce costs as the Internet is an essential utility and service and
        services as follows: Conducting field surveys directly or through a   an absolute necessity at all times.”
        third party to measure service quality provided, whether for mobile   (July 20, 2022)
        or fixed telecommunications services, and preparing comparative
        reports for the quality of the service of each licensee. It will use   The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), has issued
        data measured from a third party, through the collection of random   Decision No. 107 setting out regulations for the management of
        samples from users to obtain information related to the quality of   emergency cases. The guide deals with the obligations of Segment
        telecommunications services, which will reflect the experiences   1 and Segment 2 personnel tasked with handling contingencies. It
        of the beneficiaries of the quality of the service provided by the   helps achieve quick response and maintain the sustainability of
        various licensees. (August1, 2022)  basic communications in emergency conditions. It also provides
                                                               for integration among the departments concerned to realize the
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has warned   unification of efforts and the restoration of services in the shortest
        there are several risks when creating wireless networks for the   possible time. The guide also deals with the supply of necessary
        purpose of sharing Internet services with neighbors. In a statement   equipment and human resources at emergency operation centers.
        issued on Tuesday, the TRA said that such activities can cause   During  emergency  cases, the Telecommunications  Sector
        technical glitches. “There is a possibility of interference in wireless   joins  hands with  the National  Committee for Management of
        networks and the impact on the speed and quality of service for the   Emergencies—a standard measure to tackle any probable negative
        rest of the subscribers in the same area.” It warned that creating   impacts. (July 13, 2022)
        Internet services without a license can make the user liable to legal


        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority organized Consumer   The number of 3G and 4G users in Pakistan increased by 1.86
        Conference 2022 with the theme “Consumers First” on Friday. Head   million from 113.89 million by end-May 2022 to 115.75 million
        of the Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms, Mr. Salman Sufi was the   by the end of June 2022, says the Pakistan Telecommunication
        chief guest on this occasion. CEO USF Pakistan, representatives   Authority (PTA). The number of cellular subscribers in Pakistan
        of IT & telecom industry, consumer rights groups and the public   increased by  1.32  million to 194.58  million by  end-June  2022
        also attended the event. Joining the event virtually, Head of PM   compared to 193.29  million by  end-May  2022.  The teledensity
        Strategic  Reforms  said this conference  provides an excellent   for cellular mobile increased from  87.8  percent by  end May  to
        opportunity to directly obtain consumer feedback especially on   88.34 percent by end June. The total teledensity increased from
        the issues the public  is  facing. He  also  mentioned  the recent   88.94 percent by end May to 89.53 percent by end June 2022.
        measures undertaken by  PTA such as  opt out/ unsubscribing   The Monthly Next Generation Mobile Service (NGMS) penetration
        mechanism  for unsolicited/telemarketing messages. He  also   increased from 51.73 percent by end-May 2022 to 52.55 percent
        mentioned that the Government is working with stakeholders in   in June 2022. Jazz’s total count for 3G users declined from 6.068
        the light of Prime Minister’s vision of digital economy to ensure   million by  end May  to  5.947  million by  end June,  registering  a
        convenience of the people. Citizen data privacy law will also be   decrease of 0.121 million. Jazz 4G user numbers jumped from
        enacted in the near future which will ensure unprecedented data   37.168 million by end May to 38.039 million by end June. Zong
        protection of citizens and businesses. Addressing the conference,   3G subscribers decreased from 3.272 million by end May to 3.197
        Chairman PTA, Maj. General Amir Azeem Bajwa (R) said that PTA   million by  end  June,  while the number  of 4G users increased
        is cognizant of telecom consumers’ needs and is taking every step   from 28.317 million by end May to 28.906 million by end June.
        to facilitate them in resolving their issues. He said that organizing   Telenor  3G subscribers  decreased  from 3.613  million by end
        this  consumer conference  is  yet  another serious effort  by  PTA   May to 3.542 million by end June, while the number of 4G users
        to take consumer  feedback  directly from the public. Moreover,   of Telenor increased from 21.496 million by end May to 21.831
        PTA is working on improving consumer satisfaction level against   million by end June. Ufone 3G users stood at 3.509 million by end
        the resolution  of their problems. Speaking  at  the occasion,   June compared to 3.576 million by end May. The number of 4G
        Member (Compliance &  Enforcement)  PTA, Dr.  Khawar  Sidique   users of Ufone increased from 9.052 million by end May to 9.419
        Khokhar highlighted that PTA, being a progressive regulator with   million by end June, registering 0.367 million increase during the
        reconciliatory approach, has improved consumer experience and   period under review. The PTA received 20,191 complaints from
        facilitated industry progress. (August 29, 2022)  telecom consumers against different telecom operators, including
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