Page 150 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        The  deployment of these  networks will  provide cutting-edge   reached 271.66 Mbit/s. which is 15% higher than last year, while
        technologies of IoT and broadband communications, which will   upload speeds of mobile internet reached 35.2 Mbit/s, 15% higher
        contribute  to enhance  digital  transformation around  the world.   than last year in Makkah on July 8. With extensive preparations
        The forum will  include  a  global research competition  on NTN   from CITC, pilgrims have consumed 3.16K TB via telecom networks
        and will discuss the most prominent services provided via Non-  in Makkah City, this is the equivalent of watching 1.29M hours of
        Terrestrial Networks, and their regulatory and scientific aspects.   HD video clips, the Commission reported. Statistics released by
        In addition, it highlights CITC recent technology trials in the field   CITC also showed that the average daily consumption per user
        of NTN and its role in the adoption of 6G technology and enabling   was  805.92  MB/user,  exceeding  3  times  the world’s  average
        an environmentally friendly and sustainable telecommunications   consumption of around 200 MB/user. And the most used apps
        infrastructure. (July 28, 2022)            are YouTube,  TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook,  and Instagram, the
                                                               Commission reported. On top of the 12.96 million local calls, 1.41
        The Communications  &  Information  Technology  Commission   million international calls were made, with a total success rate
        (CITC), has confirmed that the download speed of mobile internet   exceeding 98%. (July 9, 2022)

                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        Sri Lanka’s 5G rollouts are likely to lag behind the regional peers, due   5G would be awarded within the following year, the Global System
        to the obstacles formed by the on-going economic crisis, uncertain   for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) pointed out that
        political environment and recent hike in the Telecommunications   the plans  of spectrum  awards were mentioned  in focusing  on
        Levy  imposed  on the operators.  Although  the 5G rollouts  were   taxation and revenue generation. Meanwhile, the TRCSL did launch
        earlier expected to take place in the country this year and next   a consultation on its spectrum licensing framework in mid-2021
        year,  with  the leading  telco operators  moving for commercial   and submissions from industry members were made with taking
        deployment, the Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission   steps to clear the spectrum along with discussions to release the
        of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) is yet to hold to a spectrum auction, which   700 MHz spectrum to operators. However, the progress of these
        would include the 5G-capable spectrum. “Mobitel plans to invest   initiatives is yet to be publicized. It is widely expected that the
        US $ 100 million in its 5G networks and estimates US $ 15 million   3500 MHz band spectrum is to be awarded for 5G deployment.
        on 5G spectrum licenses. Meanwhile, Dialog claims to be the first   However, the GSMA noted that the TRCSL is yet to announce an
        operator in South Asia to trial a 5G standalone network. However,   award mechanism, lot sizes or fees,  with the consultations  of
        Sri Lanka’s major economic crisis, uncertain political situation and   telecom operators. In addition, OpenSignal pointed out that more
        an increase in the Telecommunications Levy from 11.25 percent to   mobile spectrum remains crucial for improving mobile network
        15 percent for operators are likely to hamper the future 5G rollouts   quality in Sri Lanka, as experienced during the pandemic-related
        in Sri Lanka,” leading mobile analytics firm OpenSignal said in its   lockdown  period.  Theretofore, it said the TRCSL should  ensure
        latest Mobile Network Experience Report. Meanwhile, the other   that the mobile operators are given sufficient spectrum to mobile
        regional countries,  including  India,  are  moving ahead to  rollout   services in order to deliver a strong 4G and 5G experience and
        5G services within the next few months. Although the previous   meet the growing appetite for mobile internet usage in the country.
        government in its 2021 budget announced that the spectrum for   (August 4, 2022)


        5G Launch was held at Istanbul Airport. Speaking at the opening   the 5G signal at the airport have been completed, Karaismailoğul
        of  the  program, Minister  of  Transport  and Infrastructure  Adil   said, “Today, we will see the stage Turkey has reached in 5G at
        Karaismailoğlu said that Turkey's 5G journey has begun. 3 GSM   the stands set up by our domestic technology companies. With
        operators  serving in Turkey  offered 5G speed  to the service of   the low  level of  5G  supported devices in our country  and the
        passengers  for  the  first  time  with  the  introductory  ceremony   increase in devices supporting 5G, citizens' benefit from 5G will
        attended  by  Minister of Transport  and Infrastructure Adil   increase. Significant strides have been made so far. We will take
        Karaismailoğlu.  Providing  information  about  the  works  related   this road with bigger steps. We will increase our investments to
        to 5G, Minister İsmailoğlu said, “We are at Istanbul Airport. It has   accelerate the transition to 5G. We have provided and will continue
        been a project that will give 25 billion Euros of rent to the state by   to provide the necessary support with the Ministry and related
        investing 10 million liras in an area of 75 million square meters.   institutions. Operators also need to demonstrate stability. In the
        There is no award that Istanbul Airport did not receive, no record that   first investment period of 4.5G, we see that the domestic rate of
        it did not break," he said. Noting that the necessary preparations for   1 percent  has exceeded  33 percent.  Nationalization of critical

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