Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 76


        True and DTAC Set to Merge Before End of First Quarter

        Thailand’s  National  Broadcasting and   that would see one share in DTAC equate   DTAC’s at THB47.76.
        Telecommunication  Commission  (NBTC)   to 24.5 shares in the merged entity, while
        has stated that the merger between DTAC   one share in True would equate  to 2.4
        and True  Corporation  is set to go ahead,   shares.  The companies expressed an  in-
        with the companies submitting confirma-  tention to list the merged unit on the SET.
        tion of their intent. According to local out-  DTAC and True’s respective parent compa-
        let, the merger is expected   nies Telenor Asia and Charoen Pokphand
        to close in Q1 2022 after receiving approv-  (CP) Holding have formed a joint venture
        al from the operators’ respective boards of   known as  Citrine Global Company,  and it
        executives on 19th  November  2021.  The   is this unit which will make a conditional
        companies  will  take equal  stakes in the   voluntary tender offer for the entire share-
        newly merged  entity.  TeleGeography  re-  holding  of the two companies,  with True
        ports that the firms agreed to a swap ratio   shares priced  at  THB5.09  (USD0.15)  and

        MTN Opposes Telkom’s Application to Halt ICASA Spectrum Auction

        MTN has filed papers to oppose rival Tel-  stakeholders  until  31  January  to submit   players. We cannot have a repeat of 2021,
        kom’s urgent application to interdict ICASA   their applications. MTN South Africa CEO   where the entire process was delayed for
        from proceeding with Invitations To Apply   Charles Molapisi  said: ‘While the current   another full year, and that on the back of
        (ITAs) for IMT spectrum. Icasa published   ITA is not perfect, we believe the regulator   14 years of no additional spectrum being
        the final ITA on 10 December 2021, giving   has tried to strike a delicate balance for all   added to the industry.’

        EU Offers €258M Fund For 5G and Gigabit Networks

        The European Commission (EC)  invited interested parties  to   European Union. A total of €258 million is currently up for grabs,
        bid for fresh funding  aimed squarely at  improving 5G, cloud   and appears to be spread over 11  projects with a  submission
        infrastructure and high-speed  Gigabit networks throughout  the   deadline of 22 March. A particular focus is being placed on 5G
                                                               coverage along cross-border corridors and for local communities.
                                                               The call for proposals comes under the digital part of Connecting
                                                               Europe Facility  (CEF  Digital), a  key  EU  funding  instrument. The
                                                               move  follows  the  adoption  of  the  first  work  program  for  CEF
                                                               Digital in December 2021, which earmarked more than €1 billion in
                                                               funding for the period from 2021 to 2023. A total planned budget
                                                               for CEF Digital is up to €2 billion by 2027. The entire Connecting
                                                               Europe Facility  program, which supports  investment in trans-
                                                               European digital, transport, and energy networks, is worth €33.7
                                                               billion from 2021  to 2027.  A initial  generation  of CEF, covering
                                                               2014 to 2020, contributed to free Wi-Fi program WiFi4EU, along
                                                               with other cross-border digital infrastructures and services, the
                                                               EC noted.

        China Cyberspace Regulator Says It Will Build Solid National Cyber Security


        China will speed up establishment of a comprehensive internet   battle for core technologies in the information field, it said in a
        governance  system and build a  solid national cyber  security   statement on its website. It also stressed the need to expand and
        barrier, the cyberspace regulator said recently. China will win the   strengthen mainstream online opinion.

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