Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 71


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        Telefonica Activates First Open RAN Mini-Radio Cells

        Telefonica  Deutschland,  which provides   with their smartphones.  Inconspicuously   software-based  and  offers  significantly
        services under  the brand  name O2, says   integrated  into  the streetscape  and   greater flexibility in  the selection  of
        it  has  activated  Germany’s  first  mini-  cityscape,  they  provide every  customer   manufacturers in the future, as less fixed
        radio cells  with  Open RAN technology  in   with reliable access to a high-performance   infrastructure needs  to be replaced  or
        Munich.  The  firm  said  that  the  move  will   4G network in many public places, and in   exchanged,  since updating  the software
        provide customers with more capacity   the future also 5G,’ said Mallik Rao, CTO at   is largely sufficient to bring new services
        and higher  bandwidths at  busy locations   Telefonica Deutschland. Open RAN is more   onto the network.
        in city centers, such as squares, shopping
        streets and public transport stops, in the
        future. The mini-radio cells, attached to a
        building  facade in  Munich’s  Gartnerplatz
        district, supplement the 4G/5G mobile
        network installed on rooftops  in the city
        Centre, but do not replace  it.  In  addition
        to a power supply, the small cells required
        a  connection  via  fiber-optics.  The
        installation of pure 5G Open RAN mini
        radio cells (5G Standalone) will follow later
        this year, again in Munich. ‘With our Open
        RAN Small Cells, we are launching a model
        project for major German cities in Munich.
        From the customer’s point of view, they are
        a  particular  benefit  where  a  particularly
        large number of people are out and about

        Vodafone 5G Reaches Over 50% of Germans

        Vodafone  Germany  has  announced  that   increase network coverage  to more than   rates of up to 200Mbps and the 3500MHz
        coverage  of its 5G network now reaches   60 million Germans by 2023. Vodafone is   band  is  being  rolled  out  in  high  traffic
        more than half of the population. Around   using  the 1800MHz  band  to provide 5G   areas such as stadiums and train stations,
        18,000 antennas in 6,000 locations are   in densely populated cities, residential   where it  is  able to support  speeds  of
        now live, enabling around 45 million people   areas  and  suburbs  with  speeds  of  more   1Gbps. Furthermore, in the Red Bull Arena
        in both rural and urban areas to connect   than 500Mbps, while the 700MHz range is   in Leipzig Vodafone has also activated its
        to 5G services. The firm is now aiming to   being deployed in rural areas to offer data   first 5G antenna in the 26GHz band.

        TIM Brasil Stages 3.5GHz VoNR 5G Trial with Huawei

        TIM  Brasil  has teamed  up with Chinese   end-to-end  experience,  with the  best   for eleven lots of spectrum and is obliged
        vendor  Huawei to test 5G voice-over-  and most advanced  5G network in the   to offer 5G services in all state capitals and
        New Radio (VoNR) services using the   country.’  In November  2021 TIM  Brasil   the Federal District (Distrito Federal) by 31
        3.5GHz band. TeleSintese quotes Marco Di   successfully bid on 5G-suitable spectrum   July 2022.
        Costanzo, Network Director at TIM Brasil,   in the 2.3GHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz bands.
        as  saying: ‘We  want  to  offer  a  complete,   TIM paid BRL1.05 billion (USD190 million)

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