Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 146



        The National Agency of Telecommunications Regulation (Agence   Telecom’s  actions had prevented and delayed its  competitors
        Nationale de Reglementation de Telecom, ANRT) has fined Maroc   from accessing LLU and the fixed broadband market since 2013,
        Telecom  Group  (IAM) MAD2.45 billion  (USD238 million)  by for   following  an in-depth  examination of the various elements  of
        failing to comply with the agency’s fair competition rules. ANRT   the investigation report, which commenced  in May  2017.  The
        said the fine is the culmination of an accumulative penalty that it   committee  judged  that the  behavior constituted  an abuse  of
        imposed on IAM back in January 2020; ANRT set a fine of MAD4.1   dominant position, which is prohibited by the provisions of Article
        million for every day that IAM failed to comply with the agency’s   7 of Law No.104-12 and is liable to a financial penalty of MAD3.3
        fair competition instructions. Maroc Telecom Group has 30 days   billion, entirely paid to the Treasury.
        to appeal the USD238 million cumulative fine in court. In January   (July 29, 2022)
        2020 the ANRT Management Committee concluded that Maroc


        Nepal Telecom's  5G  trial  program  seems to  be on an  obstacle   Determination  Committee would review  Ncell’s  5G plan.  There
        course, hitting one hurdle after another. The state-owned telecom   has been no response so far, sources privy to the matter said. “We
        giant says the 5G testing will be delayed by another few months   have been requesting the regulator to issue trial 5G spectrum to
        after having held up trials of the new mobile network technology   Ncell since early last year so that we could test the technology
        for a year. “The testing plan has been delayed as the equipment   for a stipulated period before the commercial launch as per the
        needed  to conduct  the  5G trials arrived  late,”  said Shobhan   regulatory framework,” Ncell told the Post in an email. According
        Adhikari, spokesperson  for Nepal Telecom.  “It  took us time to   to the latest management  and information  system report  of
        issue the purchase order.” Nepal Telecom will conduct the trials in   the Nepal  Telecommunications  Authority, there are 38 million
        one location each in the seven provinces. Initially, the government   broadband subscribers in Nepal. The country has 10 million 3G
        company had planned to begin the trials in mid-July 2021, aiming   subscribers and 17.99 million 4G subscribers. Total broadband
        to become the first in South Asia to roll out the 5G network, but   penetration has reached 130.20 percent, out of which 98.55 are
        changes  in government  slowed it down. The telecom  regulator   mobile broadband users and 31.28 percent fixed broadband users.
        has  allocated 2600  MHz  frequency  band to  Nepal Telecom   As of mid-May, Nepal Telecom had 8.89 million 3G users and 10
        for the testing. In  September  2021, Ncell wrote to the Nepal   million 4G users while Ncell had 2 million 3G users and 6.61 million
        Telecommunications Authority seeking approval for 5G network   4G users. (July 24, 2022)
        trials.  The regulator replied  that  the Radio Frequency  Policy


        Eng.  Salim  al  Aufi,  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the   speed data for broadband services. The actual speed of the fixed
        Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority (TRA) has  issued a   wired broadband service provided to the beneficiary shall not be
        regulation to monitor the quality of telecommunication services   less than 90% of the maximum data speed limit announced by
        in  the country.  According to  the regulation,  the licensee  must   the licensee according to the beneficiary's subscribed package.
        announce  the  data  speed  for  each  fixed  broadband  service   The actual speed of a fixed wireless broadband service shall not
        package (wired and wireless) and must publish  details of the   be less than 70% of the highest data speed  announced  by the
        quality of communications services, packages, and offers. As per   licensee according to the subscribed package. The licensee must
        the decision, the licensee shall submit reports on the established   publish sufficient details about the quality of telecommunications
        performance  indicators of  the quality  of  telecommunications   services and packages and the offers on its website, to ensure that
        services within a period not exceeding 30 days from the end of the   the beneficiary is aware of the quality of the telecommunications
        monitoring period and must publish those reports in the form and   services it  provides. The licensee  must design  wireless
        within the period specified by TRA. The licensee must declare the   communications  networks to provide communications  signal
        data speed for each of the bandwidth packages - fixed broadband   strength) that will ensure the ensures the best telecommunication
        (wired and wireless), and it is also committed to providing high-  services to the beneficiaries, The licensee must design wireless
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