Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 142

                                                                            REGULATORY & POLICY UPDATESATORY & POLICY UPDATES  SAMENA TRENDS

                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) announced   restrict it – the TRA will always act. The TRA seeks to encourage a
        that Internet users in Bahrain will soon be able to benefit from   dynamic competitive market which works well for consumers. We
        faster and more efficient Wi-Fi 6 technologies, allowing them to   all rely on telecoms services every day - telecoms are essential.
        enjoy the full capabilities of both fiber and 5G. This is in line with   The TRA looks after the interests of consumers while ensuring we
        the Kingdom’s adoption of radio spectrum ranges 5470 – 5725   have fair competition between operators.” (August 3, 2022)
        MHz and 5925 – 6425 MHz for Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E applications.
        TRA said that Bahrain has one of the most extensive fiber optic   The Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA) revealed the re-
        deployments in the world, with 5G deployments that spans the   sults of its channels performance during the first half (H1) of 2022,
        entire Kingdom. Wi-Fi 6 new features will enhance the consumer   which included a significant spike in online payments. Financial
        experience by increasing capacity and performance. It lets routers   transactions jumped 55% to approximately 1.9 million, bringing
        communicate with more devices at once and send data to multiple   in BD334 million in revenue via the iGA’s various digital channels,
        devices  at  the  same  time.  This  is  of  more  significance  as  the   including the National Portal,, the eGovernment Apps
        average number  of connected  devices in a  Bahraini  household   Store,, and eKiosks. There was also a 12% in-
        is expected to continue to increase. TRA General Director Philip   crease in the number of government apps users compared to the
        Marnick said: “Bahrain is one of the most connected places in the   same period in 2021 .and 9,789,000 visits to the portal during the
        world and internet users expect to be able to use the full potential   first half of 2022 , an increase of 31%. iGA Deputy Chief Executive
        of both our extensive fiber and 5G coverage. Opening this new Wi-  of eTransformation, Dr. Zakariya AlKhajah said that the increase
        Fi spectrum will not only enable everyone in Bahrain to access the   in online transactions is in line with directives by the Kingdom of
        services they want today; it will also allow them to make full use of   Bahrain’s leadership to introduce digital transformation strategies
        new technologies and capabilities as they become available.” “We   and initiatives across all areas of the government. He added that
        want to ensure Bahrain is the best place in the world to access the   the iGA is committed to implementing the decisions of the Minis-
        internet and for companies to test their innovations,” he added. The   terial Committee for Information and Communications Technolo-
        authority noted that the new radio spectrum in place, commercial   gy, chaired by the Minister of Interior, General Shaikh Rashid bin
        and government  organizations  will  be  able to offer enhanced   Abdulla Al Khalifa, which aims to accelerate the development of
        services, enabling the Kingdom to continue enhancing its global   services in cooperation with other government entities by setting   Draft
        Information and Communications Technology (ICT) deployment   policies, deploying advanced technologies, and enhancing overall
        ranking. (August 17, 2022)                  performance. Services are offered via digital channels, contribut-
                                                               ing to a better quality of life for citizens and residents, who have
        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA) has   shown increasing acceptance of government apps downloadable
        announced on its website its decision in response to complaints   from the eGovernment Apps Store. He attributed this rise in de-
        submitted  against  Batelco  regarding  its  fiber  broadband  speed   mand to Bahrain’s advanced digital culture, adding that the iGA is
        offer which was introduced in July 2020 and lasted for a period   looking to introduce additional features and services to enhance
        of 9 months. According to the Authority’s Decision, consumers   the user experience even further. AlKhajah said that the directives
        who  had  subscribed  to  Batelco’s  fiber  broadband  packages   of the Minister of Interior have served to motivate these enhance-
        during this period may exit their contract(s) and switch to another   ments. The iGA is  dedicated  to swifter digital transformation
        fiber broadband service provider without paying any termination   through the diversification of online government services and en-
        charges. This not only applies to subscribers during the period, but   suring they meet the requirements of all stakeholders. It ensures
        also to users who have been offered the fiber broadband packages   that they are offered as an alternative to traditional services, help-
        without renewing their contracts. Consumers will be notified of   ing to save the public time and effort by eliminating the need for
        this by Batelco during the first week of August. Switching between   physical visits to service centers. This requires a sophisticated
        operators in Bahrain is simple, as the Kingdom’s fiber infrastructure   restructuring of the services by the iGA in collaboration with other
        is  provided by  a  single provider BNET.  Therefore, customers   government entities. He said that the iGA is currently working on
        wishing  to end their  contract  with Batelco  may use  another   launching a large number of additional eServices this year. The to-
        competitive service provider for a  comparable  service, or may   tal number of eServices currently provided by the iGA’s currently
        renew their existing contract with Batelco should they wish to do   stands at 569, including 440 via the Portal, 19 via eKiosks, and 110
        so. Mr. Philip Marnick, General Director of TRA Bahrain stated “To   via mobile apps. The H1 2022 report revealed a major trend among
        further promote competition and stop any behaviors which may   citizens and residents to carry out transactions via government

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