Page 144 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 144



        The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority’s (NTRA)   WE: Number of complaints escalated against WE were 345/ 100
        released the first semi-annual report on telecom-user complaints   thousand  subscribers.  Landline complaints scored a  number
        for the period between January and June 2022. NTRA is a strategy   of 295/100 thousand subscribers, whereas the response rate to
        to support  the user rights and ensure high-quality services in   complaints after being escalated to NTRA had reached 77 percent
        Egypt’s market. The report shows the most important indicators   with an average response time of 2.75 days. Cash amounts of 3.8
        with  respect  to  landline,  mobile,  fixed  internet  and  mobile  set   million refunded to users post entitlement by NTRA from operators.
        complaints. It also displays the rate and time of response to such   (August 22, 2022)
        complaints post escalation to NTRA. NTRA actually gets telecom-
        user complaints regarding operators via call center on (155). In   The Minister of Communications and IT, Amr Talaat noted that
        Addition,  it has recently  provided  new e-channels  to facilitate   Egypt is taking steady steps towards building a digital state. He
        communication with users as well as to deliver non-traditional   made these remarks during the Egyptian-Lebanese Association
        channels for complaints; such as, MyNTRA App, NTRA’s website,   of Businessmen’s  (ELBA).  As  remarked, The Egyptian Ministry
        e-mail address as well as instant messaging apps like WhatsApp.   of Communications  and Information Technology  has  a  three-
        For this reason, 143235 complaints were received during the first   axis  strategy,  digital  transformation,  providing  highly  efficient
        half-year period of 2022 because of such procedures. Operators’   and stable telecommunication services, and providing digital job
        response  rate to complaints  through  the  same period  reached   opportunities for youth. He announced that Egypt has entered into
        89  percent whereas  response  time  was  1.7  days  in  average.   a new phase of digital services incorporating electronic signature.
        Complaints  regarding  mobile  set,  mobile  service,  fixed  internet   Previously the electronic signature system was activated in several
        service as  well  as  landline service are presented  in  details as   stages, starting with  its  activation in  government  applications,
        follow: The  overall number  of complaints  escalated  by  mobile   where government  employees  used  the  electronic  signature at
        set owners to NTRA regarding dealerships was 1937 during the   work, then came the stage of activating the electronic signature
        first half-year period of 2022. Moreover, the rate of complaint-  system in applications for enterprises  and companies  which
        resolving reached 94 percent with an average time of 4.7 days.   included examples such as the electronic invoice in cooperation
        Most importantly, complaints were raised regarding poor technical   with the Ministry of Finance. The latest phase is the application
        support by 48 percent,  rejection of mobile-set  exchange  by 31   to citizens’ services,  where consular  services  for Egyptians
        percent,  maintenance  issues by 13 percent  and re-occurrence   residing  abroad will  begin.  In addition,  the government  digital
        of problem post repair by 8 percent. The average time taken for   transformation project has  also been  implemented  to enable
        resolving complaints per dealership was as follow; Safi by 3.6, I2   government  agencies  to  exchange  data,  allowing Egyptian
        by 4.5, Ro’ya by 4.6, Raya by 5, Sky by 5.5 days. Number of mobile   citizens to utilize one government portal to access and transact
        complaints was  66/  100  thousand subscribers,  whereas  the   with the government  under  the Digital Egypt Platform.  Giant
        response rate to complaints after being escalated to NTRA had   data centers have also been established at the highest technical
        got 92 percent and the average response time had been 0.72 days.  level to host and preserve citizens’ data. Digital Egypt platform
        Vodafone:  Number  of complaints  escalated  against Vodafone   currently includes more than 130  government  services.  Talaat
        was 64/ 100 thousand subscribers.                      noted,  ‘There  are  a  number  of  digital  transformation projects
        Orange: 77 complaints/ 100 thousand subscribers were escalated   being implemented with investments of more than 15 billion EGP
        against Orange.                                        (Egyptian Pound) equivalent to almost 8 million USD. The projects
        Etisalat: Number of complaints escalated against Etisalat was 57/   include the digitization off the agricultural tenure system, health
        100 thousand subscribers.                              insurance system, the law enforcement system, economic courts
        WE:  Number of complaints escalated against  WE  was  58/  100   with remote litigation system, and real estate licensing system.
        thousand subscribers.                                  The Minister also noted that more than 90% of the data traffic
        Number  of  fixed  internet  complaints  was  442/  100  thousand   between East and West passes through Egyptian lands and waters.
        subscribers, whereas the response rate to complaints after being   Egypt’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
        escalated to NTRA had reached 94  percent and the average   is set to expand the international infrastructure outside Egypt by
        response time had been 2.07 days.                      increasing the number of submarine cables, and expanding and
        Vodafone:  Number  of complaints  escalated  against Vodafone   developing the international infrastructure inside Egypt. To date
        was 755/ 100 thousand subscribers.                     Egypt has expanded the local network that transmits data from
        Orange: Number  of complaints escalated against  Orange was   the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea was doubled to increase
        1219 complaints/ 100 thousand subscribers.             from 2,700 km to more than 5,000 km.
        Etisalat:  Number  of complaints  escalated  against Etisalat  was   (July 27, 2022)
        825/ 100 thousand subscribers.

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