Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 140


        Communication  infrastructure enables   register to the public cellular network and   Syniverse  has developed
        automation, which in  turn drives process   not register  to the private network. As a
        speeds  while maintaining costs.  Asset   result, users will need to manually register   and patented a technology
        monitoring is critical in these cases, along   to the private network, a step that is typically   called Automated Network
        with visibility into maintenance issues.   not possible for IoT devices.Achieving
                                             automated  switching  from one network   Reselection           (ANR).
        Using a hosted and managed International   to  another when appropriate conditions   ANR  enables  a mobile
        Mobile  Subscriber  Identity (IMSI) and   are met and maintaining  communication   device  with  a   single
        Subscriber  Identity  Module (SIM)  is  vital   sessions at the application level are key to
        to device communication and establishing   establishing superior experience levels for   SIM  to reconnect  to its
        productive  collaboration  with  the private   both users and IoT devices.  designated  private mobile
        network location.
                                             To accomplish  this, Syniverse  has    network  upon  return  from
        Connectivity outside the private network is   developed  and patented  a technology   the public macro network.
        increasingly critical.  Manufactured parts   called Automated Network Reselection
        from one  location  shipped  to the next   (ANR). ANR enables a mobile device with   ANR’s functionality  solves
        location will  leave  the coverage of the   a single SIM to reconnect to its designated   the  challenge  of network
        private network. Roaming with the macro   private mobile network upon return from the   selection  when  private
        network extends connectivity  beyond the   public macro network. ANR’s functionality
        factory.  Parts  can  be  identified,  tracked,   solves the challenge of network selection   and public  networks  have
        and monitored with the implementation of   when  private and public  networks  have   overlapping coverage.
        a hybrid model. This private-public inter-  overlapping coverage.
        operability is now possible with seamless                                challenge for devices needing the flexibility
        and secure connectivity  provided  by   ANR is  a  vital  feature within Syniverse’s   to roam beyond the local network’s
        Syniverse’s Private Wireless Solution.   Private Wireless Network solution along   border.  Implementing  capabilities that
                                             with Global SIM with Multi-IMSI  support   permit connected devices to roam both
        For mobile  devices that enter  a private   and Mobile Policy Control Center.   domestically and internationally  and
        network that resides within a larger public                              seamlessly  reconnect  to  the  private
        network’s cellular footprint, the ability for   The benefits of private wireless networks   network resolves critical communications
        this device to seamlessly move between   will  continue to make them attractive   issues will  be important as  the world
        networks is essential to ensure data   for various sectors across  enterprises   becomes  increasingly more connected
        captured  from the  device  remains within   and beyond. While the isolation they   through the current 4G and quickly growing
        the domain of the private wireless network.   offer allows  the allocation  of inherently   5G platforms.
        A device activated within overlapping   secure bandwidth for local devices,  it
        private and public network coverage may   also  creates  private  network  islands  –  a
        About the author:
        Kathiravan is a Senior Product Management Director in the Carrier Business Unit of Syniverse. He is responsible for the management and growth of
        products that form Syniverse’s IoT and Private Wireless pillars.  These ‘Next Generation Solutions’ drive the development of emerging connectivity products,
        such as Global SIM & eSIM, Private LTE, Sponsored Roaming, Open Connectivity Complete and Secure Global Access, and combine them in seamless ways
        to support various IoT use cases.

        Kathiravan has been in the telecommunications industry for over 20 years and has been deployed around the world to deliver products and services,
        specializing in new product introduction. He has a bachelor’s degree in computing (Hons) from University of Portsmouth, UK, and has been PMP certified
        since 2009.

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