Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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        KemKominfo  to Take  Role in Developing  Telecoms  Infrastructure  in

        Indonesia’s New Capital

        Indonesia’s  Ministry  of Communication   the government  having recently  adopted   network capacity and last  mile access
        and Information  (MCI,  KemKominfo)   legislation to relocate the nation’s capital   networks  in the New IKN  which  includes
        has pledged  to take an active role  in   from DKI  Jakarta  to Kalimantan – the   supporting infrastructure for active and
        developing  telecommunication services   so-called IKN Law – Ministry spokesman   passive devices for the implementation
        and infrastructure in the country’s  new   Dedy Permadi confirmed: ‘KemKominfo is   of fixed broadband and mobile broadband
        National Capital (IKN) in Kalimantan. With   currently mapping the needs for backbone   services.’

        ANACOM Approves Sale of MEO Towers to Cellnex

        Portugal’s National Communications Au-  (USD245.5  million). The transaction was   Altice  Europe  and Belmont Infra Holding.
        thority (Autoridade Nacional de Comuni-  approved by  the  Portuguese  Competition   OMTEL was said to operate 3,000 sites in
        cacoes, ANACOM) has approved the pre-  Authority (Autoridade da  Concorrencia,   Portugal – around 25% of the overall cell
        viously agreed  takeover of passive tower   AdC) on 3  August 2021.  TeleGeography   towers in the country at that date. Cellnex
        infrastructure  belonging  to  PT  Portugal   notes that  the deal represents the latest   went on to acquire 2,000 cell sites from
        (MEO), by Cellnex-backed CLNX Portugal.   in a series of Portuguese transactions for   Nos later that year, in a deal worth an ini-
        The deal  is  understood  to comprise  223   Cellnex. The company made its first move   tial EUR375 million. Last year, meanwhile,
        macro-sites and 464 micro-sites (small   in January 2020, when it signed a EUR800   Cellnex acquired 65 towers from Onitele-
        cells)  and is  valued  at  EUR209  million   million agreement to acquire OMTEL from   com (ONI) via OMTEL.

        India Prepares 5G Auction

        Indian operators looked set  to  get the   launch 5G  services commercially  in  the
        spectrum  they  need  to  proceed  with   fiscal  year  ending  March  2023.  Indian
        commercial 5G service launches after the   operators  have conducted  limited trials
        nation’s Minister of Finance and Corporate   of 5G in various cities in preparation,
        Affairs Nirmala  Sitharaman unveiled   though all three major providers called for
        plans for an  auction later  this  year  and   allocations in the next auction to be priced
        set a  target for the launch  of services   in a way which ensures they have enough
        in the next 14  months. In  India’s  annual   cash  to  finance  full  deployment.  The
        budget statement, Sitharaman announced   country previously tried to sell 5G-suitable
        the provisional  timeline for its  next   spectrum  in the 700MHz  band alongside
        spectrum  auction alongside  an industrial   various other  frequencies,  but failed to   were introduced in 2021  to “catalyze
        scheme  she  said would  deliver design-  attract  bids due to high reserve prices   further  investment in next generation
        led manufacturing  and build a  strong 5G   as  cash-strapped  operators focused   technologies” and relieve the pressure on
        ecosystem.  Operators are expected  to   on 4G.  A number of structural  reforms   financially struggling operators.

        Telecoms Minister Asks Operators to Phase Out 3G Networks

        Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication   Plate said: ‘This 4G signal is the backbone   need  to  address  how it  could  achieve
        and Information (MCI,  aka  KemKominfo)   of our national communication.  I’ve also   this given  that currently, some 83,218
        has  reportedly  asked the country’s   asked the cellular operators  to fade out   villages/kelurahan are still not covered by
        incumbent  mobile  network operators   3G. Why is 3G being faded out instead of   4G networks, while out of 12,548 villages/
        (MNOs) to phase out 3G mobile technology   2G? Because it’s a different  user.  2G is   kelurahan, 9,113 are located in the Frontier,
        in favor of bolstering  4G or 5G coverage   voice  communication, while 3G is  data   Remotest  and Disadvantaged  (so-called
        for mobile data  services. Minister of   communication.’  However, local industry   ‘3T’) areas.
        Communication and Information Johnny G   watchers  note  that the government  will

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