Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 81


        Communications  Ministry Suggests  Building  Higher  Platforms  at  1,000

        Telco Towers Hit by Floods

        The Communications  and Multimedia   said at a media conference after complet-  is about to happen, even a minor one, the
        Ministry (KKMM)  has suggested  building   ing the  Jelajah Prihatin KKMM program   information will reach every mobile phone
        higher platforms of around three meters at   at Yayasan Kemiskinan Kelantan (YKK)   user, even tourists will  receive the mes-
        1,000 telecommunication towers affected   Peringat,  here today.  Media outlets pre-  sage. “Even  though  we currently have a
        by the recent floods. Its Minister, Tan Sri   viously reported that  repairs to almost   system I want a better one, especially af-
        Annuar Musa said the move was so that   1,000 telecommunication towers that sus-  ter what we went through with the recent
        damage to the telecommunication towers   tained damage and caused  disruptions   floods,” he said. In other developments, he
        was reduced and to ensure that communi-  to  telecommunication  coverage after the   said  that  5,000  Keluarga  Malaysia  Com-
        cations would not be cut off, especially in   recent floods hit were completed. Annuar   munity volunteers  have been  mobilized
        the event of disasters. “I have also asked   added that he wanted related parties, in-  so  far  to  assist  in  post-flood efforts,  in-
        the Malaysian Communications and Mul-  cluding  the Information Department and   cluding cleaning houses. “Other countries
        timedia  Commission (MCMC) to  take the   the Department of Broadcasting to draft   would take around three months to recov-
        initiative to ensure telecommunication   a more effective information delivery sys-  er from floods like this. Yet we can handle
        towers at  flood-prone  areas would  not   tem in flood-prone  areas, including  early   the problem within a matter of two weeks.
        have equipment at ground level in the fu-  warnings. “The current way  are conven-  “Citizens have received many government
        ture. “Communication systems should not   tional  methods,  such as  Info on  Wheels   incentives under Prime Minister Datuk Seri
        be cut off even if water rises to 10 feet or   (IOW) and such, but they are limited...but   Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s leadership, in addi-
        even after floods recede. With this initia-  I want information  that can reach every   tion to cash aid, food provisions and elec-
        tive, at least those trapped on rooftops of   user  exposed  to disasters wherever they   tric  equipment being  channeled  to  flood
        their houses can send SOS (for help),” he   are. “Look at Japan, when an earthquake   victims so quickly,” he added.

        Telecom Authority to Check Mobile Bills for Accuracy

        The Nepal  Telecommunications  Authority   is  empowered to inspect  or investigate   independently without system integration
        is introducing  a monitoring  service   the activities  carried out or  the services   with mobile  operators. The  consulting
        to  verify  metered billing and  charging   provided by the licensee, at any time. Due   service will  be called from international
        accuracy  of mobile services as  the   to the limited resources for billing related   companies,  as per  the  authority.  The
        increasingly complex and fast-changing   complaints, the authority is dependent on   authority has  invited expressions of
        tariffs for telecommunication and internet   the billing systems of telecom operators.   interest to provide consulting  services  to
        services create challenges  of consumer   The  authority said that it now intends  to   design, perform tests and measurements.
        dissatisfaction over over-billing and   perform monitoring of some services on a   The authority recently  expressed  deep
        potential penalties by  the regulator.  The   sampling basis independently without the   concern  after internet  service providers
        system would have been introduced earlier   knowledge of the mobile operators to verify   began setting service charges or  tariffs
        as consumers have long been complaining   whether their metered billing and charging   on their own without its approval. There is
        about  being  charged  unnecessarily  and   system are reliable or not. The consultant   stiff competition in the market to provide
        unknowingly  while utilizing telecom-  company  will  implement  a  billing audit   service packages of more than 100 Mbps
        munication  services.  "The  authority  system without prior knowledge of the   at  competitive rates.  As per Article 42
        would have launched  the system earlier,   telecom service provider and also without   of the Telecommunication  Act 1997  and
        but it is  now  being introduced  as part of   integration  with the mobile  operators   the condition of  the license,  a  telecom-
        its  annual  program," said Surya  Prasad   system. The consultant will perform tests   munication  service provider licensed  by
        Lamichhane,  deputy director. "It  might   and conduct measurements of voice, data,   the authority  needs to  take approval  of
        take  the  current  fiscal  year  to  complete   SMS and VAS  services,  simulating real   service charge or tariff rates for the service
        the project." As per a notice published on   customer behavior during peak and normal   provided to customers. The concerned
        Tuesday, the government  has allocated   hours,  the authority said.  The designed   stakeholder said that competition is quite
        funds for the procurement of a monitoring   measurements will check the accuracy of   unhealthy  in the  market with service
        service  for  the  verification  of  metered   bills issued by mobile operators for voice,   providers apparently focused on increasing
        billing  and charging  accuracy  of mobile   data,  SMS, value added services (VAS)   the number of customers rather than the
        services. According  to Clause 17 of   against the Nepal Telecommunications   quality of service by providing high speed
        the Telecommunication Act 1997, the   Authority- approved tariff rates and pulse   packages at lower prices. Currently, state-
        Nepal  Telecommunications  Authority  durations  for 2G, 3G and 4G services   owned  telecom  giant Nepal  Telecom  has

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